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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. I know wikipedia isn't 100% reliable - thats why I popped it in as a source, so people could make their own judgement. I'm pretty sure there was mention of SD at E3. I can't check these sources, bit a quick google brought up http://www.gamespot.com/news/2005/05/17/news_6125078.html nintendo.about.com/od/e32005coverage/a/e3revdetails.htm http://www.i4u.com/article3435.html gc.advancedmn.com/article.php?artid=5174 news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/4558555.stm gear.ign.com/articles/634/634114p1.html I haven't been able to check those links thoroughly, as I'm at work and they don't like "game" sites, so I only had the short description google gave. and yes, perhaps they aren't all reliable, but I am very sure Nintendo said they would use SD cards. and insecure? ironic considering the SD stands for Secure Digital. and precedence? in Japan, Nintendo released a GC memory card adapter for SD cards. (can't check this link but hopefully it works) http://www.lik-sang.com/ info.php?category=52&products_id=776 maybe they have changed their minds, or maybe the SD cards are behind that flap, but I am convinced at E3 2k5 atleast Nintendo intended to support SD. note also they are supporting USB too, which has no precedence afaik.
  2. I had a similar choice to you. I have regrets about my decision, but I think that is inevitable. I won't say which I chose, but I'll say this, I very much regret that decision I made. I am also very glad I made it. basically life is what you make it. no one will give you anything for being miserable, and being miserable won't allow you to enjoy life. I go for happiness (I don't get it all the time but I aim for it). Life isn't all roses, and there will be tough/hard times. on the one hand, life shouldn't be miserable all the way through. But on the other, if you drop out as soon as you hit a tough patch, life will be VERY dull and unrewarding. so figure out if this is needless pain, or just a tough patch, the pain before the gain. If you can't figure that out, if you choose to get out of the situation, make sure you've got a Plan B, soemthing to aim for. ie maybe saving money up through a job to allow your next venture. perhaps a holiday or whatever. a mate of mine once told me you need SOMETHING to aim for, and it is true, otherwise life is just a very slow death.
  3. I doubt they'd use it that way. It could cause huge problems, it would be like probation, people would resent it, and it would cost nintendo. afaik, each revo has a unique number, when you download a game it is tied to your revo, meaning it will only run on that machine. a possible solution would involve downloading games (from booths in game stores perhaps) onto SD cards, the games are in an unplayable and uncopyable format, when popped into a revo they are tied to that machine, and then can only be played on that machine.
  4. I remember discussing of DRM, each revo would have a unique number, so you would get the code, but it would only run on your Revo, so I'm hoping that the contents can be transferred to PC, although tbh I find it quite likely that Nintendo will stop that to save Nintendo unfriendly activities (emulation/altering code so it can be run on any revo) from happening. bit of a change then... cheapest SD cards. I can find 512Mb for under £15, and that was the cheapest (per Mb) I could find... anyone found it much cheaper? (I'm guessing cheapest would be 512Mb or 1Gb for the time being)
  5. I'm not sure how the second thread was made, possibly clicked post twice by accident :s Really I was wandering if we would be able to copy the data from a GC card, to SD card, to HDD. I'm guessing not, but hoping you can. and have Nintendo officially stated you can use the 1 and 2Gb SD cards, or is that assumed?
  6. its been too long since I had golden. but golden wins for me. what does golden/maple syrup taste like? (both mixed?) also, marrow jam. thats nice
  7. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nintendo_Revolution Media: Slot-loading optical disc drive compatible with both 12 cm Revolution optical discs (8.5 GB) and 8 cm Gamecube optical discs (1.5 GB) as well as standard DVD discs. (A first for self loading drives) 2 Front-loading SD memory card slots. I have just got myself 3Gb worth of SD cards (separate application) and a card reader. would I be right in thinking I could pop saves on the sd card, then pop them onto my HDD? and from E3 they said 512Mb, but I assume it also can take 1Gb/2Gb cards?
  8. stefkov, I only have Tos, but (personally) value I'd be willing to buy for Tos £29.99 MSF £19.99 BW £14.99
  9. I imagine 1)customer service phoneline (general point of contact for people to contact Nintendo) 2)repairs 3)distribution of Nintendo merchandise.
  10. If Nintendo want touch screen in games I imagine it will be provided through the DS. touch sensitivity - maybe. but tbh I don't see that coming through anything other than the DS, especially looking at the lite.
  11. looking at the gba and ds situation, it looks sustainable enough, the gba2 would more likely place the strain on the PSP than the DS, which would only be a good thing for Nintendo.
  12. I think GBA2 will most likely be announced next year, it may be mentioned that the next gameboy is in development (like the revo was mentioned E3 2k4) but I doubt we will see it. looking at hardware being shown in full prior to release DS (2004) revo (2006) if the GBA 2 is shown 2008, that spaces nicely, DS2 in 2010, revo2 in 2012, gba3 2014. nicely spaces machines out, so nintendo get new revenue every two years, while only updating individual hardware types in a way that renders prior hardware redundant every 6 years. that would bring a level of stability to the company, regular new releases without affecting users (look at the life span of the nes through to the cube, 6 years sounds right.) so it explains the pillar statement to me.
  13. I'm not 100% sure about this, but if you feel the pain in muscles they're still in repair mode, which comes before the grow period. so you should at least not use the muscles you can feel if you want them to grow. but its def. a nice feeling in a weird way, the painful over worked muscle feel.
  14. in a good diet yes, but lots of people have crap diets (skinny people) for their metabolism. having fat = good, being overweight due to fat = not good, being medically "fat" due to fat = bad. but fat itself does not make you unfit, lack of exercise makes you unfit. formulated protein shakes are pretty rubbish, as the majority of them contain forms of the proteins/amino acids that won't be absorbed into your body, so you basically just pad out your next turd.
  15. walk? seriously, after 10 years of walking atleast 15 miles a week, with about 15 pounds carrying weight, and I have very strong leg muscles. and walk bout 5 mph.
  16. prolly not going to be long till they are used for this, and it all goes horribly wrong one day.. although, current controllers can already be used in that way, or as ball and chain so : / but as gaming goes more mainstream there will be more game related deaths, simply because more morons will sadly be attracted, as well as those more adept at being human.
  17. genetic, diet, also some people don't do push ups correctly. tbh, the most honest advice I can give is try different things out, see what works for you. however, if you are skinny, try to add some fat. if you're looking to build you need a bit of fat. why? muscles, even when relaxed, need energy just to live, they are just like any cell. if you haven't got much fat at all on you, then your body will look to streamline, cut out unneccessary energy use. so lets see.. liver, heart, brain.. nope, kinda essential. oh look, here's some muscle, lets kill off that. two fold benefit - 1 your body uses the protein as an energy source, 2- your body reduces energy requirements. so either get fat, or eat 5 meals a day, high in protein. personally I found supplementing my diet with 1 litre of semi skimmed helped me, you may want full fat if you are skinny (but you would need to work out). better though are monkey nuts. full of protein, and good fat. just make sure they aren't roasted or salted though. one last thing - less is more. as in reps. more resistance, fewer reps = greater muscle gain. less resistance, more reps = greater endurance. I guess you want a happy medium, where you get growth, but also have reasonable endurance. some have recommended creatine - it works. I love the stuff. I'm not sure my liver does. I don't use it myself, as I am concerned about the long term effects on the liver, which ultimately deals with the bi-products. however, the stuff works. I was vastly stronger when using it - about 2-3 times so, and my endurance had a similar increase. I would highly recommend you drink plenty of water while using the stuff though, and keep to more respectable manufacturers, and follow their guidelines carefully.
  18. I think you have to put it in context. some laws are put in place to promote a change in society. this one hoping to promote an end to smoking. why not ban it outright? look at the back lash from some here. this way hopefully the numbers of smokers will reduce enough to have it die out naturally. then in time the law will be seen as redundant, and removed in a couple of centuries time (if they bother to get round to it)
  19. I've never worried about tax when I get my paycheck, its not an issue, I don't think about it. why? because I expect it. it doesn't mean I like it, nor that I would not benefit from being exempt from tax. same with fag smoke. as I said, the pubs and clubs round here aren't my cup of tea. the tax of fag smoke is greater than the paycheck of fun. maybe you just have better clubs and pubs in your area.
  20. I found myself accidentally holding something with a shorter wire than will be between the controller and attachments, and it wasn't constrictive, I stretched my arms as much as I comfortably would, and while the slight tension did affect the way my hands moved, I didn't feel constricted, more guided. but as I said, the wire I used WAS shorter. I imagine it may possibly be an issue for the rarer very tall people, but attachments that require the attachment to be held far away from the main controller will probably have longer wires. if they exist. in summary, it shouldn't be constrictive at all.
  21. tbh from the way you come across on here, I'm not surprised you don't know anyone like me, you don't exactly seem accepting of anyone with views that don't conform to your own. and about your earlier comment, I wasn't twisting your words to insult you, nor because I am incapable of thinking myself, I was just pointing out that it works both ways. Just now instead of the majority being forced to compromise, it will now be the minority who are forced to compromise.
  22. Have you honestly ALWAYS disliked bars because they're smoky? Or, actually, has it never really crossed your mind, until now Yes, I stopped going to pubs and clubs because it annoys me that much. the fact the local ones just suck big time possibly doesn't help, but I don't want to try out different ones further afield because the environment is rubbish.
  23. Chopper great argument, just needs a few modifications. That's ridiculous. The smoker has the choice of not being so uptight and not to worry about it. it doesn't matter. If you go out at night, you spend 5 hours in a pub. Max. When you leave, are you really concerned about how much smoke you've breathed in?! Or are you arguing because there's a thread on the topic of a smoking-ban, and it's given you the opportunity to get on your high horse, and bang on about how awful not smoking is. When actually, you're not that fussed...?!
  24. on the zelda -rev controller issue, perhaps zelda:tp can use only the GC controller, that doesn't mean you won't be able to choose to use the revo controller to play z:tp.
  25. I think I want a white revo, but I'd be happy with a black one. Personally I think white and black are most likely, both neutral colours. A silver/platinum revo would be nice though.
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