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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. bad stuff thread.

    @Aneres11 you got to the resolution you wanted in the end, and I'm pleased that you didn't give up on it! The whole idea of complaints handling is that it gives companies a chance to hold onto their customers. As others have said, now is your opportunity to cease all business with Very! And be warned about looking at perhaps setting up shop with another catalogue; they are part of the Shop Direct group, which includes littlewoods, Kay&co, isme, and some other catalogue brands.
  2. (Maybe) Bye bye US Netflix [falsified]

    :P Skepticism ftw.
  3. I'd still complain. I'd write them an email with my specific points of dissatisfaction -- the point is that whether you were their customer or not they made you timeframe promises that they were not able to keep, which in turn affected your ability to sustain your regular daily routine. I would simply write them something along these lines; To whom it may concern, I recently encountered a series of issues with your service. I recently moved into a home where the previous occupiers had not closed down their account properly. I contacted you on [date] and was told [what I was told]. Subsequently [this didn't happen, called again on this date, another promise made, then another promise broken]. Whilst I am not a paying customer of yours, these exchanges have left me to conclude that I will quite likely never be a paying customer. Your staff's efforts to up-sell to me were transparent and at no point did I feel that your staff understood the situation I was in, nor were they able to offer me accurate resolutions to my problems. I further state that due to the inaction of your company my family and I were unable to rejoin our regular daily routine of having internet access, which impacted our ability to plan weekend activities, keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues, and generally reduce our enjoyment of entering a new home. I am aware that I have a right to offer you the chance to rectify this situation before I pass it on to the regulatory ombudsman. If I do not hear from you within 14 days I will pass this complaint on to their attention. ____ something like that will ensure you get an eye-roll reaction from their complaints team. They will almost certainly fob you off with a generic response saying "we are sorry to learn you were dissatisfied with our sales team/etc, however please be ensured we do everything within our ability to make sure we maintain a high level of customer satisfaction. We apologise for your experience, and hope that in future should you contact us again we would be able to satisfy your requirements more promptly." If they simply apologise then reply stating that their apology is not adequate for the disruption that they caused, and demand that they respond promptly with a more appropriate solution. When they come back with a £10 voucher or whatever, then take it or leave it -- or take it to the ombudsman. The joy in this is simple; if the ombudsman has to look at the case then they charge the company. It can be hundreds or thousands of pounds just to look at the case. The ombudsman may agree with vodafone's offers of reconciliation -- but they would still have charged them for having to look at the complaint.
  4. New Year's Resolutions 2015

    Last year: Weeeell... I probably put more weight on, but I don't care. Moved into a house with some chill people - a step forwards. Overall 2014 was an investment year. 2015; - go to New York - Move out, and in with my lady - Get promoted at least two more times (:P) - Start, like, saving and stuff. Be better with finances - Be a better friend. Spent a year just wallowing and avoiding people
  5. Is this your seventh birthday? I've lost count

    thanks for the kind words (in Iun's case I think they're kind words :P) had a chilled day. Australian family were here - went to brighton pier and we hit the jackpot on one of those ticket-dispensing machines. 999 tickets!! Enough to get a Mr. Potato Head. Unbelievably, an Xbox One is worth 55000 tickets. Wut.
  6. bad stuff thread.

    I hope you adjust to the pills / the pills adjust to you rapidly. I think a lot of people see therapy as some kind of failure or admittance of weakness -- therapy is beautiful. It's basically just talking, with someone who will be objective and blunt but ultimately just out to help you help yourself -- and there's no hidden agenda on their part. They take your money to make you feel better. In any instance, best wishes moving forwards mate.
  7. bad stuff thread.

    @Cube -- medication and therapy. Those are my recommendations. You've got the meds bit sorted but if you are tangled in a knot of brain-worry and uncontrollable thoughts that are keeping you from just being from day to day then I really do suggest therapy. Problem is you'll need to see your doctor and really stress with them that you want some therapy. Non-NHS, it can be costly. But I believe everyone should have therapy! You deserve the peace of mind.
  8. Complain. First with Vodafone direct, then if they do not satisfy your qualms go to ofcom. If ireland is covered... I don't know. Don't let them faff you around!
  9. (Maybe) Bye bye US Netflix [falsified]

    At the moment people are freaking out based on a report by torrentfreak. Who are the current source of this whole drama. I don't honestly believe it's anything legit yet.
  10. What Did You Get For Christmas 2014?

    £5 coin Socks Shirt Crate of world beers (don't like beer so gave it to girlfriend's family) Book of 1001 beers to try before you die (doorstop now) £20 (covered taxi fare home on xmas day) Keychain torch (I now have like 7 torches) Hand-made plate by gf (which is cool) Jumper Chocolate coins Inbetweeners 2 a Ray Charles movie ... Yeah xmas is about sleeping and I got a lot of that
  11. R_A just get away from all of that. Unfriend. Do not talk to. There is no good outcome. You think the way he posted about your friend request holds any romantic undertones? Just run away.
  12. I Guess I Like Beer Alot...

    I... may switch to red wine
  13. EE stopping Orange Wednesdays

    I wonder what the sponsorship deal was. I mean I remember when the odeon tickets were green before orange wednesdays. Maybe this'll trigger a different pricedrop thang.
  14. bad stuff thread.

    Sorry to hear it Iun.
  15. Funny Stuff Thread

    Logically it just makes sense to cut out (one of the) middlemen, but ultimately I was just getting tired of coming in here and seeing a repeat of what I'd seen already a few days ago. But I know now that it's my problem and I can solve it by simply not coming here with expectations, or just not coming here at all I definitely failed to present myself clearly, and I get that now. I appreciate that my 'humour' was instead seen as a cutting remark, thus overlooking the (far too hidden) meaning of what I was (poorly) saying. jayseven-interruption-interlude over!
  16. Funny Stuff Thread

    The reason sheikah is missing is that going else does not mean you wouldn't be here. I've never said go live at reddit I've said go use reddit as your source of these funnies because if you're using 9gag or facebook groups you are likely to be getting the funny a day or two after reddit. see the bolded bit above. Does that make sense? inb4 negatives (not aimed at sheikah); the nature of reddit being a content amalgamater means that reddit sources from elsewhere, so it isn't the first for anything - and it also has reposts. It also requires you to install Reddit Enhancement Suite, which most people will perceive as too much effort. Just as rummy found only a few things he found funny in 25 links, it isn't perfect and if you're going there just to prove a point and hate it because jayseven said go there -- then you're going to miss out on what literally millions of people enjoy. And yes I know that just because millions like it does not mean that they are correct...
  17. bad stuff thread.

    I get what you're saying (and it's a good example of an overreaction and why they're tough to avoid - because to be direct about the point is to be wordy), and it's difficult to explain further without it just descending into another essay battle. For instance, there is a discussion in how the inherent difference between the humour used by bob and the joke by goafer. There is a discussion about perceived sleights, and hypocritical rebuffs. There is a discussion in the difficulties of converting the convinced into realising that they are reading these words with an opinion already shaped in their mind. I just facepalm at the fact that every two months now I get to enjoy the already-old "go ask reddit" type questions, and the hilarious passive thanks that come with it :P
  18. bad stuff thread.

    Hey goafer! That's funny because you're taking the piss out of something I said in a different thread. Which has no bearing on my personal life. Or yours. And this thread is a bit more personal. And you have no idea what I've gone through in the last 10 months. But it's ok to joke about it because I'm a bad person. Because I've recommended a different website. Which is really encouraging for me to post more, on a site I used to religiously use for 14 years, but strangely stopped using as much over the last 10 months. As if something in my personal life changed. Smart!
  19. bad stuff thread.

    Currently in a house with 4 other people. Last monday I bought 18 rolls of toilet paper and now there are none. What are people shitting? I also had two unopened boxes of cereal now empty, and 3kg of pasta now less than 1kg and I used it three times. My shower gel is empty too. Essentially all of them are using up my shit. I would literally be completely fine with them feeding themselves from my stuff if they ask, it's just so frustrating when I go to use something and it's entirely empty and I could've gotten a replacement earlier in the day had I known!
  20. Funny Stuff Thread

    Hey guys I've brought you some videos from this video store across town. Oh it's no hassle they deliver them. Wanna watch them? Yeah this store orders them from this other video store in another town. And we don't wanna move across town because we won't know anyone. Oh you saw these films last week when they first came out? But our town store didn't stock them yet. How did you do that? You just ordered from the store in the other town? ... All I'm saying is -- reddit has funny stuff. Lots. If you like funny stuff check out funny stuff over there. If you like cooking stuff they have some cool cooking subreddits. I quite like chess and their subreddit is a bit sparse but if there's interesting content there I have the option to bring some of that content to this forum here where i can field it to people who have opinions that I trust. That I am complaining that people are being slowpokes for literally no reason beyond what sounds like complacency or because they dislike change doesn't get negated because I'm now an n-e hating hipster
  21. Funny Stuff Thread

    But reddit is filtered by 'upvotes' and 'downvotes' so the 'first page' is full of the recently most-upvoted items. Being a hipster and seeing it first is a handy by-product of also seeing more funny things. Though you'd have to install reddit enhancement suite to get to just click on "view all images" to get a better user-friendly experience, and I'm sure that's too much effort for many people. I get that people like to use this place to post funny things - I just figured maybe they'd like to post more funny things from a more recent source than whatever source they're using, or maybe they'd like to know where a funny thing is from in case they want more funny things. I'm all for locking this thread but I'm just a lurking mod and it wouldn't be fair to start a moan-sesh and not be around to reply to it.
  22. Funny Stuff Thread

    http://www.reddit.com/r/funny It's this place where you'll see 75% of your facebook feed before it appears on facebook. Or even this forum! Just install the reddit enhancement suite and BAM! At a click of a button you've seen this shit two days before it's posted in this thread!
  23. bad stuff thread.

    That I did! ... but the radiator worked :P
  24. Black Friday

    The whole day at work I could see my colleagues just browsing online clothes stores for bargains. One of them spent over £400...! Another one was on some pet shop online and was part of a queue to actually even look at the goods -- they were 700th in line. So I was massively stressed and annoyed at everyone wasting their time... then I saw a colleague on steam... and got him to buy me the valve collection for £18.99. I am One Of Them.