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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. haha yeh, I was just thinking earlier that the level looked like sunshine, especially the early build:
  2. Sales on track... I know I'll be picking this up sometime.
  3. No doubt it will be some sort of Super Were-Sonic!
  4. As has been said before, this deserves to sell and sell well! They really are putting effort into all aspects and it's sounding REALLY good!
  5. I've downloaded a load of songs from itunes that are protected m4p or m4a files, they won't run on windows media player, do you guys know of a programme for converting them? There are loads of free programmes and trials out there that work but as a condition of the trial version they only convert the first 3 minutes of the song. Cheers guys!
  6. Please no-one start saying all over again that the 'Snake form' of Puppet Ganon was difficult, because the only way it's difficult is if your constantly using the wrong technique i.e. arrows and not bombs. It's easy!
  7. I've stayed away from the Single Player campaign, but I know all the characters and most of the levels! It really has been a joke of a wait for Europe and my hype for the game is pretty much non-existant now which is such a shame!
  8. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    Although having a tape recorder ready and an envelope adressed to You've Been Framed might be worth considering! But seriously though, why not just do abit of exercise and get to the weight limit, it's the healthy thing to do anyways! Then you can enjoy the game!
  9. Yep Exactly!
  10. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    I don't think that can be right?! as unless it's pure muscle 24st isn't the perfect weight for anyone! At that weight I don't think Wii Fit is really the right place to start getting in shape anyway. I think advice from a professional and a custom fitness programme would be important. For what it is, I think Wii Fit's max weight gives plenty of margin.
  11. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    haha yeh! I'm not sure why those ones say to rotate, havn't seen ones that do that before.
  12. This is what I've been doin: Sign into my Club Nintendo account on Nintendo-Europe, Click on Wii Points Card Shop [on right of screen], Get re-directed to Wii Points Card Shop, Re-enter Nintendo-Europe username and password, and it says this: There's also this page explaining it: https://wiipointscard.nintendo-europe.com/php/index.php?lang=en_GB&content=tutorial1
  13. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    Oh come on! That's a rediculous comment!You think a max weight of 23st 8lb is silly?!
  14. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    I think they are effectively cheap versions of these, though from experience they don't really work. Yeah like I said they may double as weights for the Tricep Extension, but for that exercise I just hold a regular weight in my hand alongside the Wii-mote.
  15. Yeh you do... What Supercube said!
  16. I hate this whole Stars to Wii points thing, my Wii's not online yet so I can't sync up my Shopping Channel with my Stars account, thus can purchase bugger all! Why can't we just buy cards in the Stars catalogue!
  17. Yeh, of course the characters would look like the official artwork.I'm talking about wanting to see them done in a 2D looking cel shaded style.
  18. Resi 2 & 3 in REmake style. Legend of Zelda [NES] Zelda: AOL [NES] in early WW style: For me that's the perfect remake style for Links 2D Sprite NES adventures!
  19. Umm you're forgetting his immortal WW lines of: "Come On!" and "Meeoow!" For those who haven't seen it, a cool Zelda Wiimote video:
  20. I really didn't like Midna either, and I found her voice/soundbites annoying! I also agree with you about some of the locations. Zora's domain was done pretty well, but the Goron village was non-existant! Where was their hollowed out underground city to explore and interact with? The Goron village in OOT far exceded TP's efforts!
  21. Retro_Link

    Wii Fit

    I think these are for assisting with press-ups, but if that's what they are then I've tried such things in the past and they do not work very well at all These ones look quite bulky so there's a chance they may double as weights in this case, but don't quote me on that. If I were you I'd just go for a mat on its own. Totally agree, it's hard to explain but doing 30mins a day, you just somehow feel healthier.
  22. To be followed up by Nintendo's third Wii console... "C-Wii-PO, with continued TPC [True Pointer Controls], and" *brief pause for massive revelation on screen behind him* "NINTENDO-ON, VR HEADSET!"
  23. Thought it was a really good episode!
  24. Why do you assume that Zelda's have to have a realistic style to be considered true Zelda's?Who's to say OOT and MM weren't a break from the norm? Because you could argue WW's cel shading... is a closer 3D representation of this... OOT is may favourite game of all time, and I can't say I was at all pleased when WW graphical style was revealed. But after playing it there was no denying it was beautiful and it retained all that Zelda magic, whilst introducing more humour into the series, with a good story etc... The thing I didn't really like about WW was the theme [more so at the time than looking back at it now]. Sailing the sea's and all the pirate characters [especially Zelda being a pirate and not knowing she was Zelda] was a very different direction for the series which I did struggle with. I wouldn't have thought I'd prefer WW over TP [before having played it], but I'd have to say I probably did!
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