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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. Possible silly question:


    Tried to download the liberty pass thingy to be able to catch Victini, when i select receive via Nintendo Wi-Fi, tells me that there is no gift available?


    Am i doing something wrong?



  2. Im going to nip into town tomorrow, pick up Black to go with White from Tesco (thanks for the heads up on price :hehe: ) and get me a strategy guide at the same time.


    Then I will start playing. Hmm wonder who i will start with?!! Love starting new Pokemon games! :yay:


    That DSi looks rather fetch! I'm gonna have to pop round just to see that some time! haha


    <Puts kettle on>

    You know where I am! :heh:

  3. Have tomorrow off work to play though mine arrived this morning.

    Will be starting tonight.


    Here is a few pictures of the white DSi that i opted for. For whoever said they thought it was GAME exclusive (as mine was from shop to) it is only the black DSi that is GAME exclusive.

    The white version was available more widely.

    I contemplated both DSi's but preferred the look of the white.


    Here are a few close up pictures of the lid of the DSi.

    I have to say I personally think it looks great. :yay:

    I like the design on top - all DSi's should have something on top - even if it is just a gloss coat to shine it up :)

  4. I am really excited about this game.

    Have been playing leaf green on my Micro (bought off ebay with fire red, both for £30, boxed in great condition) - up to Elite 4 and have loved it.


    As sad as it may sound, i'm that excited that i have the day off on friday :bouncy:


    I am gettin the console bundle so will take some pictures of it if anyone is interested. :)

  5. Is white THE version most people are getting, like Diamond? Looking at the Finnish preorders, seems so...Kind of weird. I'd prefer White, symbolises purity, light, hope etc :) But thus also Reshiram, which is...in the Black version :o Interesting mixup...well, there's always trade.


    White or Black, why?


    White. :grin:


    Decided on White as i have gone for the DSi bundle - and i think the white DSi looks better than the black.




    Plus I am buying black separately once I have finished White anyway for trade purposes etc.

    Saying this, even if I wasn't getting the DSi bundle, then I would still go for White.

    Not really sure why...?

  6. Ah i see.


    Yeah, the collection games that have had several versions on virtually every console under the sun are pretty good.


    My fave was the PSP collection. Loved it on the PSP's screen. :grin:


    But yeah i see your point - and I have to be in the mood to plan an older Sonic game. My favourite will always be the first one though.

    Sonic and Knuckles being the worst IMO. Terrible levels. :angry:

  7. A good game or bust. New levels, old style platforming. None of this floaty, homing crap.


    I actually thought the homing was one of the best things Sega did with Episode 1.


    It felt like it always should've been there and often stopped you running straight into enemies whilst being catapulted into the air. The previous 2D Sonic games gave you little to no control whilst in the air, so being able to home into a line of 'bots to take you to higher / undiscovered platforms was brilliant.


    I am rather looking forward to Episode 2 - the first was great in my opinion. :grin:

  8. Avril Lavigne: Goodbye Lullaby Expanded Edition.



    I will still buy the regular version on iTunes because the expanded edition is shipped a week later from the US.


    I ordered the same thing today - exact same edition!


    Words cannot express how long I have waited for this album.


    Seems ages since her last one. Good work! :grin:

  9. I preordered the black as i was absolutely convinced it was the nicer colour.


    Then... i went to the Pokemon Celebi event in Liverpool last weekend and the GAME store had their display model out for people to have a go on.


    They had a blue one - and i thought it looked stunning. So so much better in the flesh than pictures.

    I really liked it. :grin:


    Doesn't make me want a blue one though to be honest. The black is going to be exactly as i expect - the blue was just more of a pleasant surprise. :hehe:

  10. I am right-handed and I have no problems using the DS stylus with my left hand. Also, until the Wii came out, I have been steering every single game with my left hand (and still does, by the way) and have never had any problems. So I don't really understand the issue here. Of course it might not feel natural at first but with some practice I guess you'll be as good as any right-handed gamer.


    I think if you asked the majority of right handers to start using their DS stylus with their left hand - they would not like it or want to get used to it.


    I know for a fact i could never be as good playing Elite Beat Agents with stylus in my right hand as i do in my left. Ever.


    It doesn't feel natural. But i'm sure there will be a work around some where.

  11. Not to discount the usefulness of Pokemon strategy guides but... Serebii?


    Of course a guide is always useful when you're away from the PC but otherwise... ::shrug:


    Sometimes it's difficult to find quick answers that i know a strategy guide has though.

    Plus the majority of my gaming is spent away from my PC as i don't tend to do the 2 at once :hmm:

  12. I feel the same. Im totally pissed off at this limited edition coming out as I already have all the handhelds and a 3DS on preorder, but I would hate myself if I didnt get the console bundle :( completley. Worked out I need about £100 more for the console as I was going to get black and white and strat guide, taking into account my discounts.


    limited edition caused me to buy a £50 hoodie last night.....its amazing though lol


    but yeah its really tough decicision espeically if you already have a DSi of some sorts, I use my black DSi for everything, the mario red one I let mum use cause the screens nice and big and her eyes are crap. Whats making me think twice is that you cant use the same club nintendo account on more then one handheld/console. So essentially £100 for a DSi I dont really know what to do with except take to events and show off? I would trade in my black DSi but I have some software on it and I have GAMEcare =/


    :( so yeah its £100 more then I planned on spending, owh I dont know =/ I already put down my £10 deposit on a black one


    Hmm your dilemma seems much much more taxing than mine :hmm:


    But i am in agreement with you that not buying it would make me really annoyed later on when you cant get them anywhere.


    Again i'm with you in that i want a copy of black and white, and i want the strategy guide too.

    Never bothered with strategy guides before, but lets face it - when i dont know anything about these new Pokemon - types, names etc, i'm gonna need some help!

    It's annoying because i don't even like the normal sized DSi. It is my least favourite of all the DS's. The XL rules all i think :D and i would've been made up with a Pokemon DSi XL - but nevermind.


    I still must buy it. We haven't really helped each other out here have we in this dilemma?! :laughing:

  13. I know the simple solution will be to just use the four-face buttons on the right hand side as a d-pad. But...if there's an analogue stick there, it would be much better and more precise to use that.


    Saying that, we didn't exactly see a million different shooters on the system. However, the one game that is making me a bit concerned is Kid Icarus, especially the on-rails parts.


    Yeah that was the game that made me scratch my head and wonder how the lefties would work it.

    I read ONM's preview of it and when they said about using the circle pad and stylus at the same time i wasn't amused... :woops:


    Saying that, for some reason Kid Icarus is the one game i'm just not that excited about. Maybe my opinion will change when i know more about it / when launch for it gets closer.

  14. nah but I cant find anyone to go with me and its £40 I can put towards the DSi pokemon bundle =/ I just dont know



    Ahh you getting it to?!


    I have been wondering whether to go for the bundle (had my preorder in for aaaages but didnt know if to keep it or not!)


    Does look good and i love me anything Pokemon or limited edition.


    I have the red 25th anniversary DSi XL already and will be getting a 3ds at launch (hopefully) so a new console at this point seems silly when i will prob be using my XL for black and white...


    Help me! :hmm:

  15. I seem to recall that every game I played at the London event I used the thumb pad and it just seemed so natural - totally incomparable to the rubbish Sony put on the PSP.


    I also thought the blue looked a lot better 'in the flesh' than in photos, but I really don't like the grey thumb pad. It looks good on the black console, but I would have thought they could have had a different colour on the blue console.


    Yeah agree with all of this.

    The blue does look great - circle track pad thingy not so in the grey as you say.

    Will be really nice to finally get it and see it properly!


    When the console first went up for preorder i didnt even think about colour choices - it was black all the way. Hated the blue. Then saw a couple of pics of it in blue and very slightly warmed to it - then seen it in the flesh :yay:


    Was beautiful.

  16. I wish it was easier to get your Pokemon to level 100.

    Don't get me wrong, it'd be great if I could do it with a whole team of 6 but it is just too time consuming and there hasn't been enough opportunities to be able to do it after you've beat the game.


    Maybe i should make it my mission for black and white... :geek:

  17. I went to the Celebi Pokemon event at the weekend and my mate (mike1988uk) had a go of the 3ds whilst i was playing on a sample of black and white.

    This GAME store had a blue console which i thought looked crap in photos, but in real life it is stunning.

    Really nice blue. Kinda worried i pre-ordered a black console now :wtf:


    But yeah the reactions from everyone having a go of it was great, all seemed really positive. I didnt get to have a go but in a way i didnt want to. That way when launch day comes i can enjoy it all to myself without having everyones paw prints over it and have to give it back after 5 mins! :bouncy:

  18. Slightly off topic of B&W but a Pokemon question...


    Does anyone here ever level up their Pokemon to lv100?

    Only time i ever did this was in Pokemon Blue through the rare candy cheat (standard), but since that I think the closest I have got is getting a Persian up to level 60 odd on one of the newer games. :wtf:

    I only ever tend to get them all up to the 60's and then that's it.


    Be interested to know if anyone does this through just constant battling and how long it roughly takes / if there's any quick ways.



  19. My mate working as Nintendo rep for the day had a laugh about it too. He was asking me about why Celebi was being used despite the fact it's an old Pokemon, so I was telling him why and the kid finished off the whole story for me.


    I got as far as saying "There's an event which requires Celebi in HG/SS but when you transfer to black and wh-"


    Haha. Yeah that's the little bas... :heh:


    He was so excited - i'd hate to see him on launch day.

    I overheard (well, it was difficult not to hear him), him saying that he hadn't pre-ordered a 3DS.

    You just know that he's going to be doing the midnight launch and some poor poor people are gonna have to put up with that for the entire thing.


    I'm glad I pre-ordered online now... lol.

  20. Was this kid rather eccentric?


    That's one word for it...


    Yeah he was extremely excited about everything - and loud with it.

    Lots of shoppers were looking at him in the store like 'wtf'.


    He was pretty small with glasses on.

    Funny though :laughing:

  21. YES. That's the fucker!


    I got there at about 1, so he must have really trolled the shit out of the staff if he was there for that long


    Also, Zorua's ability is fucking awesome. That's all I'm saying for those who don't know what it is, spoiler free due to how innovative it is.


    I actually had to walk away from him as 2 potentially unfortunate events could've occured.


    1. I would have died trying not to laugh at his strange, unnecessarily over excited behavior.


    2. I would've punched him.


    Still, these things are sent to test us.

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