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Posts posted by Mike

  1. I got this yesterday - the first 3D Sonic I've really ever put any time into, and aside from a few control problems (particularly in 2D - I guess I'm just used to the always perfect Mario controls), I'm happy to say that I'm really enjoying it. It feels just so fresh, and certainly different enough from Galaxy to stand on its own. Future Sonic games should certainly go down this route.

  2. Wow, I feel like I'm so behind. I'm just not getting much chance to play at the moment! I've just done the 4th gym, and so far on my team I have Doublade (40), Greninja (41), Aurorus (40), Vivillion (40), Talonflame (41) and Floette (40).


    I've only ever seen two shinies: a Graveller (which self-destructed... :( ) and a Bronzor (caught). That was in Platinum, I think, so quite a while ago. Surely I must be due another one soon!

  3. I'm not really enjoying the new Exp Share - I'm finding that I'm almost always just using my one or two weaker Pokémon, as the higher levelled ones are taking care of themselves. I preferred rotating around who I had in the lead in the old games. Saying that though, I don't want to switch it off, as I'd feel I would be wasting time grinding unnecessarily!

  4. My game arrived at 10 o'clock this morning, and I've played a couple of hours so far. What the reviews are saying about it still feeling like good ol' Pokémon, but with a dramatic lick of paint is absolutely right. It's just the breath of fresh air the series needs. Anyway, I've only just got my first gym badge, so quite a way behind most of you!

  5. My copy of Y was shipped out to me using next day delivery yesterday afternoon. Now to just sit and wait patiently by the post box... :) Time to make a new forum sig while I wait.


    EDIT: And here it is! (The sig that is, not the game..)

  6. On the other side of things, it appears the leaks (and ROM ripping off previous titles) has meant a lot of sites aren't getting the game to review :(


    Yup - I had originally been promised a review copy 'late September, early October', then yesterday was told there will be no more copies sent out until launch. :(

  7. Finally got my Katrina shop on the Main Street today! Also gradually growing a nice field of purple tulips. I haven't really spent very much time on the game for a while, though - literally just about 20 minutes or so a day, to keep things ticking over. Looking forward to the seasons changing over the next few months though, as well as getting the remaining creatures for my collection. I managed to get the sweet shrimp relatively easy, and the spiny lobster only took maybe half an hour or so. I guess I just got lucky..

    What I'm really hoping for now is for a villager with a smug personality to come to my campsite, as I've never had one in my village. I really wish the tent would show up more often, as it's taking forever..

  8. How many Gracie fashion checks do you need to pass to unlock the Emporium? I've passed two so far.


    You're halfway there - you need to do four in total.


    I was happy to find my first purple tulip in my town this morning, after weeks of trying to breed them. Just black cosmos and blue roses to go...


    Oh yeah, for collectors, the mitten crab should be available from either this afternoon or tomorrow from 4pm to 9am in the river, and the spiny lobster (9pm-4am) and sweet shrimp (4pm-4am) by diving.

  9. I love the look of all the new Pokémon revealed in this week's CoroCoro. I hadn't been so keen on some of the more recently announced ones, but these are great! (And I'm always a sucker for cat Pokémon too..) Interesting to see the next evolution of the starters too. Chespin was always my least favourite of the starters, and I'm equally disappointed with his evolution. As for the other two, well I was definitely umming and ahhing about which one to go for, but by the looks of the evolution, it's going to be Froakie all the way!

  10. I wonder how much cheaper the eShop version will be, considering that you won't be getting an extra remote. I've already got 4 remote pluses, as well as two add-ons for normal remotes. I don't need the bundle!

  11. I've been trying hard to build up loads of flower beds and breed hybrids, so I've kind of tied myself into playing every day at the moment! I don't mind, though, as it's only for 20 minutes or so. Watering flowers and checking for hybrids first, then looking in the shop and checking turnip prices later. I'm hoping to visit some American towns next week as they'll have two special days that we don't get here (Labor Day and Weed Day, which we get in the Spring) and like Murr said, I'm looking forward to the new bugs and fish that'll be available in September:


    Bell cricket Sept-Oct 5pm-8am 1720

    Cricket Sept-Nov 5pm-8am 160

    Red dragonfly Sept-Oct 8am-7pm 80


    King salmon Sept All day 1800 Near river mouth

    Salmon Sept All day 700 Near river mouth

    Mitten crab Sept 15 - Nov 4pm-9am 2000 River (small)

    Pike Sept-Dec 4am-9pm 1800 River (very large)


    Clam Sept-Apr All day 300 Sea (small, erratic movement)

    Oyster Sept-Feb All day 400 Sea (small, stationary)

    Spiny lobster Sept 16 - Dec 9pm-4am 3000 Sea (large, erratic movement)

    Sweet shrimp Sept 16 - Feb 4pm-9am 650 Sea (small, erratic movement)

  12. blame ubisoft for not sending Wii U review copies..


    Yep - my wife got a PS3 and 360 copy in the post for her magazine the other day, but no Wii U. Someone else will end up reviewing it though, as we've never had a PS3 and our 360 (an original model, I think, sent as a review unit) died ages go.

  13. Just finished this myself, having done every level on Easy mode. Had a bit of a stressful time with the final boss because, for some reason, I couldn't work out what I was supposed to do, but it didn't spoil the ending to the truly wonderful game. Such a shame I have to send the review copy back tomorrow, as I'd have liked to go back and look for other unlockables and secrets. I also didn't really give mission mode a try. Oh well, maybe I'll buy it someday if it ever comes down in price.

  14. I've noticed others take issue with the hammer and all I have to add is that I haven't had that problem at all. All I can advise is to use the analogue stick to draw if you're not doing already, though you probably are.


    I've mostly been using the touch screen - I'll have to give the analogue stick a try for the hammer next time.

  15. I'm still really enjoying this after playing around four hours or so - there are some really spectacular setpieces and the combat is loads of fun. However, having just recruited Wonder Yellow, I'm definitely starting to have trouble with the drawing controls, as many of the reviews pointed out. At the moment, it's sometimes taking me 5+ attempts to make a hammer. :(

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