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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. In the process of preparing my body for NSLU by doing the only thing I can to get it... which is downloading NSMBU... Doesn't seem to be taking too long - but it's gonna be a bitch of a wait before I can get me some Weegee action! Aaaaand downloaded. 2 things. Firstly, I know it's DLC, but a separate game icon would have been nice rather than loading through NSMBU. But that's just me being picky! :P Secondly - can NSLU be played with the Pro Controller? NSMBU had the option, but not seeing one for Luigi?
  2. WTF kind of update is this. Seriously. I actually want stuff to play on my Wii U - considering it's gonna take a month or 2 before we start seeing games, I'd expect Nintendo to at least throw some stuff on the VC to tide people over! Thank God for the 3DS is all I can say right now!
  3. Wait so you can get people to leave?! I have been growing a very successful and rather amazing fruit forest with trees containing every fruit in a nice corner of my town. Loads up the game yesterday, some absolute winner has moved in - right in the spot my trees are! Absolutely fuming. I want to demolish the house quite frankly. Can I do this?!!
  4. When I went into GAME at the weekend to trade some stuff in and pick up some eShop vouchers, the girl behind the counter (casually striking up conversation) asked if I was planning on downloading any games. I said at some point in the future as I was currently obsessed with AC. Her eyes lit up and she was like 'Oh my God me too!' She asked if I had my 3ds with me which unusually I did as I never take it anywhere with me but needed the play coins for forunte cookies! I asked her not to judge when I whipped Peachy out (Pink Peach 3ds FYI ) and she thought it was the most amazing thing ever and told me she had the other 2 consoles (Mario, Toad) !!! Anyway, we both got a street pass and added each others friend codes and had a proper in depth chat about the game! The lad who was also working just kept looking in despair and it didn't twig why until I thanked the girl for my purchased item and help etc and turned round only to see a massive queue! Ooops! Guess got a little carried away! I also got a further AC street pass on the same trip from someone in Scotland?! Can't beat the green light of goodness!
  5. If these difficult stages later on are anything like the 'Run for it' level on NSMBU then I will look to it with fear! Those later levels were a bitch to get through!
  6. Yesteryear that collection is absolutely out of this world amazing.
  7. I traded in Lego City Undercover for the 3ds today in GAME (only bought so I could get Animal Crossing free) and bought eShop vouchers with the trade in value. Those bad boys will be used to download this - prob download tomorrow morning or something. Have 2 weeks off work so can hopefully complete some of my gaming backlog - though this is top of the agenda to play if I can tear myself away from Animal Crossing! (Unlikely) Glad to see the positive reviews and impressions of it though!
  8. Interesting. I guess it is that kinda game though where it can possibly grow tiresome. I have to say I have been really enjoying it, but it's almost becoming a routine for me now with what I'm doing. Load the game up, look for fossils, fortune cookie, check on my fruit forest, have the ceremony for my newly completed project, start a new project, sail to the island, catch shit load of bugs and sharks, return and sell, pay off house, request new expansion, pay off project, sleep. This is in different bursts throughout the day of course but it's generally the same each day. Having said that... I don't feel like I've even scratched the surface yet with this game - not one bit. I haven't donated anything to the museum as I've been money hungry, my house is an absolute disgrace (where do you get sodding carpet and wallpaper from?!), I have no clothes for my character and desperately need some new swag, I have only just invested in turnips, no new shops are open yet, hardly anyone's visited my town as I want to improve it loads before I let people in! So yeah, loads to do! A few pics from me to finish my post: This dude washed up the shore a few days ago - wouldn't wake up and kept saying stuff that didn't make sense! Next day he'd gone! Got this cool badge for my fishing efforts! I guess there's more of these for different things? Kinda like an in game achievement system?! Very cool! Aaaand lastly, to complete my already awesome Mario Kart - I got a triple narna item in my fortune cookie today!! So naturally I placed them here...
  9. Lol pretty much how the convo went! There's some strange folk in my town
  10. I had a yellow one today! Basically just go and ask all of your townsfolk if it's theirs! The first person I asked said it was theirs!! But it turned out to be an empty bag anyway - he hadn't put anything in it ha.
  11. Oh cool thanks Guy! I thought I had you added on my 3ds but mustn't have? Anyway, added your code. Not had a friend request / confirmation from you though? I can wait til your back from work or when it's more convenient for you if it's easier - no rush. I just wanna get my fruit on
  12. Can anyone help me out with some fruit please?! I need the following: Pears Melons Lemons Lychees Bananas Mangos Persimmons Any help would be appreciated!
  13. Today in my fortune cookie I won a Virtual Boy! And I put plans down for a second floor in my house! Now to find some money for it haha. Question: the flowers that can be planted - do you need a watering can to plant them or will they just grow on their own like fruit trees?
  14. Totally agree. There's always something fresh about other mushroom kingdom characters being the star of games. Sometimes it makes for better results than the usual mario platformer. That's why I intend to play as peach for this game and pretend its super peach 3d world instead... I can dream!! Haha
  15. How DARE you profess happiness on the Nintendo forums S.C.G! How dare you. :awesome:
  16. Lol yeah trying to explain Animal Crossing is very tricky haha. I only got it as it was my free game otherwise all the hype in the world might not have convinced me to part with my cash for it! However, thank God for Nintendo and their too many games promotion! The game really is a joy!
  17. Well the argument kinda stands up. Those games will sell the console. It's quite simply that. I agree - hence me giving my personal opinion on the situation and why I see where Nintendo look to be going with their 'strategy'. I agree with what you say however, regarding online with Mario World - totally. It should be there and there is no excuse at all that it isn't. My current Wii U collection is Lego City Undercover. I mean - whut. Lol. I too want the games to be there and maybe we differ in opinion in that I am more than happy with what's coming this year and into next. The only game from the first party line up I'm not bothered about is Pikmin 3 - and that's coz I've never clicked with it. But the rest - most are day one! Whilst I really understand why people are mad or disappointed with Nintendo, I am just excited with what's coming. And I think it's just because of the type of gamer I am, I dunno. But I guess like you say - personal opinion is where it's at here and to an extent I can see how people are left wanting.
  18. I have to say I see your point here but also kinda disagree to an extent. I agree that they're success has come from tapping into the casual market, which I have to say I kind of applaud for the way they did it with the Wii etc. However, since when were system-pushing, awe-inspring video games the be all and end all of a video game system? I think that's more a casual gamer mind set than an actual hardened gamer mind set as I quite frankly don't care what games look like - providing I have FUN. And that is not something I get from killing yet another soldier in yet another realistic shooter on yet another 'next gen' game. It's tricky for Nintendo now as it would be (in my opnion) a very foolosh move to try and move away from the market that they so successfully captured with the Wii - hence why we're seeing games like Mario World. I think people forget that the Wii U was originally 'advertised' (if you will) at their E3 reveal and such, as a family console. A new single player Mario (as much as I would love to see it don't get me wrong), would not appeal to the families as the console is intended to do. Putting personal thoughts aside - do you guys not think that Mario World is a fantastic game for families to play together regardless of age, gender, playing ability etc? Coz I do. I think it's great! I can just see a family settling down on a Saturday night to play this game (and others coming to the console) together - and it's a pretty remarkable thing in the games industry. : peace: Whilst it may not suit my personal wants or needs, or some others on here, I know I will still have loads of fun with it, and I think it's needed to bring interest and sales to the console. I may have gone slightly off topic here so I apologise if so, and I do agree Ville, that the comapny is not the same in terms of it's goals as what it may have once been. But if it was the same company from all those years ago, I'm honestly not so sure they'd still be around - and that would be the biggest travesty ever.
  19. Ah cool ok. Well I've hardly done any online to be honest. I've only ever had 1 visitor. I kinda want my town to get a bit better before I let people in! It's a shame you can only do 1 public project at a time. I have soooo much I want to add to my town to make it better. At the minute, getting round is a bit of a ball ache with only 1 bridge!
  20. So... did anything come of this?! Done a quick Google search at work - nothing came up really other than forum based speculation! There's me thinking Dreamcast 2! Haha.
  21. I do plan to but need to sort my NSMBU situation out first! I was gonna just download that but it's fifty quid - even with a shit tonne of eShop vouchers building up I can't justify fifty quid for a game I've already played to get NSLU. (If anyone says about selling something to buy it again ill hunt you down and beat you!) So part of me might just wait and buy 2 boxes versions as want one to remain sealed for collectors purposes. Plus, I'm currently involved with animal crossing and can't see me having time for any other game for a while yet!
  22. Ah sounds so cool! You guys should all go if you can - even if it's just for the potential Nintendo swag!! I have never been to Landan! But kinda wish I was closer for a sweet event like this! If anyone does go take loads of pics and make me jealous!
  23. Cool thanks Rummy! I am currently in the process of making me a forest of fruit trees! It's so good seeing them grow each day - and today I've finally got fruit! Peaches, apples, coconuts and my native cherries! I've also planted lychees, pears and perfect cherry trees this evening too! This is so they can grow and I can sell in bulk when I can't be bothered going back and two the island for bugs!!
  24. I've had a good mix. Varia suit, Blue Pikmin, '?' Block, Prianha plant pipe, Mario Kart, that's it I think so far? And @Blade just generously gave me his Peach Parasol! And some pears!! Cheers bud! QUESTION: If you plant fruit and get trees - do the trees stick around? As in, unless you chop them down will they constantly grow fruit?
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