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Everything posted by Retro_Link

  1. SWS gets some new visual effects and a new subtitle:
  2. IGN Hands On http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/901/901460p1.html Well no because that kotaku hands-on said they never really experienced any more than 12 enemies on screen at once! Try reading it! and from IGN's hands on:
  3. That has to be one of the most boring races i've seen in a LONG time! Overall I've been dissapointed by Valencia which is a real shame, as I think it has way more potential. The track is extremely boring to look at the majority of the time, with nothing distinguishing one part from the other, just concrete blocks and wire fences. The whole race was just a procession with no overtaking whatsoever! The only move of the afternoon I can think of was DC trying to overtake on a corner and it not coming off resulting in him spinning. That's ALL we got! There was a little talk towards the end of the race about plans to maybe change the track a little for next year and I REALLY hope they do because they need to if they've got this track lined up for another 10 years or so. What an utter bore! I love F1 expanding to new tracks around the world, but what I'm getting a little tired of are these new Tilke designed tracks. He's built some good ones but I can't understand why you would create a new track with NO potential for exciting racing! You're starting from scratch, you could do ANYTHING, but this is what we get! Now we have two insanely boring Spanish GP's! The procession that is Monaco. And numerous other tracks where it's increasingly difficult to overtake on. The likelyhood is Singapore will be the same, and maybe even Abu Dhabi next year! Thankfully they've got rid of San Marino! I want more racing circuits back on the calender! Bring Suzuka back [rather two Japanese GP's if it means better racing!] and future circuits should be designed far better!
  4. Yeah the pit lane is very dusty, which would become very slippery like an emulsion! Can't believe how narrow the walled pit lane exit is!
  5. There is a single player mode, complete with boss battles.
  6. New Video http://uk.wii.ign.com/dor/objects/966047/samba-de-amigo/videos/sambamusicpack.html
  7. Transporter 3 http://uk.movies.ign.com/dor/objects/14237757/transporter-3/videos/transporter3_trlr1_082208.html
  8. The game comes with one pair and additional pairs will be sold separately...
  9. Gameplay video: http://www.gamekyo.com/video12813_skate-it-new-gameplay-video.html
  10. Great trailer! The developers have put ALOT of effort in and deserve to see this do well.
  11. Alonso will most likely have been extremely light on fuel for that 2nd fastest time. It's effectively a second home GP for him, so he's bound to try his usual trick in qualifying tommorrow of running very light on fuel to give the Spanish fans something to cheer about. Dunno what happened with Button! Great to see Kimi back running well on Friday and I hope he can grap pole for the race, as looks like overtaking will be very difficult outside of the pitstops.
  12. Motorstorm: Pacific Rift http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38840.html
  13. The Joker http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38956.html
  14. Gametrailers Review - 6.5 http://www.gametrailers.com/player/38913.html They say there's only around 10 hours of gameplay! with a lot of your time just being spent in menu's!
  15. And this is supposed to be the first in a trilogy! I imagine this was an expensive game to produce, especially being 10 years in the making! The Too Human series may have to drop the 360 exclusivity if it's to make its money. That or just can the series!
  16. So it's Valencia this weekend! Not really sure what I think of the curcuit yet; currently watching free-practice live on the itv website. Looks fun to drive, and certain parts look great from the on-board camera's... though atm it certainly isn't that nice to look at! Viewed from the helicopter however the circuit looks stunning!! It's literally like some builders have made a makeshift circuit on their building site out of some concrete blocks and wire fencing!... major concrete fest!! Anyways the bridge is cool, and they're bound to add some vegetation and other attractions to the circuit for the following years, as you really can tell the site isn't finished yet and has just need brought up to a certain standard to host the GP. The race will be the real test of the circuit anyways!
  17. Been reading up on some of the villians on wikipedia and here's who I think sound like the best fits: - Harley Quinn - As a way of extending The Joker into another film, which I feel is needed. However, I think her story relies far to heavily on The Joker and thus am not sure it would be possible. - Black Mask - I think is the perfect villian to bring into Batman 3 and can capatalise on the breaking Gotham City. He has an interesting backstory with Bruce Wayne and Joker references are possible. Apparently in the Black Mask graphic novel he worked second in command to The Joker. They could expand him from being one of the Jokers henchmen, or he could step out of the shadows to take a command over the out of control mobs and criminal underworld. This sounds interesting: Also TDK had a Black Mask reference, which ties in perfectly to him having been at the time of The Joker: - Bane - Sounds interesting from what I've read and he has connections with Black Mask. - Deadshot - Perhaps just a small part as a hired hitman by Black Mask or some other mob boss. Maybe the opening 10min sequence could be Batman chasing down Deadshot on the Bat-Pod, then finding out who hired him... enter Black Mask? - Riddler - IGN's thoughts were quite good for Riddler: However, for some reason I have doubts The Riddler and not sure I'd want him in Batman 3. - Talia al Ghul - Again IGN have an idea, and I think she could be an alright choice, and of course ties in with Batman Begins: Personally I think I'd like Black Mask, possibly Bane and maybe a Deadshot cameo. IMO the important thing for Batman is to stay away from CGI villians. The series has worked fantastically without it so far and it has such potential to ruin a film... see Spiderman 3!
  18. Damn you main site whipper snappers for not posting news on the forum! :wink:
  19. And exhale! You really gonna buy Soul Calibre Legends? are you just gonna try it out for the story? I can't believe it still hasn't been released here yet, wasn't it out about 1 year ago in the rest of the world?!
  20. What does September have in store?
  21. Holly Willoughby is the X Factor highlight for me! Love her!
  22. Shouldn't Nintendo buy the company, a majority share in it, or the technology or something, in order to keep it exclusive? Saying that, it would probably be a waste of money because it's too late for Sony/Microsoft to really think about Motion Sensing this generation; and leading up to the next generation Sony/Microsoft could just invest in some other company to produce gyroscope motion controllers for them, should they want to go down that route!
  23. You don't get many Car Cigarette Lighters on the beach! but hey, nice idea I suppose! Gamecube, PS1/PS2 got screens aswell didn't they?
  24. Havn't been playing anything really! SSBB only managed to hold my interest for a few days [i just feel like I've played it all before in Melee]. I've had a few multiplayer games of Mario Kart Wii recently, which I continue to love! and a few minutes on Wii Fit but that's about it!
  25. All the question marks in the cell do hint at the Riddler.
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