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Everything posted by Arragaun

  1. Just don't talk to them then. It's very easy to pick friends.
  2. What I should have said there was; 'wow, she's bored of real sex already?' I feel that would have been wittier.
  3. Well are you jealous of these idiots for attracting these people who find idiocy attractive? Do you want to be friends with these morons? Serious conversations are often too intense or boring for people to bother with. It's better to live your life in wilful ignorance of all seriousness, because that way people can actually be content.
  4. Why does a fourteen-year-old girl want cybersex?
  5. Part of our evolution mate. We can't be stick in the muds for eternity.
  6. Wait, you've seen people who can't be bothered to work make loads of friends and earn loads of money? Edit: People who you've actually met and who aren't just a person you've seen on the telly.
  7. You know it is possible to be an idiot and still know lots of things. Plus, like Katie's just said, idiots aren't bad at all, I know lots of them and some are thoroughly entertaining people. Sure you can't talk to certain people about stuff they don't/don't want to understand, but that doesn't stop them being fun to be around. Also, why bother classifying millions of clearly very different people into one very derogatory stereotype. It's just lazy.
  8. I never thought I could laugh so much at something like that.
  9. A cheerful yes and an equally cheerful no.
  10. Christ Lord, I was paid less than three-fifty at Christmas when I was seventeen. Some people get all the luck and don't realise that they've got so much of it and go about their lives ignorant of the incredible gift that they've been given. You're not one though.
  11. "Don't be a loner, protect your boner." From what I do not know. Sex diseases probably.
  12. Your name reminds me of something good. And it's in your signature. So that gets a seven already. The Hulk's in there as well, adding an extra two points. 9/10.
  13. Spirited Away It was very enchanting for sure, but I thought it was too much like an 'Alice In Wonderland' that had been re-hashed a bit. Also, I think the little thing that Chihiro and Hakou had going on should have been touched upon a lot more than it was. That would've made the film too long though. But the animation was fantastic.
  14. Would it be this one that you have? I've looked and it seems pretty good anyway. Is a contrast ratio of 700:1 any good? I know that a refresh rate of 8 ms is quite good. I think...
  15. I'd shoot myself. Somewhere debilitating.
  16. Tell you what makes me happy.. nothing. Being pissed and knowing for certain that you'll never be happy. That is happiness.
  17. Sam Neil with no eyes and an evil agenda certainly makes for something interesting.
  18. I bought that on video when I was about twelve hoping for some Star Trek style space adventures. Imagine my horror. Imagine it.
  19. What if people made you angry? Where would you turn to..?
  20. That reminded me of watching Day of the Triffids, which was pretty cool. It's also quite similar to 28 Days Later in its opening scenes, with an abandoned hospital and a deserted London etc.
  21. I think diabetes is most common in obese middle-aged people*. So you shouldn't worry really. It'll be something else. *Unless you're born with it.
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