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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. For the first Thieves mission, just go straight up there and straight back out, doesn't matter if they see you, if you're quick enough you won't get done. And for the vampire thing, look to the Brotherhood.
  2. I had a mate who got a hernia when he was like, fourteen. He could still move and that, wasn't in too much pain. So you never know Ndino.
  3. I too think it is very silly to apply such out-dated terms as Fascist and Nazi to modern-day world powers. Nazi stood for National Socialist anyway, it wasn't some doctrine of belief. They were just led by a bunch of very strange people.
  4. You should do what I did, and refer to Jordan for expert advice on the KVM solution. That or search the tech forum for the topic I posted a month or so ago.
  5. You want them to go through that? Do it yourself.
  6. It says that "Mr Makao was sentenced to 15 months in prison for fire raising." What is fire raising?
  7. I think this man would have something to say on the matter.
  8. All the people who've said that paedophiles should be locked up because they might cause harm advocate thought policing. We all know where that's gonna land us.. in Lack-of-Liberties City drinking cups of Victory tea.
  9. So this dashboard update, meant to arrive today right?
  10. I dreamt the other night that I met Isaac Newton. He was accepting a Nobel Prize for being the first person to receive a Nobel Prize whilst deceased.
  11. Halo CE was fantastic I thought. And, man, it only gets better from there on in.
  12. So, who's obtained the Hitman demo? It reminded me how bored I got whilst playing those games. Looks nice though.
  13. At the moment, I'd pick You Only Live Once, by The Strokes.
  14. It does feel good doesn't it. Eighteen digs for you.
  15. Yeah you don't get booted out of the Thieves' just for joining another faction. It's quite safe. And Orming, you want to get out and fight some beasties in the wilderness to level up. The two graverobbers are actually pretty tough, so get some levelling done first.
  16. Yeah, fuck sound. It's all about the HIGH DEFINITION.
  17. Where do you live, Mad? If there's an Apple store near you, just take it in there and they'll fix or replace it for you.
  18. High funf mate. And you, retro, have the same lamp as me. EDIT: And you, Children, have the same games console as me.
  19. Welcome to my world. EDIT: Now with captions.
  20. Well I didn't mean that they're totally useless, it's just that for the sounds you want, you really need a separate electric as well as an acoustic.
  21. Doesn't always work quite like that though. Sometimes it's more like; it did happen, but I never remembered it. For instance, if one were to break one of one's bones whilst intoxicated.
  22. I don't think it'd be easy to get a guitar which can do both Dylan and Libertines styles. I think Barat plays some sort of Gibson/Epiphone thing, which would not be easy to emulate on a semi acoustic. Likewise, folk would sound strange on a guitar built for electric riffs and that. If I were you, I'd go get two guitars.
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