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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. Just now, Sheikah said:
    On 02/10/2021 at 11:08 AM, Aneres11 said:
    Jeez. This video definitely shows how much better that OLED screen is. 
    Seems a lot of YouTubers with gaming content got their OLEDS early. Nice to see some proper hands on and comparisons! 

    For this OLED model, does this have the improved battery that the later Switch models have? Or the same bad battery as the launch Switch models?

    Not sure for certain. One video I did watch with someone who has the OLED model early, is that it lasted a fraction longer than their ‘better battery’ Switch model. So seems like it must have been improved? 

    3-4 hours is good enough for me, as I rarely even game that long in one go tbh. But for others who do I can see why it can be shoddy. 

  2. Question. If I sold my current Switch BEFORE I got an oled switch on Friday, am I missing out on anything by not doing a system transfer?! 
    I thought I’d need to have both systems to do the transfer before I sold my current Switch? 

    But thinking on it, would I not just need to redownload any eShop games and game saves? I’m a Switch Online member so don’t think I’m missing anything am I? 
    nintendo consoles just give me anxiety as I never know what I’m gonna lose by swapping a console over. :D

  3. I have been thinking about the Switch a fair bit recently as I have amassed a bit of a backlog of games that I have had my eye on, but am yet to buy. 

    So I am sorting a list of upcoming and already released games that I want to get stuck into first. 

    It got me thinking about games I have played so far, and whilst I haven't been as satisfied with the Switch as I would have liked, I have had some great experiences with it. 

    For me, I think I'd have to say Animal Crossing has been the highlight. Which is pretty surprising as I have never been a massive fan of the series - but this one really grabbed me. Perhaps it was due to COVID hitting and us all being locked down giving me a load of time to play the game, but I still love the work I put in on both of my islands and have massively fond memories of the whole experience. 

    Breath of the Wild and also playing the Switch for the first time was also a great moment for me. Similarly, I've never been a huge Zelda fan but that game really drew me in. 

    What about everyone else? 

    Was it a particular game that stood out, or just the overall use of the system on the go or the ability to play in bed etc that you've enjoyed? 


    • Thanks 2
  4. 1 hour ago, Will said:

    Well I have to say I’m quite disappointed from my quick try. I’m playing on PS5 but it runs like crap. Numerous slowdowns during regular gameplay and I’d totally forgotten pop-up was a thing until I was playing Monkey Race, it was honestly like something on the Saturn. Monkey Fight doesn’t seem to play quite right and you can’t punch the camera after you win which was a great little touch in the originals. Monkey Target just seems completely broken. Not their fault but definitely miss the notches of the Gamecube main stick.

    So yeah, not great so far which is a real shame.

    This is absolutely NOT what I wanted to hear! 

    I also was pretty good (if I do say so myself) at this back in the day. Basically because it was the only game I had to play over the summer holidays, so I ended up managing to get through Experts 50 levels which was a great accomplishment for me! 

    When you say it runs like crap, is that the main mode, or just the party game things you've tried? I'm not bothered about them, I'm only here for the single player! 

    I don't understand why Sega are so shoddy at ports. Sonic Colours was also ass, and I've just about had enough of that game after forcing myself on it again today. 

  5. Did anyone pick this up yet?
    It seems to have been reviewed really well. I’ve gone from not having much to play to having three games on the go, and October is looking like a pretty busy month so not sure when I will get time to play this. 

    I may just download it anyway and force myself to find time for it, as it looks great. 

  6. I'm struggling with the want to finish this. Think I've done 4 worlds and I'm up to the aquatic one. 

    I am finding it boring. My earlier complaint regarding the wisps not really serving a purpose is still relevant. There's only been a handful of stages that actually need you to use the wisps to progress or to get through a level. 

    Considering the game is so heavily built around them in its story and placement of them in levels, it's stupid. I also think the controls are a step behind Forces, which is so far and away the better game. Despite what reviewers say IMO. 

  7. I bought the Deluxe edition of this on my Series X so I could play it over the weekend. 

    I bought this the first time round, but remembered nothing about it other than the fact I wasn't that impressed with it. 

    Well, so far, same kinda feeling. It's funny really as this is the Sonic game most people say is the better one, or one of the best recent ones. I disagree. I've had way more fun with both Forces and Unleashed. 

    The problem with this game, is the Wisps. The levels have absolutely no structure to them what so ever. I'm two worlds in and some wisps aren't even unlocked yet. The ones that are, well they serve no real purpose. The drill wisp, for example, just lets you plummet underground at speed to get elusive red rings, or more coins or whatever. It isn't a necessity to finish the level with it. It's all very tacked on. 

    In Sonic forces, the wisps were better I felt as there was less of them, but they actually served a purpose to further you in a level and it was if the level was built with them in mind. Not all, granted, but a few which made the inclusion fit much better. 

    I will keep going with it as there are some elements of the game that are enjoyable. 

    I think as remakes go, this looks pretty trash. Keep forgetting I'm playing on my Xbox and no on Switch. The cut scenes have had no polish added what so ever and look utter ass. 

    The sound in the game is all over the place. Voice acting is extremely quiet, but level playing and sound effects in game are super loud. So I can't get the balance right at all. 

    All in all, not crazy on it. Which is a shame as I always felt I must have been missing something first time round as I'm such a huge Sonic fan. But I don't think I was... 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  8. Started playing Psychonauts 2 today. 

    Looked great and is reviewing really well so thought I'd give it a go. 

    Enjoying it so far, but the story is a bit tricky to follow. I know it's all a bit silly anyway but I do applaud them for trying to shine light on serious issues like depression and anxiety, alcoholism etc in a game like this. Which on the surface looks very kid friendly in its style. 

    It plays nicely too, which is good and seems like there's a lot of collectibles to be had. Filling a gap nicely for me given there's such a drought at the min! 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 53 minutes ago, Sheikah said:
    5 hours ago, Cube said:
    So it seams the main reason to play Halo Infinite (campaign co-op) has been delayed for at least six months.
    I'm expecting split screen campaign to be quietly shoved under a rug and never actually happen.
    Forge mode is also delayed for at least six months.

    Mad they're still releasing it when it clearly isn't ready yet.

    Isn't that the norm these days? :p

  10. 43 minutes ago, darksnowman said:

    Finished Masters of the Universe: Revelation, having watched an episode these past evenings with food. Just made the mistake of checking online to see how it's been received. Turns out not well.

    Doesn't matter one jot to me because I enjoyed it, liked what they went for and will watch more when it comes. :cool: 

    I also started this tonight! 

    Only two in... I watched the first one and enjoyed it. The second was boring... I was distracted by just about everything (my phone, the dog, being hungry lol), and found myself not following along. 

    What I liked is that it felt quite faithful to the original series. The characters were all easily identifiable and while the voices lack a certain something compared to the original, they were still quite good. It's already a step up to what they did to She-Ra, anyway. 

    I will stick with it! 

  11. This may have already been suggested, or it could be an option I could enable myself but not sure…

    But on other forums, when I’ve visited threads and then come back to them later on or the next day and further messages have been posted, I just need to click the thread name and it takes me to the post after the one I last viewed. Very handy to allow you to catch up on messages. 
    On this forum, clicking the thread name just always takes me to the first post. 

    I know I can go to the last post by clicking in the time / person who last posted section, but then I have to scroll up to read what I’ve missed, and sometimes even go back a page. 

    Is this just a setting / preference I need to enable (had a look but couldn’t see), or something that can be considered as a suggestion?! 

  12. I think I’m going to pick this up at the weekend. 
    I very vaguely remember playing the original and hating it, but I generally hate motion controls so that’s probably why. 

    My only issue with Zelda games is getting stuck. :p 

    YouTube and guides become my friend and then I always feel like an absolute moron for not realising that’s what you have to do. Too impatient! :blush:

    Although sometimes with Zelda it’s not actually that obvious! 

  13. I do use my switch in handheld quite a lot. As I’ve said before, Mario Tennis is my most played game and I feel when playing online that the pro controller has lag. So I much prefer handheld. 

    But my concern here is whilst OLED is great, the increased screen size and the lack of resolution bump is just going to make things look… worse? 
    Interesting we’ve still not seen any picture with the screen on. 

    Looking forward to when some tech sites get some hands on! 

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