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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. unless its very under powered, I think thats a smart choice. basically it'll look under powered if its cheaper. if its a comparable price it will appear to be a comparable product for cheaper. if its markedly cheaper, it will looked like it is a markedly inferior product, which will cancel out the difference in price
  2. maybe so, but a lot do have a choice. I saw a documentary, and this man interviewed some african guys who were infected. interview went along the lines of "you know you have HIV. why don't you use condoms?" "I'm going to die, why do I care about anyone else?" with attitudes like that, to be totally frank, I'm surprised the HIV infection rates aren't even higher.
  3. Sorry, but if they don't use condoms because the church says not to, then they also have one partner, as the church says. If they don't listen to the church about having a single partner, they don't listen to the church about condoms. conclusion? they don't LIKE condoms. or they can't afford them. They feel that they need an excuse not to use them, so they claim its because the Catholic Church is against their use.
  4. aren't NGC future, and future = official nintendo magazine.... so it makes sense.
  5. I think a part of the worry is over sliding morals. sure morals can slide to a more positive stance, but they can also slide to a more negative position. for example, how many people would say the following scenario is good having a baby born, waiting a couple of weeks, and then, if you decide you don't like the baby, just pop down to the abortion clinic, explain you don't feel ready for a baby yet, and you don't want the poor thing to grow up feeling rejected. they do checks to make sure you are the parent and the other parent agrees, kill the kid (smash the skull, lethal injection etc etc.) then pop the corpse in an incinerator. now add a day to that babies age, and another day etc etc. the age can creep up. there are people who would be perfectly cool with the concept of having death booths, were either unwanted dependents can be disposed of, or those seeking suicide can cleanly and efficiently fulfill their wish. then there are those who would find such a concept sick and twisted. if you fall in the "thats sick and twisted" category, then I'm with you. but everyone has different boundaries, and they justify them in different ways. some are anti abortion because abortion crosses their boundaries, others are anti abortion because they are concerned that it may cross their boundaries in the future.
  6. do you seriously think that? seriously, that if you walked out tomorrow, and everyone looked, acted, spoke in everyway just like you, that the world would be ideal? personally, I'd be insanely bored if that was the case. and if you disagree with me I challenge you to spend a year on your own in a room with mirrors for walls and plenty of food and water supplies. see how long your reflection entertains you. (closest I can think of a same person simulation). I think the World is pretty ideal as it is, just its going in the wrong direction.
  7. feel threatened in what way though? Personally my life hasn't changed at all since then, I was fortunate not to know any victims of the attack, but I don't see any more threat from them than I do from cars, or old age, which statistically are far more likely to be involved in my eventual death.
  8. What are they going to do though? I guess I see what you mean though, the largest group in opposition to your views are most able to persecute you and try to force you to change, but being in the majority it strikes me as strange that you would feel threatened by a group that is far smaller than the one you are a part of.
  9. different topic perhaps, but just thinking, could someone define christian extremists, because they're getting a bashing, and I'm thinking my definition of them differs to most people on here... a bit more on topic. I think its very important for a child to have good role models, both male and female. is it better to have a bad father/mother, or to have no father/mother though? I'd say it would be better to have no mother/father, and to have a good male/female role model, preferably a relation (grandparents/aunt or uncle/mothers or fathers partner) otherwise a family friend.
  10. ok... physics must be rusty, what is the definition of light? as in what makes radiowaves non light, where as IR is light?
  11. I'm hoping activision, konami, capcom, sega, namco. they're responsible for most (possibly all) the games I'm interested in, pretty cool
  12. invisible light... so would this be IR, microwaves, radiowaves? or UV, x-rays, gamma rays? or literally like a regular torch/laser pointer, just with VERY weak light so we can't actually see it with our eyes? :S
  13. Dan Dare: When the term "step forward" is used, I always find myself wondering what that step is towards. Everything is a step forward, the question isn't whether movement is being made - We all know that movement has been made. The real question is what direction is that step in? really what I'm interested isn't the step its self, but the direction its heading in. the step its self is the rights of homosexuals, but as in all things that step can have wide reaching consequences. After some brief thought of possible ramifications of this legislation personally I've come to my conclusion, and I'm comfortable with that conclusion. be interesting to see where this step goes
  14. depends on the definitions. I think the problem is wordy correctness. paying lipservice doesn't work. its sweeping the problem under the carpet. basically the social aspect has to be tackled, not the language. most people I know are politically correct when they need to, but when they feel safe they let their real opinions out.
  15. apparently they were illegal, not sure about now.
  16. No End Soon. = NES. 3 months to develop a game, and they'll possibly release a teaser before E3? I imagine a huge team is working on it if its true. but personally I would say a better fake blog, rather than a legit blog. but it is well written if it is fake, keeps speculation plausible
  17. basically, the graphical difference between 5 mill and 10 mill poly's is > 10 mill 20 mill. not in the fact that both are equal (increase of 200%) but actually looking at the difference, the difference between 5 mill and 10 mill would be more noticeable. it makes complete sense not to go full on power. Nintendo have a very good business plan, and it allows sony and microsoft to have a full on battle, which will most likely result in either 1 being knocked out all together, or (preferably for nintendo) both wearing each other down and weakening each other. if 1 isn't knocked out, I would be a little surprised if nintendo weren't number one, if 1 is knocked out I imagine nintendo will be a close 2nd. but obviously diverging out into a different area.
  18. we felt the blast 15 miles away, bit weird to comprehend an explosion that large, tbh I would have expected more than cracked walls, broken windows and buckled doors.
  19. maybe they did notice you, and have investigated you. maybe the "cheque" will be police coming in :P haha. you get theived, and go to jail for it I think what people are annoyed at it this. if you had claimed £400 the insurance company would be paying half as much, therefore, ideally, they would be charging half as much. assuming all claimants claim twice what they have a right to claim. so for those lucky, but still having insurance, you are insuring they have to pay more for no reason. however, say I bought a game for £20 and I can only find it for £40 now.. the insurance company wouldn't care. so for all my games I would likely claim £40 for each, simply because I can't say "I bought this for £20, but I can only find it for £40 now" because they'd 99% definitly just say tough.
  20. there are plenty of words that don't go phonetically. is fire spelt fier in america?
  21. uh huh. stop and think. gamecube + better cpu, gpu, larger storage medium. tos used what, 3Gb, so we can have games 3 times the size of tos. Nintendo will have taken on board comments about the GC, this console will be cool. being 480p it doesn't need the ram of the 360, and truth be told, it will have awesome graphics. frame rate will be a constant 60fps. think re4 * 2. the revolution will reach the point where 480p has been fulfilled (graphics can't be improved) then the console after that will take on HD (at which time HDTV will have matured). pretty cool
  22. although don't the GC discs use proprietary discs, kinda pre blu-ray discs which have a higher capacity than regular cd's? so it would make sense (with the revolution being backward compatible with the GC) to use that same standard, just on a larger disc. or was the pre bluray format thing made up by some random person?
  23. Pestneb

    New TV

    really? I've lost count of my money tbh, I think I'd be able to afford £5k without being in debt. but I wouldn't want to waste my money on something I really don't need. if I won the lottery or something maybe, but I doubt I'll find a winning ticket on the street
  24. I think the issue here isn't fanboyism, but segregations within the gaming community. 1) graphics. everyone here likes good graphics. I think the problem is the definition of good graphics. graphics give a game an identity, a feel. there are in our medium limits. so graphics are measured by three standards. the first is how well it meets the machines limits. the second is how much the player likes the graphics, and the third is how well the graphics suit the nature of the game. one is a less arguable factor, either a game pushes the machine its on (or pushes the boat out in terms of graphical excellence on that machine) or it doesn't. The second point is subjective, purely on aesthetics, do they like the style used? and then the third point is does the style suit the feel of the game? I've heard the phrase don't judge a book by its cover. the problem is the graphics of a game (much like a movie) are an integral part of the medium. taking windwaker as an example. it wasn't kiddy, but it was cheerful. many gamers wanting a darker game didn't buy it. thats fair enough. gamers wanting a lighter tale could enjoy it. it was still a great game. The graphics suited the nature of the game, which was a plus, as a good game (graphically) should not just display competently, but also give a good idea of the atmosphere and general nature of the game. graphically, non of the systems are vastly different. yes there are small differences, but not as big as the difference between a generation. all have games that push the hardware varying amounts, all have lazily coded games, and games that are coded with dedication. platforms wise - PS2, Xbox or GC, makes no difference. you get different controllers, but ultimately they are all the same. analogue sticks, buttons, triggers and d-pads. there's not really much in it if we're honest, and in the end it comes down to personal opinion. but if you had the nintendo PS2, and the sony gamecube, would it have changed your purchasing (assuming the games stayed with the company not the console name) Personally I am of the opinion that if you enjoy games on just one platform you are lucky - I saved about £3/400 because I've only purchase a GC and not an xbox/ps2. people with one console protect that console, perhaps because they are scared of it pulling a dreamcast, perhaps because the console appearing weak will make them appear weak. mature people are happy with what ever console they have, and its just part of the maturing process getting over "fanboyism". the problem is when fanboyism becomes elitism, which seems to take the form of those who claim the title of "hardcore gamer". but hardcore gamers wasn't what this was aimed for. it was at fanboys.
  25. 1.super mario kart(snes) - too many hours spent on this game, in battle mode vs my best mate, in time trial vs my brother, and racing against anyone. 2.super monkeyball (GC) 3.top gear (snes) 4.blades of steel(nes) 5.Tales of symphonia (GC)
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