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Posts posted by Mike

  1. There are quite a few different types of thing to do, but they're all over pretty quickly, and, in my opinion, not hugely engaging. I'm a huge Animal Crossing fan, so it's not like I don't like life simulation games - it just doesn't really seem like you're working towards any big reward (like a perfect town or a fully developed, furnished house in AC). It just feels a bit pointless! Yes, it's kind of amusing seeing Miis of your family and celebs interacting (though it doesn't allow you to add Hitler Miis - obviously Nintendo doesn't want him to have any friends :p), but it just gets old fast, in my opinion. I've only got a review copy on loan for ten days, and unlike Mario Golf, I certainly won't be rushing to buy my own copy after I have to give it back.

  2. I've been playing this since Friday - just to let you know, it's not that great in my opinion. It's really just a glorified virtual pet, with your Miis as the pets. I did find it pretty addictive for the first few hours, but my interest in it has really dwindled already - already the same stuff is happening over and over again...

  3. Glad everyone's enjoying this so much! Looking forward to being able to race everyone, but I haven't been able to get onlne with my Wii U for over a week now thanks to moving to Virgin Media.. :( Shoykd hopefully be getting a new router sorted this weekend though.

  4. Sorry for the massive bump, but I switched to Virgin Media a few weeks ago, and am still having massive problems with the Wii U. I changed all the settings in the back end (switching channels, turning off firewall etc) so it does at least connect now, but I can only actually get online with it on Wii U about 50% of the time still. I think I'll have to end up buying another router and using the Superhub in modem mode, but I know nothing about that kind of thing, so was wondering if anyone had any suggestions. For example, would something like this work? http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B001IL4ZA6/ref=aw_d_pd_computers

  5. They're making a big thing abound being able to use the super horn to destroy the blue shells. I've played through all the 50cc and 100cc, plus half the 150cc cups, as well as a fair bit of multiplayer, and only had the opportunity to destroy a blue shell with the horn once! (And even then I used it too early and it didn't work!)

  6. Arranged an online match to test it out aaaaaand it kept disconnecting in the lobby. Sure it's a teething thing, but annoying nonetheless.


    I also had that problem this evening when I tried an online race. Disconnected as I was spectating a race that I was going to join.

  7. Just beat the main story mode of this this afternoon - what a great game! Short, yes. Easy, absolutely, but so much fun playing with all of Kirby's different copy abilities. It's also one of the most beautiful 2D platformers I think I've ever played, and definitely one of the best uses of 3D on the 3DS.

  8. I got a review copy of this and Kirby on loan yesterday, but only for ten days. I'm going to whiz through the Kirby story mode first, then concentrate on Golf -I'll probably buy my own copy on eShop in the end, as I can see it lasting longer than the time I have it on loan! So give my a few days, and I should be ready to tee off!

  9. Well don't I feel stupid? It's not until I reach Level 34 of Street Pass Mansion that I discover you can do charge shots. How on Earth did I miss that? :laughing:


    As for the other games, I'm now about 600,000 soldiers away from being able to take the final kingdom in Battle, and in Garden, I've bred 65 out if the 80 different plants. Bit stuck now, though, as the only ones left are the rare ones you can't buy the seeds for.

  10. Weeding Day today in New Leaf, but because my ordinance is set to Beautiful Town, I had no weeds to pull, and therefore couldn't take part! Shame, as I've just had a look at the flower furniture you get for it, and it'd go perfectly in my house's flower room... If anyone gets any furniture or duplicates they'd like to donate / sell to me today, get in touch!

  11. So, I went to play the Mario Kart 8 demo yesterday, and although I had a great time, didn't really come back any wiser about it - the PR guys there didn't seem to know anything more than the press were allowed to talk about - so news about the new items or online, other than a vague "It'll probably be much the same as it was on Wii". Got a chance to play on the first two cups and the first two retro cups, some of it in two player (60 FPS) and four player (30 FPS). I picked Waluigi and some of the Koopa Kids to play as, and had a go with a variety of kart, wheel and glider combinations. The character select screen was the same as the leaked one, although the PR guy said that it's likely that some of those characters may be locked at the start, which made me think that those three question marks (one of which the press know the identity of but aren't allowed to talk about) could be all there is.


    I also had a go with the replay functionality, which is available after every race (annoyingly, it's the first option highlighted, so you have to go down one to move onto the next race). It's quite fun to play around with, especially the on-the-fly fast forward / rewind / slo-mo functions, but probably not something you'll use much after the initial novelty wears off. As the other previews have said, you can choose things like who the camera focuses on, whether it shows mostly attacks, overtakes etc, whether it plays the music and so on. However, the PR guys didn't know whether you'll be able to save the slow-mo etc when you upload the video online, or whether it'll just be the plain clips. Even just using it to find nice screenshots for Miiverse should be good, though (I.e. Use slo-mo to get to just the rightly point, then press the home button). There's also a Mario Kart TV menu option on the main menu, but we weren't allowed to go into it. I'm guessing that's where you'll be able to see your own and others' saved replays.


    As for the other menus, they seemed fairly sparse, much like the other Mario Karts (oh how I wish Sakurai would make one!). There weren't any options for toggling off items or other options, but I suppose it's possible this may be added in the final code. Otherwise, presentation is clean and modern, with some nice remixes of older MK menu music.


    I mostly played with the pro controller (only because I'd never used one before!) but also tried the Gamepad, where it was quick and easy to switch between the horn, map and TV duplicate. To be honest, I rarely even wanted to take my eyes off the TV, so having more Gamepad functionality would have been a bit pointless and confusing.


    The tracks themselves were all great, with the first one, the Shy Guy Falls and the Twisted Mansion being particular highlights. The anti gravity sections didn't make a huge difference to the gameplay (although I'm sure that, with time, players will learn to take advantage of the bump-to-boost mechanic). You mostly only notice that you're not the right way up when you go up a ramp and drive on the walls, as the camera doesn't go right behind you. You actually get a much better idea of the twisting surroundings when you're watching someone else play, as you don't have to be focused so much on the driver and track in front of you. Glider and water sections work pretty much the same as they did in MK7, although I thought there were more sections where there just appeared to be 'rooms of water', by which I mean you just turn a corner and you're underwater for no apparent reason.


    All in all, it was great fun, and if you love the other Mario Karts, there's no reason you won't love this. It's certainly 'more of the same' than a revolution for the series, though, and I certainly wouldn't be against another Nintendo team taking the reins for the next one. Still, looking forward to being able to play the full game next month!

  12. Need anyone to carry your notebook? Or perhaps the second player controller? :D


    I'm already the glorified notebook carrier myself - it's my wife that's been invited to try the game, not me!

  13. Yay, best the final level and unlocked hard mode! Brilliant, brilliant game. Really good to be able to play as the partners in hard mode, but I doubt I'll bother trying to get very far in it. I did go back to the 1-1 time trial and took a decent amount off my time, even if I'm still not even close to the couple of times at the top! Still, 4th in my friends leader board now at least.

  14. Sorry for the massive bump, but some of you may remember a few years ago when I posted about using some of the songs from Rhythm Paradise in a series of dance lessons I taught my Year 5 class. Well, two years on and the topic's come round again. Like before, I've had 35 children all dancing in unison to Fan Club 2 and Blue Birds, then this year for the first time, they danced along to Ringside from the Wii game, with a great selection of 'poses for the fans'. Wish I was able to share videos online - hilarious!

  15. Cool, I'll get back in touch tomorrow once the event's over. Whether or not it's worth getting the whole set depends if you like it, I guess! I do, and I'd been planning to give my front room a redecoration for the final few months that I play the game.

  16. I love the Festivale event, but it's really annoying how you get doubles of Pavé furniture. It takes long enough to get the feathers, so why can't I only be given items I don't have? I'll put my spares up on here later, if anyone wants to trade, as there are still four or five I don't have, I think.


    By the way, Kaytee, have you tried speaking to you villagers? They'll offer to trade you feathers, though you can't choose what you get from them.

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