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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Video: http://uk.gear.ign.com/articles/835/835646p1.html Pretty pointless, but entertaining nonetheless!
  2. New images, What with this and M&M races, the Wii sure is spoilt for choice! But which to get, now that's a tough one!
  3. Well I never, this game looks noticable alot better on the 360! http://www.gametrailers.com/player/28006.html
  4. Agreed! I mean come on, the background textures in this picture are rubbish!
  5. haha, classic!
  6. All will become clear... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndYzrbm7Di8 LOL, seriously what are they thinking! Oh and do they want to make the engines any louder! it's like playing sat next to a lawnmower!
  7. Hayden & Kristen http://img153.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=10807_1_122_1170lo.jpg http://img185.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=10833_3_122_564lo.jpg http://img147.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=10821_5_122_1116lo.jpg http://img188.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=10846_8_122_356lo.jpg http://img140.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=10854_7_122_105lo.jpg
  8. Looks alright, but not using Mii's is getting SO annoying!
  9. In the Wii version you had better be able to motion with the nunchuk to throw out the Ghost Traps at just the right time, after having fired out a Proton Stream from your Wii-mote and had a 'force-feedback' [luigi's mansion] style motion fight with the ghost to capture it!
  10. Retro_Link


    Any chance of a thread re-name to just 'Okami Wii'
  11. Just caught up on the three latest episode, damn it's a great show! The latest episode with the company trying to break out Whistler!... Awesome!
  12. As far as I'm concerned we have West, Sylar and the Twins to thank for that! The rest has been pretty ace!Actually the Hiro story did drag on a little... but West, can't stand that guy!
  13. Gametrailers Review - 7.7 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/27910.html?type=flv
  14. Oh I'm good! solved that back on page 4 of the thread! Anyways, another awesome episode! Kristen Bell was great and I think Adam is a fantastic new character!
  15. Wii In Stock at PC World, but you have to buy it in a multi game bundle. Will probably grab myself a second Wii at some point for selling on [like some of you guys], but I'm gonna pass on this offer. UPDATE: Bundles also in stock at GAME.
  16. I'd have to agree, not really keen on this music and not sure it really fits the Halberd stage! Hope 'the kirby stage' is not implying there will only be one stage per character/game in Brawl! Agreed!
  17. Just found it cheaper on dvd.co.uk!
  18. Oh joy, another night of Uni work! Doubt I'll even get any sleep tonight, bring on the coffee!
  19. Why do you see it as something to play between other games?It has a large single player campaign, LOADS of unlockables, a 2-player mode etc... It's a game that can last a long time, not a quick pick up and play like Ghost Squad would be!
  20. Blood Diamond was last year, so that left my choice between Transformers or The Bourne Ultimatum! and the winner was.......... PM sent!
  21. No he's just set himself a target of writing 3000 different words between now and Friday!The crazy challenges some people set themselve hey!
  22. Yeah it's without the zapper; though the zapper hasn't been getting the best reviews! I think gametrailers said the game was probably better without it?!
  23. Yeah but it's the second half of the game that people say gets repetitive, when you've already done the same missions plenty of times already and they're all you continue to do!
  24. £29.98 at amazon.co.uk seems like a fair price to me!
  25. WRONG! Smart brown shoes are class! Actually it depends on the shade I guess!
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