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Everything posted by Pestneb

  1. to be honest its less fiddly with a wire. wire = place it, leave it until the tv/console is replaced. easy, at most it will need to be moved twice in a decade. wireless = place it, leave it till batteries run out. a single wire in this case improves the system (imo).
  2. crt screens do produce electromagnetic fields, but I don't think it would be capable of supplying electricity to another device. however, perhaps that could be the basis of wireless electricity.. lol that would be crazy. And I imagine fairly dangerous...
  3. I always thought they should make a super smash bros: Pokemon, pokemon would be so much better if it was smash bros style
  4. I hope they have a disable item option - the nintendog WILL be disabled. though that sounds wrong, disabling a puppy : /
  5. Thing is there will be a number of consoles they will need to sell. I think alot of people will save up fully intending to get a PS3, and will end up giving up. a price cut will probably happen BEFORE its released.
  6. the crossover of "wii" and "we" is what convinced me. Statements when you aren't sure it it is "we" console (Wii) "we" Nintendo "we" the community "we" all of the above some people will take a while longer to accept it (possibly till after launch) but thats the way it is, at the end of the day we all mature at different rates, there are a couple of guys in my office who are almost twice my age, but they act more like they are almost half my age.
  7. I used to be Pikachu in the 64 version, but in the GC version he was weakened too much I stuck with him though, and perfected the lightening wall technique sadly that stopped people playing against me
  8. fair enough. Nintendo may have a reason for the system they have though. often there are logical reasons you'd overlook... perhaps its avoiding a Microsoft patent minefield?
  9. http://www.elspa.com ... or something like that
  10. I can kinda see why they did it. Imagine an annoying person randomly guessed your code. Then they annoy you. any game you have and they have, they can annoy you. I think the Wii should have a function where it asks "do you want to share additional friends codes", and you can name a player say "bob". then there is a little option where you can disable them actually seeing if you are online or not in certain games. so after entering one initial friend code you never need to enter another one ever again. perhaps a function of connect 24 - it could update friends with new games you have.
  11. ok.. if you could make a volcano erupt, cause a tsunami etc... why would you want a nuke...?
  12. they're probably deciding what to include. 2nunchuck style setups, 2 classic controller set-ups? 1 nunchuck, 1 classic? if it IS cheap enough, I may buy a couple of spare consoles
  13. I believe FHC control is supported, just its an option. Having watched the Nintendo Conference, I'm less convinced that there are games that CAN'T use the FHC - the FHC nunchuck setup has nearly as many buttons/ analogue sticks as the GC pad. Wii nunchuck = 2 shoulder buttons, 1 trigger, 6 buttons, 1 analogue stick, 1 d-pad GC pad = 2 shoulder buttons, 1 trigger, 5 buttons, 2 analogue sticks, 1 d-pad. Wii has one more button than the GC pad and 1 less analogue stick. add in the 3-d mouse effects, and you have a far more flexible controller. I actually think the nunchuck attachment would be better with 3-d mouse ability and a button in place of the analogue stick
  14. semi agree. I won't get it with out trying before I buy. perhaps they'll allow demo's - 1 a month or something like that. also on the face thing... maybe they let you upload a picture of yourself (through the SD card) and then alter the head it gets pasted on. it would be good if you could put in several faces (happy, neutral, annoyed) and the game displayed the game as appropriate. maybe you could download friends (authenticated via friend codes) faces, to add to the experience. anyway, we'll see. I'm guessing new info will start coming in about 5-6pm?
  15. Thats what I'm thinking. There are times you just want to smash stuff, but being sane and civilised you realise that you can't. punch bags/soft furniture used to be the outlet, but this will be nice too, being able to smash stuff up at will, and know that no one will complain hopefully it will be nicely split up so its pick up and play friendly. a nice bit of fishing afterwards to help calm down too
  16. possibly not for the same reasons, but I also find that bit amusing, and enough to convince me not to go out of my way to watch the film.
  17. they probably held back alot after the Sony conference. lol, Imagine Sony camp now, all they can reveal is the addition of a microphone at TGS
  18. just about to head home, 30 minute walk, I may try and cut it down to a 15 minute journey though! I've also emailed myself a list of sites to try for a stream I'd better find one!!
  19. I wonder if Nintendo will stoop to jokingly revealing "the final secret of the PS3.. I mean Wii is..."
  20. maybe there'll be cards you can pop into a slot under that flap, during the game the revolution heats up scented areas of the card and a small fan wafts them into the room. unlikely, but I'd have said the speaker on the FHC was unlikely. Just thinking of riding through a meadow in z:tp and smelling authentic smells, then it rains and the smell of damp soil fills the room. or in a game, a distinctive smell of a certain enemy (perhaps strong B.O or something else unpleasant, and you can smell when they are near in a thickly wooded area. or in a dungeon, you can smell stagnant puddles of water, or in a stable the smell of fresh hay.. or horse dung :/ but yeah, scent could bring the scene to life...
  21. yup, but it will add a realism, imagine holding the fhc behind your head and hearing the classic sound, then as you swing the controller there is no need for a generic swooping noise, it will occur naturally. it does seem a bit weird though - if they go into that much detail, what else have they got planned? just thinking about that vr suite thing, with fans and stuff...
  22. maybe there'll be more articles using this code on the site, perhaps actually revealing information? doubt it but who knows
  23. it depends how confident they are about the product. maybe they'll release in Australia first (Winter over there...). now that WOULD be a surprise (very pleasant for the Australians - perhaps not so much for the americans. they did release GC around May over here didn't they? I know I bought my cube in June, kinda an impulse buy, and played it at night/rainy days
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