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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. I downloaded this on Game Pass last night and played co-op with @LegoMan1031 

    It was a buggy mess. Not sure if that was either one of our internets (bad connection), or just the game itself? 

    We had drop in and out, where my character would disappear yet still be on screen in the other players game. I had the level start screen appear 5 times during one level out of nowhere and it just kept adding me back where I was already at. So that was weird. 

    Really enjoyed the first 5 levels though! 

  2. 1 hour ago, darksnowman said:

    Totally agree, @Aneres11. I also remember the day I got Mario Tennis 64--walked up to get it from Game the Saturday morning after release. Isn't it so nice to have tennis with powerups be in a separate mode! Only got the NSO Expansion Pack about three weeks ago myself and Mario Tennis is what I've been playing on it. Don't think I'd played it since the university days fifteen odd years ago (I say that because a friend borrowed it and never returned it after uni ended... :nono: ...so I've had an empty box for it all this time :weep: ) and it's been so easy to get back into. All characters starred so far! Give me a shout if you ever fancy a game online.

    What?! You can play it online?! As if! Didn't know that :blush:.

    Yesss always up for online! 

  3. I bought this expansion after Mario Karts additional tracks were included with it. Seemed like a no brainer, as I wanted to get this anyway for a number of games. 

    The one I was looking forward to most? Mario Tennis! 

    I've always been a huge fan of the series, harking all the way back to this game which I got for my birthday one year as a kid. 

    Well, I haven't played it since those days and it's utterly remarkable how solid the mechanics of this game are. When you play Mario Kart 64, the series had very clearly improved beyond recognition in terms of handling etc whereas with Tennis, they've actually dumbed it down to be a shell of its former self. 

    I HATE these stupid trick shots, party games and gimmicks in tennis games. I just want basic, solid tennis and Mario Tennis is great at this. The amount of serves that go out or into the net if you don't hit them 'properly', and same with groundstrokes, feels right. In the latest Switch tennis game, you cannot miss a serve. To my knowledge anyway. And I've clocked over 350 hours on that game so. Same with ground strokes.  You can't hit a shot out unless you're pulled wide and the character is too far out the court to make the shot and it'll drift long / wide. 

    Its actually a little bit sad. I knew the games had become watered down in favour of racket breaking and power shots (utter shit mechanics btw) but it's pretty stark how much worse they've made these games over the years. 

    Still, i'm having great fun with this because you actually have to work for points and be a little bit tactical, although by the time you get to the Star Cup it's almost like playing against a wall lol. 

    Looking forward to playing more N64 games and reliving my youth! 

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  4. Was literally only here for the tennis, and it is all I will be buying it for, and I kept getting the stupid sword game 3 times in a row!! Which I have zero interest in and was bored out my brain with. 

    So I sacked it off. 

    How very Nintendo to not let you choose the sport you want to play. Lol. 


    • Haha 2
    • Weird 1
  5. I played a fair bit of this when it came out but haven't touched it in over a week. It all felt a bit bare bones to me, but maybe it'll pick up.

    I may be in the minority, but I do still like the 'stale' formula of 8 gyms and Elite 4 providing the towns and the adventure around that is entertaining enough. 

    This was ok for a short time but started to bore me. Too much text, a story that didn't really interest me in the slightest and repetitive gameplay added up to a disappointment. 

    I may try again to get back into it, but right now I'm certainly not itching to. 

  6. I bloody loved Links Awakening and I'm not a huge Zelda fan. I pretty much never finish Zelda games (BOTW was the exception). 

    I did have to consult a guide for Links Awakening a few times, as like others said some old school elements remain which don't make a great deal of sense. 

    But it was a great game IMO. 

    I'm playing Diamond now and not enjoying it. Think it's the worst in the series and I've played them all. 

    I enjoyed sword but hated the raids and the mega evolution stuff. Or whatever it's called now. But for me, Sword was a better game. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Glen-i said:

    Be thankful the Town Map shows you your next destination, DS players did not have that luxury.

    A lot of people getting lost in Sinnoh was the most likely reason Unova ended up being more straightforward as far as the critical path went (Still plenty of side areas though).

    I think Gen 5 struck a good balance with it's map complexity, pity it went too far in the straightforward direction after the jump to full 3D.

    It still doesn't help, though. I have strength, but strength is greyed out despite a Pokémon in my party knowing it. So I can't get past the cave to get to celestic town. I apparently now need defog which is obtained by someone in the safari? 

    I mean I may have missed something here but why the hell would it be in the bloody safari. 

    Anyway, to the safari I go. 

  8. This is by far the most confusing Pokémon gsme I've ever played. It's the only entry in the series I never actually bought, as that was around the time I fell out with Pokémon in general. 

    Playing Brilliant Diamond all I have done is consult a guide about where to go next. The path to follow after gym 4 is so unclear it's crazy. 

    And there are SO many battle encounters literally everywhere. My Pokémon are level 36 and I'm now going into areas with Pokémon at level 20-25. It's making it all a bit easy. 

    Ill stick with it, but this could be one of the worst in the series for me. 


  9. Already followed a YT guide for it and still didn't manage to beat it. It's far far too complex to understand that you need to use the eart turtle thing to raise the platform so you're not wiped out by its wave. 

    Add in the stupid sliding rings and how complex that can be AND the fact that the boss scrubs some of tiles off the floor with water... And you've got one of the worst sections of gaming I've ever seen. 

    All the YT comments echo how bad it is, sadly. 

  10. On 04/11/2021 at 9:32 AM, drahkon said:

    Finished the first world in single player mode yesterday and my goodness, it oozes charm :D 

    Such a blast to play. Looks like with R&C: Rift ApartAstro's Playroom and this Sony now has released 3 incredible 3D-platformers for the PS5 :) 

    Can't wait to play more :peace: 

    I mean Ratchet aside, incredible isn't the word I'd use. :D

    The other 2 were just ok for me. This game never went beyond filler for me. 








  11. 12 hours ago, Ronnie said:

    Also you might already know this but as you make your way through the game you can kill weaker enemies in the overworld by jumping on them or with the hammer.

    Yeah I got to that bit last night. 
    I just reached the Autumn section. Good god I didn’t think the game could look any better. It is visually stunning. 
    Had to fight two bosses in quite quick succession with the dreadful battle mechanic yesterday. The pencils and the turtle. Both torture.

    But the rest of it is keeping me hooked so far. 

  12. Ah interesting to hear you both felt the same. 

    The actual game play outside the battles is so much fun. It's not taxing at all, but the game looks so good and is bursting with charm that it's just a joy to play. I could have a whole adventure of just that without the battle system. 


    I really hope I don't get fatigued with the battling and it prevents me from finishing it. 

  13. Played some more of this. I really like it! 

    Having such fun...

    However. I do not like this battle mechanic. I know that's all part of the series, but at the moment it basically feels like I'm playing Pokémon Blue and trying to get through Mt.Moon with no Repel. One after another after another. 

    It's just a bit relentless. And I don't enjoy having a timer annoying me to line the enemies up. If it were just a game without this, then it'd be amazing! But it adds absolutely nothing to me. It isn't fun. At all. 

    Maybe it'll grow on me! 

  14. Wowsers. :o

    I've only played 30 minutes but this game is gorgeous. I'm blown away with the aesthetic! 

    And I know I sound like an absolute broken record now about the OLED switch :D but I can not believe just how much better games look on it! Especially really vibrant games like this! 

    Looking forward to playing more. :)

    • Like 3
  15. I picked this up from LAME earlier. It was £35 and sealed which is pretty unheard of in there. 

    Now I’m done with Metroid, I am looking forward to giving this a go. I don’t have much experience at all with this series, so perhaps not the best one to start with… but it piqued my interest at the time so hopefully I enjoy it. 

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