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Captain Falcon

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Posts posted by Captain Falcon

  1. Help possible glitch - sector 1


    I have just defeated the purple creature after the exam centre. Kyke has died and the others are standing around him. I suspect I need to scan lyle but it just won't allow me to at all.


    It's not a glitch, it's just not obvious what you're supposed to be looking for.


    In the box is a hint, it doesn't tell you what to be looking for, just roughly where you should be looking.


    Near the buggy


  2. I went to get a haircut other day, said my hair doesn't stick up when it gets long because its too thick, so she just cut my hair seemingly normal. I don't know what she did but it feels like my hair is a lot thinner. Weird.


    I would have thought even when cutting it "normally", unless you have really short hair, they'd be thinning it slightly as well so it looks more natural.

  3. Have you checked it on the Nintendo Channel?


    My time shows as 12:01:29 with 95%. There were some items I gave up on trying to get as although I could see them, I couldn't figure out how to actually get to them.

  4. People making nicknames out of real names.


    For example, a fair few of my friends refer to me as Stephy. It's not right, it's irritating and makes me feel about 2.


    I always refer to you as Stephy... *gulp*


    Anyway, things that annoy me...


    Well number one is being lied to. How difficult is it to either tell the truth or just say you'd rather not tell me. There's no need to lie about it. And I like to think I'm fairly good at knowing when someone isn't being honest with me - my past experience suggests I am anyway.


    Next up, being deliberately ignored. If you're ignoring me, how am I ever going to work out what the heck happened and stop myself doing it again providing you have a reason of course. This I get a lot of too. I sent someone a mail the other day and it took them 10 days to reply. I stopped sending this person text messages some 4 months ago on the grounds they never replied to single one. They opened their reply with the line "Firstly please don't think I was ignoring this message" and I'm thinking, well maybe not this one, but what about all the rest?


    I'm in the kitchen making some food so obviously, I need the worktop space and access to various things dotted about the room... so why, oh why, do people insist on suddenly deciding to do themselves' something to eat now I'm actually using the kitchen and taking up as much space as possible. Were those couple of hours when I stayed away not enough time for them? If it were the other way round, I know they'd be moaning about it. Now I've barely room to move and it's an accident waiting to happen.

  5. I was stumped at that part too red shell - too me a while to figure It out but I got there in the end. And the part that followed happened to me too :)


    But it didnt slow me down too much.


    Finished the game not too long ago with 95% completion rating. Not too sure about my time as it never flashed up.


    On the whole, I thought it was a really good. Comparisons to Fusion are difficult to avoid for several reasons, one of which I did rather like, so its not all bad.

  6. That's a shame. The main game (not the post-game) is near flawless for a DS RPG, so it's a bit of a bummer if you don't like it. I would recommend concentrating on it a bit more: make a good party and max-out a good weapon each (spears and axes are best, but go for swords whilst your Hero is a still a Minstrel). I can't think of any other tips, really, as I found it so good!


    I made the unfortunate decision of naming one of my characters after someone... and well... you can imagine what comes next.


    And whilst I could go drop them and get a new member, that they will be constantly under leveled compared to everyone else in my team is putting me off doing that.


    So I feel like I'm in limbo.


    In terms of progress, the last major thing I did was defeat some monster that got sealed into a jar to remove a curse on a nearby city. So not very far really.

  7. Let's face it, the longer you are awake, the more food you are going to need to keep yourself going - also your body is getting less chance to recover through sleep so something has to give it the energy it needs.

  8. hello thanks, this was posted by my brother who is 10 and this is his 1st time playing a metroid game . ive set him a challenge to complete it before other m's out and i said no help from me :P didnt know he had been using online guides little cheat :idea: and shaming my n-europe account lol


    That old excuse :nono:

  9. I follow Batman on Twitter. He's awesome.


    I saw that one on yours after it it brought your name up as someone to follow - some of those comments are hilarious.


    Edit: it wasn't actually Batman, it was The Batman.

  10. After 7 hours tomorrow, I'm off work... for good, so I can go back to University at the end of September. Turns out freshers' week is actually a fortnight so even though I move into halls on Sat 18th, I won't have to strain any grey matter for another 2 weeks!

  11. I think this has been asked before, but are ShopTo good?


    They've got Metroid: Other M for £29.85


    I think they are since they are normally pretty cheap and their delivery times can't be beat - they've got my pre-order anyway.


    Not too sure their International delivery times are like though.


    I don't think I've avoided a game I'm looking forward to as much as I have this one. It's good in some ways but in others possibly not - I'm not read reviews that could potentially take the edge of any negatives by forewarning me first and lowering my expectations.

  12. I don't have so many memories of this place so much as the things that have ensued as a result of being a member. Stuff like all the Smash Bros games and now the Monster Hunting is precisely why I came here in the first place. The threads being a written account of the events that took place online - hundreds of moments captured and laid out for all to see, not just those who were lucky enough to be in the game.


    As someone who eschews a prominent place on the social boards, a lot of the things mentioned by others I have some recollection of but nothing more... Grey Vs Black on the other hand took place on my home turf and probably ranks as the most I've ever laughed at one singe thread.


    Another time I can remember is one night on the chat room. Even at 5.30 in the morning, Jay and Supergrunch were still listening to me ramble on about my woes despite us all having been on the things for hours – can’t say too much has changed since that time guys if being honest.


    iSketch also provided much hilarity and enjoyment over it's brief moment in the spotlight - that's why I thanked you Katie by the way.



    But I guess more than that, it's the people who've been dumb enough to give me their email/messenger details. I’ve had many a wonderful conversations with a select few brilliant people. Some of you know me better people who see me everyday do. You've listened to me moan about everything and nothing and some of you have really changed my life in some respects.


    One of you helped me to actually be confident enough to put my trust in people. Someone is a constant source of amusement and can make me laugh no matter how much of a grouch I’m being (not that I always let you know it). One of you brought a considerable of joy into my life when everything was feeling like it was starting to go backwards and that all my efforts were coming to naught – stopping me from going back to the safety of my older ways. And another has become a good friend recently for just being in the right place at the right time - or wrong place at the wrong time depending on how you see it. You’re stuck with me now anyway I’m afraid.


    So I thank you all.
