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Status Updates posted by jayseven

  1. I can't make up my mind about what I think about your layout, here. I guess I'm surprised it wasn't more yellow!

  2. I did :) as I said, executive decision from up top. Figuring you having first post in each thread is unfair for all. Don't fret! It'll be open as soon as I can get a red to do so

  3. I get plenty of sleep!

  4. I have no idea what this link was for at all!

  5. I pump myself up daily with your innuendos. Everyone hates me but that's ok because I'll be drunk anyway! WOOOOOOooooo

  6. I see you online. Bish me up!

  7. I'm on New York time.

  8. I'm pretty sure I'm going to change the purple to a nice...... blue? Yellow? I dunno. I failed art twice.

  9. I'm sorry if that bothers you.

  10. I've been addressing PMs so I've not had a look - but essentially we operate a warning system of chances and if he's earned one while I've looked elsewher ethen he'll get one. if he keeps earning them then that's that - gone, but it's important to maintain distance between what he says and what we feel our forum is about. It's all short term, in the long term :)

  11. If money is more permanent I'll pick them up volume by volume -- I'll have to get the first two off the bat as I've read the first so i'll need a refresher. BLEH. Want it.

  12. Is there room under the bridge?

  13. It's a legal document that binds us and unites our future! A neccessary step forwards in the grand scheme of things. I hear vBulletin sends out rings and everything!

  14. JUST started reading book 7! literallly about 20 pages into it! Should be done by the end of february... Really loving it all, but scared to finish it. My housemate lent me the first book when he was on book 3 - He's currently on book 6 as I've started 7, and I probably started it all around september. Don't spoil it at all!

  15. laaaawl... yeah that's adam, and the guy on teh right is one of my housemates! I told him when I saw him recently that I thought we looked like twins. So many weird connections - he was on the same course as nami (my flatmate last year, if you remember) so yeah... that's really fucking weird. Lawl!!!!!

  16. Lol :P it was an executive decision. You're the only person who uses that button, it seems!

  17. Lolz I saw that :P A little, yeah... My sturdy boots were left outside too long and now they're just full of spider webs. Funnel web spiders and redbacks are found around here. Kinda don't think about being potentially bitten (as much as I did when I first got here)...

  18. Lurking about, I saw you said you had two dlc codes for B:AC... fancy sending one my way? Not got the game yet but I'll probably be getting it 2nd hand...

  19. mistaken id, boyo!

  20. mucho awesom. Makes me want a cold one now :P


  22. Not a problem :) Sorry I can't address teh matter more efficiently.

  23. One day, you shall return. And you shall be my friend!

  24. Poo Bum Wee Wee.

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