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Posts posted by Aneres11

  1. Finally, the credits have rolled on Show Time. 

    It took me a while, I know! 

    Overall, very short. Considering it took me ages I didn't feel like the game really even got started. I know there are other bits and pieces to do now, but not sure I'm going to even bother. It was an ok game but there were too many ideas thrown at it for me with only a small selection that actually stuck. 

    I think on balance there were more stage types I didn't like than I actually did. 

    Id definitely be up for another game in the series but I do think they need to flesh it out a bit and maybe hone in on a smaller pool of abilities than the vast list that was here. 

    Still, really nice to see Peach shine in her own game once again :D



    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    Don't worry, I still love it and continue to play through it.

    I was tackling post game stuff yesterday evening and whilst filling in the enemy glossary I came across Starfy!


    Bit of a pain to get him though. His appearance is random and you have to track him down in 3 different stages. Only then will he be added to the glossary.

    Like Showtime, you have to finish the game for a second time in order to unlock everything. I've done the first 3 worlds so far.


    I like that the bosses are a little harder and there are 3 extra levels per world to complete. Keeps things fresh and mixes things up a bit.


    Damnnit you’re making me want to play it again but I haven’t even got half way through Showtime yet! :D

    • Haha 1
  3. 2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    How are you getting on with the game, @Aneres11?

    Typically not had huge amounts of time to play unfortunately. What with a new puppy an all :bouncy: so it’s been a challenge in between work and tennis and doggos. 
    Couldn’t play last night. I’ve decided I hate the detective sections. Not for me. Also did a mermaid one and didn’t like that either. 
    I normally have a free evening on Tuesdays and could have put more time in but it’s my sisters birthday, so busy again! Hopefully I’ll get a bit of time in bed to play some more! 

  4. 14 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    All collectables nabbed, final boss defeated and credits rolled.

      Ending Pics (Reveal hidden contents)









    The game did eventually win me over. It's still nothing spectacular and it's definitely the weakest game I've played from Good-Feel, but it was enjoyable enough. I think my biggest issue is how slow everything is. Not being able to skip text forward really makes things drag, especially when replaying stages. The cynical side of me wonders if this was done to lengthen a short game. 

    Some of the transformations are pretty poor. The detective and mermaid sections were my least favourite and really dragged but the kung fu and mighty sections were great. Its no surprise that my two favs are more/platforming based.

    It's a shame that this isn't the sequel to Super Princess Peach I was looking for. It has some good ideas but not enough to make a really outstanding game. Also, I'm a little confused by the difficulty of the game. It's insulting easy and any seasoned gamer will breeze through it. What confuses me is that Nintendo games usually do a good job of balancing fun and difficulty, so why they decided to scrap that and just have a game created that dumbs everything down is a little weird.

    Looks like there is plenty of post-game content to enjoy. Boss challenges, more goodies to buy in the shops and a hide and seek type challenge. I'll tackle these tomorrow and see how I get on with them all.

    I tell you what, given how she's handled herself in this game, there's zero excuse for her getting kidnapped off Bowser anymore. :D

    Glad you enjoyed it for the most part! I’m still pretty early into it but played one of the detective stages last night and really didn’t enjoy it. 
    so far I think my fave was the ninja but I haven’t done all of them yet. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    What dress do you have Peach rocking, @Aneres11? I have her wearing this lovely number.



    I haven't changed it yet! I liked the polka dot but decided to hold off in case more dresses get unlocked. Didn't want to use all my coins :D.

    One thing I do like is that Peach's movement changes for every transformation. Her normal run is very regal, with her lifting her dress up with one hand. But she becomes a totally different character with all of the transformations. Very cool. I also like that there's always a spot light on her, given the theatre theme! 

  6. I played this a few months ago. I liked the first and Miles Morales, but didn't love the samey combat sections that felt like padding. 

    I was worried this game would do more of the same but to my delight, it was practically a perfect game. 

    Easily one of the best games I have played in years. Absolutely superb story, amazing gameplay, good variation of side missions that were actually enjoyable, and a nice end game teaser for where the story may go next. 

    Sublime end to end. 

    • Like 2
  7. I would not be on board with open world. The whole draw of RE games for me is the linear, sometimes claustrophobic feel. 

    If they move away from that then they lose what has made the games so great over the years. 

    Having said that, at this stage though they probably do need to do something different. There's only so many abandoned villages, churches, mansions and hospitals they can use. 

    • Thanks 1
  8. Haven’t posted in an age, but you bet a new Princess Peach game will drag me back 😅. 
    Even if the demo was… rough. 
    Hoping to pick this up later this evening or tomorrow to get cracking with it. 
    NOTHING will touch Super Princess Peach… but nice she’s back in her own game I guess! 

    • Like 1
  9. 30 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    I see.

    Yeah, it might not be for you then. But maybe you just need a bit more time to warm up to it. You already said, you'll give it a proper go later. Keep an open mind and see if it'll click. :D

    Yup! I did complete BoTW but I bought the guidebook with it which really helped. Still have it on the shelf actually! :D

  10. 8 minutes ago, drahkon said:

    Are you talking about shrines or...

      Spoilers, just in case (Hide contents)

    ...the bigger "dungeons"?

    These can be kinda marked via a story quest. At least you can mark 4 places (or 3, if you've done one of them already) near them.


    Definitely shrines :). I am VERY early in. 

    My criticisms are more born from the fact that I have just never been great at Zelda games. Plus I don’t really have the patience for exploration, which is what everyone else loves about it! 

    I am going to give it a longer play through later on so hopefully I can get to grips with it a bit more!

  11. I may be in the minority here but I'm finding this a bit of a chore at the moment. 

    Done the first shrine but then the game doesn't tell you where the other ones are to progress (unless I'm missing something). So I've spent ages wandering and the only ones are out of reach to me for reasons I won't "spoil". 

    I have done nothing but scour the map and getting nowhere. I don't think it's the game, it's definitely more me. I'm not here for such open world games where you make your own way. The older I get and the less time I have I prefer a linear A to B type game not this massive world to explore. I also don't want to be on YouTube every 5 minutes to know the best path to take next as what's the point. 

    I will persevere but so far I haven't enjoyed what I have played if I'm being honest. 

    • Like 1
  12. Going to pick this up this weekend. It's actually my least favourite RE and by that I mean, I like it, but it's not the best for me.*

    I'm hoping this remake will bump it up a few notches! 

    Didn't get round to downloading the demo, so looking forward to diving in once I finish up Metroid Prime Remastered. 


    *Its worth noting that I class RE 6 as a game that never happened and has since been wiped from my memory. 

    • Haha 1
  13. I played this game to death as a kid but even I am struggling a bit with the difficulty. It seems like there are often too many hoards of enemies in a small space so even if you kill them, they take that long to disappear that they just soak up the bullets and you can’t get to the others peppering you! 
    Add to that the fact that there’s so many instances to be instant killed. Room full of computers? Someone’s going to blow them all up with you stood next to it. 

    Having said that, I am loving it. Took me a while to get the controls down but what a joy. Still holds up mostly ok too which is more than can be said for other games this age. 

  14. adbbc970-1cbb-11ec-bdc7-543335690017


    Bought this just after Christmas. I tried the demo when the game came out and liked it so thought I’d take the plunge. 

    I’ve never really played a lot of Kirby games in the past. I played the drawing one on DS which I enjoyed, but that’s about it from memory. 
    I enjoyed it, but do feel like the game really started to outstay it’s welcome towards the end. I got really fatigued seeing the same mini bosses (and main bosses) again and again and again and it really took the shine off some of the levels when yet again, I had the same boss thrown my way. 

    The abilities were cool, but I had real issues with the games controls. I thought Kirby’s jump was practically pointless and felt very slow and lethargic. It didn’t really add anything to the game other than let you get back to a ledge if you fell off. But jumping was slow and the abilities Kirby had were often hampered by jumping. The dragon fire one, for example, you activate fire wings and can burst at high speed if you jump and press B. But sometimes I didn’t want to do that. And it often hurtled me off a ledge and knocked chunks off my health. It would have been better as you level the abilities up, to have a different button for the second ‘attack’. The bomb ability another good example. You can’t aim a bomb unless you’re stood still. So if you’re moving even the tiniest bit it’ll just throw a bomb in front. Infuriating. 

    The levels were all pretty good, no complaints on the settings or level design. I liked some of the star levels but often found myself wanting to smash the controller up because of how annoying they were. :D  

    There’s no way I will be going for a 100% file. I’ve just got to the last boss and done the two lion stages and then lo and behold here we are again with a third boss. Just fucking end already. 
    I think I will give it another go and try to properly finish the game, but I’m pretty much done and feel I’ve seen all I need to. 

    One thing I didn’t love is that the abilities (whilst able to be powered up) didn’t really add any additional game play elements. They just increased the power of Kirby’s attack, which was welcome later on, but I’d have liked to have seen more locked down paths in levels that needed specific improved abilities to open up. Alas never happened, so I often sought out the ability I enjoyed using the most rather than use whatever was available in the level. 

    Sounds like I’m hating on the game, but I did enjoy it. I just found it a bit of a slog towards the end and a little bit devoid of ambition. 
    Onto the next! 

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    • Thanks 1
  15. I said about the switch showing it's age in the Pokémon thread a few weeks ago and I still stand by that the console is now getting too long in the tooth. 

    I have hardly touched mine in months. None of the games released this year have appealed to me in the slightest. 

    The last good game I played was Metroid Dread which was over a year ago. 

    I think they could have even benefited from a mid life refresh with more power but they've continued to be stubborn. Then again, as others have said, why wouldn't they when it's still selling like it is. 

    These days I generally prefer playing on other consoles. 

  16. 2 hours ago, Cube said:

     The most surprising thing to me is just how well Sonic controls, and how easy it is to turn around and move in a small area. They're by far the best 3D Sonic controls. 


    I think you've bought the wrong game. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  17. From the reviews I've read of S/V (which I do intend to pick up) it seems to suffer in the same way Bayonetta 3 did. So basically, the Switch is now a bit too long in the tooth to allow for fluid performance with the intensive open world or heavy action games. 

    It's 6 years in March. I think a successor is needed ASAP as Gamefreak can't be happy that there are this many performance issues and I wonder whether that's down to them or the hardware. Or a bit of both. 

  18. 2 hours ago, Hero-of-Time said:

    As expected, the game has dropped in price very quickly. Smyths are now selling all version for £29.99. Pretty tempted to pop out and pick it up at that price.

    Definitely would at that price 👍🏻

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