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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. It's mentioned in the first post!
  2. Your too funny! [/yes I was being!]
  3. Agreed on: Shenmue III Raven Blade Project Hammer Donkey Kong Racing [tapedeck just beat me to posting the video] Dead Phoenix Retro Studios: Thunder Rally/Car Combat Unity [Gamecube]
  4. That looks great!
  5. Beat him on my 3rd go, Normal difficulty, with a team of I think: Sonic, DK, Ike, Link, Pit, Pokemon Trainer maybe? not sure! Anyways I lost a few due to Taboo's 1 hit KO's pretty early on, but DK really came into his own with his spin attack and some other aerial punches etc... As supercube said ^ just make sure you shield or get out the way where you can anmd you should be fine.
  6. It's just now Blue-rays won,Free online, Home [though I havn't really looked into that], Little big planet, 360's break alot, and other than GOW2 there's not really any other exclusives that'd draw me to 360 [maybe the PGR series]. Can anyone remind me of the key 360 exclusives?! Yes the Playstation controller has always sucked, but think I'd just have to get over it! Then the games I'd be looking forward too... RE5, LittleBigPlanet, SonicWorldAdventure, F1'09, maybe MGS4 [though only played MGS:TS], MAG has potential... dunno though, doubt I'll ever make the 360/PS3 decision!
  7. Very true, hadn't thought of that!! huh! so the games won't work without it, so yeah you are gonna need to buy extra! WTF!
  8. We'll have to wait and see the pricing, but if this is given away with Wii Sports 2 with perhaps a slight price increase over the average game [like how you effectively pay £5 more for a re-mote with Wii-Play], it's surely going to sell phoneminally well though!...like Wii Sports did in Japan, and Wii Play still continues to.Thus I'd expect the Wii majority will own a Motion-plus device.
  9. No we won't start seeing the true influx of Motion-Plus games for a good 18+ months and they'll probably just be the early 'let's get something out' rush jobs!Spring 2009 means nothing but Wii Sports 2. It doesn't matter when the public see it, it's the devs that are important! They don't need to gauge public reactions, because who's going to have objected to improved controls in their games, no one! Show it to the public late, that's fine! If I was seeing it for the first time in January 2009, with Wii Sports 2 just a month or so away and a bunch of future third party titles shown, I'd be extatic! The fact we now know about it, but have to wait 8 months for the first game fir it and then another 8 months or whatever for the true third party games is actually far more frustrating! For me it sounds like Nintendo got this completely the wrong way round!
  10. Yeah Clone Wars won't see it.Your right, the games that implement it will be the ones that havn't started development yet [games just in the concept/planning stages], so yeah I reckon you could be right with a 2 year prediction. I agree with all you've said; devs have a right to be pissed at Nintendo, when for many months, their games will seem inferior in control terms to First Party efforts. Don't know what Nintendo were thinking! They make a concious effort to say they won't show GAMES until they are at a key/playable stage, but then they go and through Wii-Motion Plus in the mix, the results of which we won't truely see for 18+ months!! They should have held it back and shown it off with First and Third party support.
  11. WFT! This isn't good! 6-9 months, mind you that's how long it'll take until Wii see Wii Sports Resorts, so I guess first and third party games will start filtering through around the same time, but still, no prior word or warning!! Very strange!
  12. M.A.G. sounds like it could be ALOT of fun! I havn't got a PS3 or 360, but always constantly thinking about getting one, and at the moment I'm edging more towards PS3 GET!
  13. OMG NO! The first was painfully awkward to watch, in that the majority of it just wasn't funny!
  14. Well yeah but they shouldn't even be an issue! They've been quizzed on those specifically in so many interviews... If someone wants to push them on core games, bring up the franchises we haven't seen and get answers on those!
  15. OMG enough with Mario and Zelda! Seriously what f*cking idiots keep pressing them on that and actually expected to see those franchises specifically! Nintendo should not feel they have to appoligise for the lack of those games, as everyone should know Zelda needs and indeed should take a good many years to create! as should Mario!... What moron expects to see a new Mario game 6 months after the previous!
  16. If you mean the video in the first post, that's 4 player multiplayer! Building your own levels, customising EVERYTHING, importing your own images etc... will be cool. Everyone can share their created levels online for others to play through. Looks a lot of fun!
  17. The same MGS4 which was out a month or so before E3... you can't win E3 on a previously released game! I call foul play!
  18. Trailer Sam & Max: Season One http://www.gametrailers.com/player/37335.html
  19. Yep! [wait 15secs] t'is what the game was famed for!
  20. I've never been that aware of it, but hey! The Icarus thing is the first real thing IGN have done to piss me off.
  21. Yeah there's bound to be a dragon boss in there at some point! Sounds good, and from the screens it looks good too! Some more new screens!
  22. I do tend to play more golf and not much of the others now, so guess I havn't noticed as much. Guess Bowling doesn't get harder though? how could it?!
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