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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. Love the white. Think it looks really nice. 
    Disappointed at no internal upgrade. 
    They could have lengthened the lifespan of it somewhat whereas I don’t feel like this will. 
    Normally I’d be 100% buying one, but I haven’t touched my Switch in months. The E3 revealed games will get some play time from me, but not sure it’s worth getting this just for those. 

  2. I’m playing through this again on my PS5 at the moment. Just started this morning. I am currently on holiday from work, so enjoying gaming all day, basically!

    I just managed to get a copy of this and with me having free time decided to dive in again! 

    EDIT Capcom DO use the controller haptics. My bad. Not sure why I didn’t feel them between handgun and shotgun early on when I first got the shotgun, but now I can definitely feel it. So that’s good! :D 

  3. Played more of this now. Onto world 5. 
    Continuing to be a little frustrated with the controls and the level of precision that is required with some of these later levels. 
    I don’t think the way Sack Boy controls is tight enough to make it seamless and continually enjoyable to play. 

    In comparison to a Mario game of this nature, it’s highlighted how much better the control of Mario is. Even Lucky (mentioning SLT again) felt better than this. 

    I can’t work out if it’s just me not being good enough, or if the game is lacking. Could be the former! But I’ve played a lot of games like this and something just feels off with it. 
    All of that aside, it is still a good game and the ideas on display in some of the worlds is really great! I’ve smiled my way through a few stages (not many) and when it hits it right it’s really great. 
    The last boss level I just played (N.A.O.M.I) was particularly fantastic and definitely a boss I will remember as a stand out in this genre. 
    I just can’t get past Sack Boys control!! 

  4. 3 hours ago, nekunando said:

    I played one or two levels back when the PS5 launched as my brother picked it up. 

    I don't think he's got very far in it or even played it since those early days but.. yeh, I was bored too!

    I've been known to make a call pretty quickly with some games and that is definitely the case here. I just knew immediately from the way it felt that it wasn't going to give me what I was looking for.

    I guess Nintendo have just spoiled me with Mario for too long :grin:

    I am glad I stuck with it. It has definitely started to improve for me now I am at world 4. Some of the levels have been quite clever, particularly the ones that give you additional items to use to get Sack Boy through them. 
    Difficulty has ramped up too which was needed. I don’t think it’ll go down as a classic, but the production of the game is pretty top notch. Good voice acting with some famous voices (Dawn French), and I’m pretty sure the Meerkat from Compare the Market voices the clothes shop guy! 
    They also have some pretty famous songs and melodies in some levels, so they must have forked out a pretty penny for the rights to those too! 

    • Like 1
  5. Heh, I take it back. Into world 3 now and seeing way more variety. 
    Enjoying it a lot more now. I still find the platforming a little clunky at times. I think it’s the moveset and control of Sack Boy that’s the issue. I also HATE the health system. Is it 2 hits and you lose a life? It isn’t clear at all. 

    It also takes quite a while to bring you back after losing a life, which can impact certain challenges like getting the blue orb things. 
    Niggles aside, much better now I’m further in! I imagine it’s great fun in co-op. 

    • Like 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Sad to hear that, I really loved this game, but I've not tried Super Lucky's Tale tbf. I thought the levels in Sackboy were all pretty inventive, each one offering something new.

    The hover mechanic comes in handy with the challenge levels, it's a life saver!

    I’m going to stick with it. One world isn’t really enough of a chance as if it’s anything like a Mario game, it’ll get better / tougher. 

    I did do one challenge level last night and really enjoyed it actually! 

    • Like 1
  7. I started playing this yesterday. Onto world two currently and I’m a bit… bored. 
    It reminds me a lot of Super Luckys Tale, but that is a better game (so far) IMO. 

    I liked the collectibles better on SLT. The letters of LUCKY (DK style), and the gems etc. This is just blue orbs which don’t look too different than the costume collectibles other than their colour. 
    Gameplay wise, I’m not keen on the move set at all. Feels like Sack Boy is lacking a double jump, there is a kind of hover / glide mechanic but feels really short and a bit pointless? 

    The game looks good, and reminds me of Yoshi games with the knitted and cardboard textures. So far, I’m glad I got it for £20 but not sure if I will even see my way through to the end. May just trade it in if I don’t start enjoying it a bit more. It may be just a bit too cutesy for me. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Julius said:

    100% this, I've been thinking the same, think it would've helped to keep things fresh too. I also found it weird that unlocking an item as Ratchet you'd automatically get the same weapon as Rivet, and vice versa. It's even weirder if you consider that you can only (re-)visit certain planets as each character, you'd think that would've been down to them having unique mechanics rather than "uh, I guess they won't go here?". Especially after things open up too! 

    Rivet even has a bionic arm -- how do you not do something unique with that?! 

    Yes completely. Such a missed opportunity. Didn’t think about her bionic arm and what that could have opened up, game play wise. 
    I feel like I’m hating on the game. But couldn’t be more opposite. I loved it overall. Just think there were a couple of missed opportunities. 

  9. 8 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    I'm starting to remember why the PS4 game didn't really stick with me, the gameplay here is incredibly repetitive and one-note.

    I'm still really enjoying it and obviously the visuals and presentation are incredible, but I feel like I'm just doing the same thing on every planet. All the gameplay concepts like the crystals that swap dimensions, that should be a mechanic they build that whole planet's puzzles around, but no, it's as linear as you can get and they barely do anything with it. 

    Don't want to sound too down on it cause it's still loads of fun, but yeah...

    I get what you mean. 
    For me, it varied the gameplay up enough. Like the scuttlebug sections, the bigger planets that had you skating around and finding the lorb / orb things. And then the gravity planet etc. 

    There was just enough variety but that’s where my complaint about the game starting to outstay it’s welcome came in. A little too repetitive in terms of combat. And not enough interesting weapons this time around for me. They all felt like they did the same thing. 

    I think they could have done more differentiating between Ratchet and Rivet too. Both had the same weapon set, move set, everything. 

    What you’re saying though has been my biggest problem with the last couple of Sony exclusives I’ve played. All the same. Spider-Man. Combat bad guys, new area, combat bad guys. Move on to new area. Combat bad guys. Rinse and repeat. 
    The Last of Us. Basically the same game as the first only one million times longer, infinitely more boring with the same gameplay from the original game. Only strung out over two “campaigns” with different people. 

    There is still enjoyment to be had with them, but I do find them a bit copy and paste and same can be said for R&C to a degree. I loved this game though overall! If it were two hours longer I’d be saying the same. 

    • Like 1
  10. 1 hour ago, Ronnie said:

    Thanks for the tip, I just got the void reactor so will level it up.

    With the frequency trophies kept popping I figured it would be a pretty easy plat tbh!

    Hopefully no trophy tied to levelling up all weapons cause some of them are a bit rubbish for my play style

    Yeah no level up trophies other than getting one item up to lv 5. Which will happen fairly quickly. Really nice trophy list. Nothing too grindy whereas it would have been so easy for them to add some in to get ALL weapons up to level 5 or something. 
    The only negative of this trophy list is it not adding much more game length. The best trophies IMO make you look at the game again in a different way, or add length with fun trophies. These were just a bit run of the mill. Fun though, nonetheless! 

    • Thanks 1
  11. Nice. I don’t have Plus currently and don’t plan on having it unless a game comes up on the store that’s cheaper with it which I want. 
    With this being in my GP library I won’t get it on here, but great to see it as a freebie for plus members! 

  12. Got the Plat last night. 
    Found a MUCH easier way to get that last Trophy. 
    For anyone going for the plat, my advice is to buy and use the Void Repulser as soon as possible in your original play through. 
    Get it up to LV 5, and then it’ll become the Void Reactor. 

    Once you have that, don’t bother with the bronze challenges as there’s a much easier way! See video below. I did this for 5 min and it popped. There is a Ms Zurkon right next to the area so you can keep running back and refilling your ammo which depletes rapidly when using the shield. 


    • Thanks 1
  13. 2 minutes ago, Mandalore said:

    One of the golden bolts gives you the option to turn on infinite ammo. I also saw a great tip about using the Topiary Sprinkler, you can adsorb the little bits of topiary and fire them instead of enemy projectiles.

    Yeah read that. Think you need all of the golden bolts to do so. 
    I only have 10/25 and don’t really want to collect the rest. I may just grind it out with it only being one more trophy to go! 
    Ooo will have a look at topiary sprinkler! 

  14. 17 minutes ago, Julius said:

    The best place I found to do this was in the first Bronze Battleplex Challenge, clear the first wave and then just keep your distance from the pirates, soak up their shots, and then fire them back (remember to keep them in the middle of your screen). Clear this stage a couple of times and you should have it in no time. 

    Only difficulty you might have is if you've upgraded the Void Reactor, your shield blast radius will be increased, so you might need to absorb their projectiles and then make sure you're far enough away (such as standing in a corner with them at least halfway across the arena) and then firing their shots back. 

    Haha sounds like a copy and paste from the trophy guide I followed 😛. 
    That’s exactly what I’m doing (battleplex) and I haven’t upgraded the weapon either. It’s just incredibly fiddly. 
    The other trophies have been ok so far, this one is a howler. 

  15. I have one trophy left to get and it’s a horror. 
    Using the Void Reactor weapon to soak up bullets and fire them back. 
    Not only have I had to start a new game to level up the weapon to lv 5, I now can’t seem to do what I need to actually do. 
    The weapon runs out of ammo very quickly so I’m only really getting to kill one enemy at a time. 

    Watched some YT vids and others have said it’s a tricky one too. Last one I need too!! 

  16. To add to my rest mode woes, I’ve had this game crash on me three times this evening. Not once has it crashed on me throughout my whole play through (gotta be around 12 hours) yet tonight it’s going into overdrive with it. 
    Each time, it’s been when loading a planet, it just stays on a black or purple screen. I can press the PS button and go home, but once home the controller stops responding and then I have to pull the power cord. Never had a game crash on me so far. 
    I think I may send this off to Sony. Or, I may do a factory reset first just to see, but users on Reddit with similar issues have reported no joy from that. I’ve had a pretty terrible experience with this console from day one tbh. 

    Trying to nab the platinum before I trade it in but it’s just making it a painful experience. 

  17. 1 hour ago, Julius said:

    Out of curiosity, can you still hear the game/console it crashes? And are you using a TV with a Game Mode or HDR? Because I think I've read a few accounts where disabling the Game Mode/HDR worked for some. Might be a bit of a pain but have you tried turning the console off rather than putting it into Rest Mode? Not ideal but I know it was a bit of a concern for some at launch. 

    Either way, sounds like you're having a rough go of it with your console so far though, sorry to hear it :( 

    Hmm not sure if i can hear it when it crashes. I get a green screen once the “putting console in rest mode” is showing and the lights continue to flash white then it just dies. I then have to power it back on from the console and get told off for removing the power cable every time I then reboot it. 
    I do have a game mode, yeah. It’s set to auto, so will go in and out of game mode when the console turns on or off. I can try to change it to off, but game mode on my Samsung Frame is quite good as it brightens the picture nicely. I may try knocking it off though, it’s a good shout! 

    1 hour ago, Dcubed said:

    Rest mode is basically broken on PS5 right now; almost everyone has been having issues with it.  I wouldn’t bother using it until they fix it properly (probably not until 2022 when the effects of COVID start wearing off).

    Yeah my mate has one and he’s had zero issues. Had his longer than mine too. Always goes into rest mode no problem. 
    And normally I wouldn’t be so bothered about using rest mode if the controller would charge another way. That doesn’t involve me buying the charging cradle. 

  18. Well, it was going so well putting the console into rest mode from the Home Screen. But today I have had three green screen crashes each time I have gone to put into rest mode. All from Home Screen. :(

    To add to that, just had the actual console freeze up whilst travelling to a different planet in R&C, and when it eventually kicked me out to the Home Screen, all I could do was bring up the sub menu so I put it into rest mode and it’s now just stuck with the white lights flashing on the console for the last ten minutes. 
    I give up.

    • Sad 1
  19. And that’s a wrap! 
    What a game! Loved it. 

    Super impressive visuals, great story and a joy to play for the most part. 
    I do have some gripes: 

    No Mr Zurkon weapon. 
    No Disco Ball weapon. 
    What the hell were they thinking removing them?! (Unless you can unlock later). 

    I HATED the Glitch sections. Not only did she have the most annoying voice in gaming, I just found them boring to play. 
    Similar to the Clank sections. They just always came at the wrong time. 
    It felt like the developers were trying to break away from the action to give you a breather, but the layer ones could take up to 10 minutes plus to get through, which just stalls the enjoyment of the story for me. 
    Appreciated the idea, and they were clever little sub levels, but not for me. 

    Some of the platforming was quite ropey. Particularly the sections when running on the side plates. The game didn’t do a good job of letting you know where the character was going to land, so often I plunged to me death by missing a double jump, or not gliding after jumping. I had more deaths on platforming than I did with enemies I think in the end. 

    The games length was pretty much spot on. Towards the end I felt it beginning to outstay it’s welcome somewhat, but the final 30-45 mins really threw you into the action and gave it a great finish. 
    Overall, really enjoyed it. From a technical standing it’s one of the best games I’ve ever seen. Could even be the best? 
    Fell short in some areas, but nothing major so an all around triumph I’d say! 

    • Like 3
  20. 7 hours ago, Will said:

    Oh that’s interesting! Thinking about it I always go to the dashboard before I put my machine in rest mode. I’m going to try doing it in a game and see if I get the crashes.

    I haven’t tried doing it yet in game since I’ve had a run of success putting it into sleep from the dashboard. 
    I may try it later and see if that’s what is causing the issue. 

    Hopefully yours doesn’t crash if you try it! 

  21. Started putting my console into rest mode when not in a game. 

    So, going back to home / the dashboard page and then putting it into sleep mode. 

    5 times later, it has stayed in rest mode with no green screen and no shut downs. :) 

    I've also taken it out of the cabinet, so could be a combination of both, or could just be coincidence. But will keep going in this manner and see if it continues to hold up ok!

    • Like 2
  22. Honestly this game. :eek:
    Every single time I load it I’m just in awe of how it looks. 
    Literally the best looking game I think I’ve ever seen by some margin. I know it’s “cartoony” so maybe easier to achieve? But regardless, if this is what they can do with a PS5 so soon into its life then I can’t wait to see how this gen goes. 

    I wonder how it runs on a PS4 Pro and if there are any obvious downgrades. I can’t imagine it being this good. I’m playing in fidelity mode which locks at 30fps, but the full 4K is quite something. 

    • Like 1
  23. 22 minutes ago, Will said:

    Oh if that’s the case it really sucks, guess there isn’t much point doing anything until they know why it happens and how to fix it.

    Have you tried taking it out of the cabinet? I know my PS4 Pro would occasionally fire up all the fans as it was overheating itself while shut away. Could be something similar and it’s not handling it properly?

    Yeah I could do I just really don’t want it on display. But I did consider it. 
    I will give that a whirl later and see how it goes. 👍🏼

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