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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. Kellerman was awesome. There's always a chance the gunshots just took out the guards that were with him. I would love to see him back!
  2. Wii version:
  3. I did email them and I think they said they are waiting on approval from Nintendo. Hopefully we'll see the the Link redesign soon! Thanks for the photo's: Handle looks abit dodgy! Dunno what batteries it'll use, but maybe the bulky handle is to accomodate them? Also planning on some Twilight replicas: 1:1 Ocarina should be cool!
  4. Would Micheal kill though, because the fact that he won't has always been such a major part of his character.Sure as the seasons have gone on he's been pushed more and more to breaking point... the whole 'Sammy tunnel collapse' moment in Sona being the furthest he's gone so far. But to point blank shoot Gretchen [or whatever], that would be quite a character development. I think he'd get justice some other way, but we'll see! On a lighter note, hope this makes its way into Season 4!
  5. Nope, I can't even find the Master Sword anywhere on their website or news blog!
  6. Batman Begins 9.5/10 The Dark Knight 8.5/10 [atm] The Departed 6.5/10 Black Hawk Down 9/10
  7. I thought it felt like Gotham at night. The scene with the Joker trying to get to Dent en route with the Rocket Launcher etc... When he forced the convoy 'underground', thought that was awesome and it felt like Gotham when Batman was driving the Batpod. I think it was partly because we saw next to nothing of Gotham during the day in Batman Begins, it was near enough ALL at night, with perhaps the only exception being Bruce travelling on the monorail with his mum and dad. I guess, Gotham is just like many other cities during the day, it's at night when it true characters are revealed. Did miss Wayne Manor in this film though, be nice to have it back in the third. One of my favourite scenes in Begins is the first time Bruce plays the piano keys and decends into the Bat Cave!
  8. Totally agree, that's why despite loving the show I also hope it does end with this season.Personally I feel it's never let me down [unlike Heroes which has done so already] and I've really enjoyed the story. Season 4 is supposedly about "Breaking In" [to take down the company, that is]. Whilst I agree season 1 has been the best so far, if it had ended there it would have been a 1 season show!Of course it was always gonna be more than that and personally I think they've played it out really well. I've always enjoyed it.
  9. The pre-strike episodes were season 3! I can't wait, it's my favourite TV series!! I wouldn't say they're milking it: The story was originally planned to last 2 seasons, but due to demand they stretched it out over 3 seasons, which is fair enough! Then season 3 got cut half way due to the writers strike, so they HAD to go to a fourth season. If it doesn't end with season 4 then ok they will be milking it!
  10. I've just seen the a horrible video on Youtube of papparazzi interviewing Nicholson immediately after Ledgers death. Actually made me feel a bit sick! Nicholson goes on to my 'who I'd punch in the face' list! and I would..... repeatedly!
  11. That really sucks! Rest In Peace man! That is a f*cking stupid thing to say!
  12. I don't think that could be further from the truth.Whilst Ledger undoubtedly watched Nicholsons performance as part of his research, you can tell he delved FAR deeper into the character! Watch this montage of the two performances... Ledger is BY FAR the better Joker. To me Nicholsons Joker is just Nicholson in make-up! Ledger actually became the joker, it's outstanding, he's got a whole character, a performance answer to anything and everything. I think one of my favourite Ledger scenes whilst watching the movie, was perhaps surprisingly, the one when he's in the stollen cop car hanging his head out the window in the breeze. At that point I just thought, wow this is incredible, he is the joker!
  13. Yeah exactly! IMO Ledger was the better Joker, I can say that, I have, end of for me! I think Jack Nicholson was totally serious when he said those comments, I think they are idiotic and I'm glad he was upstaged!
  14. Definately my Zelda: OOT cart. If I still had Mario 64 it would be that.
  15. First new Autobot/Decepticon vehicle for Transformers 2...
  16. Just some more Batman 3 talk:
  17. With a car?!... Get the f*ck out! They're awesome!
  18. Don't know how I could forget possibly two of the biggest tw*ts on earth!! Actually not Dom so much, but Dick.... oh how I want to punch Dick!! *realises how this sounds!*
  19. Agreed on Madonna! She's completely talentless and now just seems to spend her time being a complete embarressment! Like shagging a boom box: And you can put that away!!
  20. Your not councilors! so you don't have the right to council people! and shut up with your "Tits and Arse, Tits and Arse" crap all the time!! To try and beat some acting skills into the still completely talentless, yet still a millionaire off the back of it, lucky fecker!
  21. ALL Beatles songs! Sorry but I just don't get it! That's rated?!! Wasn't that Meatloaf? You mean: "Everything I do, I do it for you"....?
  22. Ah ok, cheers! Just found this while looking through TDK info on IGN... Damn does Jack Nicholson come across as an idiot! Pull your head out your arse Jack! Glad Heith's Joker completely upstages his!
  23. Sorry but I don't get it! I got that members of the mob had worked their way into the police, but what, just because Gordan hadn't realised/wanted to accept this, Dent was prepared to kill Gordans son?!!
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