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Everything posted by sumo73

  1. I think it was expected for the London Mayor to make that decision for people to wear masks and I support that measure. More people are going are going to stop working from home over the next few weeks and it's going to get very busy with people travelling to and from work. If we want to see what will happen after the 19th of July, just see what's happening in The Netherlands right now.
  2. I wore masks long before the government could make up it's mind in 2020 and will continue to wear masks after the 19th of July even though I will have my second jab next week. During this pandemic we needed great leaders, we didn't get them we just got average leaders at best. In confined areas like buses or trains, I think masks should continue but it will soon be down to our own personal view to wear one or not despite the fact that the Delta variant is increasing and globally Covid isn't going away anywhere soon.
  3. I'd like to know which government or which country around the world got it right when dealing with Covid 19? Maybe when this is all over the world can find the blueprint of how to deal with any future pandemic and stop us making the same mistakes again. As for Labour and the Conservatives, I wouldn't vote for either right now. Not really sure what either party stands for anymore. I do not trust the Conservatives and Labour took their eye off the working class a while ago, sorry to say.
  4. I've been out shopping a few times recently and was surprised by the lack of people wearing face masks. I guess most people are sick of everything by now and think that everything will be over by 21st June in England at least. I'm not so sure. I spoke with a Japanese friend yesterday and we both aren't sure how the Olympics are going to happen next month. Sure it can happen but right now in Japan the number of people who have at least one vaccine dose is less than 8%.
  5. Of course it's a sport but as I nickname I used to hate it but I'm fine with it now. Good luck with the swimming. It's a good form of exercise.
  6. I've never been that interested in keeping fit and hated sports at school (no surprise why I got the nickname sumo). The lockdown was the perfect storm for my health to get worse and while I did exercise I know I didn't do enough. I concentrated on keeping my job because I knew I couldn't afford to lose that.I had a bad reaction to the Covid vaccine recently and released something else was wrong. I have a blood test later on today. Over the last few weeks or so I've been fixing up and riding more on my bike and using Wii Fit U/Just Dance a lot more. I've done 10,000 steps+ walking each day over the last few weeks but my legs can't take too much of it all the time. Regardless of the blood test I know I need to keep this up.
  7. Do you know what you're doing?

    The perfect relationship, the kids, the job, the house...rarely exists and if it does it's in films. I got to 40 some years back and felt a failure because I had never achieved all of that. It can really mess with you if you let it. Find a purpose/goal in your life (we all have one), stop berating yourself too much (there's plenty of people who will attack you for free), never define/compare yourself fully by the actions/views of others (be true to yourself), try to improve yourself in some way, avoid being hurtful to others especially if they are in a worst situation or weaker than yourself and above all find balance in your life. I am still trying to find that balance...
  8. Social Media

    I try to follow this, never post anything on social media that you wouldn't write on a postcard and send to someone else. It doesn't matter if you post something privately or not anymore, once you have posted it on social media it is kept on a database somewhere else. Even if you delete the post or comment there are normally ways of bringing it back and that can be used against you. As for bots, I still feel they are still in the learning process right now. Better algorithms in future will be used and the bots will get better and more sophisticated.
  9. Social Media

    A few people in the media spotlight have died recently which of course gives some people on social media the right to say whatever hatred they have straight out. It doesn't matter if someone died less than an hour ago off they go spouting whatever on twitter, reddit or wherever. The Dalai Lama's right, anger shouldn't be welcome. It's a negative and destructive emotion that in the end leads...nowhere.
  10. Sony to shut down PS3, Vita, PSP stores

    I heard about this a few weeks ago but now it's official from Sony. They should be the first to tell people not the last but that's another story. I'm sure the stores themselves will shut down a bit later as what happened with the Wii e-shop some years ago. I own all three systems mention so I need to look through the store and get what I can before it all closes. If any of those systems break down in the future there will be no way to play a lot of that stuff again. Hopefully Sony can move some of the more popular stuff over for it to work on the PS5 but I doubt it.
  11. What Have You Bought?

    Just Dance Wii U (Japanese edition) and a Wii Taiko Drum (3rd party one). I promised myself a long time ago that I would get a taiko drum one day so just waiting for the games to arrive from Japan now.
  12. Star Trek Masturbatathon

    His character is more fleshed out in Klingon Academy, a PC game from 2000 that passed me back in the day.
  13. Star Trek Masturbatathon

    RIP Christopher Plummer. (aka General Chang) Klingon Primer: Heart of Virtue - YouTube I'm slowly going through the Star Trek Continues series at the moment.
  14. Social Media

    I remember my first real use of social media back with 'Friends Reunited' in the UK. Initially I felt really happy that I could find out how everyone who I went to school, college, university were doing and then I compared that with what I was doing and I felt incredibly depressed with it all. I guess that experience has shaped my overall view of social media. Rule 4 'compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not to who someone else is today' is a good rule for me to live by. I'm on various platforms but I rarely post because it just doesn't interest me. I'm still interested in the link between prolonged social media use and depression. The goal of social media is for the user to be on their platform for as long as possible (seek validation from others), get dopamine hit and to come back regularly. It sounds a bit like a drug really and if that is the case try going without it for a week and see what happens. Not sure how social media platforms can really police themselves without the government stepping in but then again most politicians don't really understand the full issue. Social Media Depression - YouTube
  15. The Trump Presidency...is Over

    I know why he said it but the sentiment still rings true.
  16. The Trump Presidency...is Over

    President Biden represents to many a return to normality from the last four years or so by Donald Trump. A neo liberal, global agenda one with some social justice measures thrown in. I don't think it will be easy for his administration to fix the divide in America which partisan media helped in part open up but he will have to listen to people including the very ones who voted for Obama and then voted for Trump who felt that their voices had been forgotten about. If Joe Biden just repeats Obama/Clinton, don't be surprised if those voices get someone else to listen to them. As for twitter, I think the final word should go to the person who impersonated ex President Trump on SNL - 'Twitter is like a party where everyone is screaming. Not much of a party. Goodbye for now.' - AlecBaldwin(HABF)
  17. The Trump Presidency...is Over

    America should be being a beacon to the world not a siren to stay away from. From the riots in Portland to the storming of Capitol Hill, it's embarrassing.
  18. Wii General Discussion

    I bought the Wii version of Retro City Ramage DX when VBlank first announced it in 2020 and was hoping for a PAL version of Shake Down Hawaii for the Wii U but they only released a North American version. I soft modded my Wii ages ago just so that I could play some Japanese games but haven't touched anything on the Wii U. I hesitated and then the Wii U versions were quickly sold out. In the end, I bought the PS4 version even though I don't have a PS4 yet and then months later they announce a Black Friday deal. From what I read on reddit the cosmetic damages were very minor.
  19. Brexit - UK negotiates a deal

    Never put your unwavering faith in politicians (regardless of their side); they will always let you down. Not sure what the media is going to talk about in 2021 when Trump, Brexit and Covid 19 (eventually) disappear. I must admit 'they' have done their best to divide us but unlike politicians no one has ever voted for them. The Game Was Rigged From The Start - YouTube
  20. Resident Evil 4 feels dated now...

    Back in the day, I was a loyal GameCube owner and this game kept coming up in gaming magazines as an exclusive, only for the game to come out on the PS2 a bit later on with extra's added. It's been ported to numerous platforms since and given an HD polish so I think there is enough of an audience to see this game remade. Capcom showed with Resident Evil on the GameCube that they could take the core of the PS1 game and turn it into an improvement on the original. There is a lot of love for RE4 but for me the RE remake on the cube remains my favourite. Capcom did a decent job with the RE2 remake only to mess things up a bit with the RE3 remake from what I've seen. It will be interesting however to see how Resident Evil Village shapes up as I guess they will take that core engine and build RE4 around it. The original RE4 packed quite a bit into the game in terms of game-play length and extras. How this translates into a future version is anyone's guess.
  21. Resident Evil 4 feels dated now...

    When the Wii version came out the games producer Masachika Kawata said that the Wii version was the definitive edition. Resident Evil 4 Ships for Fourth Time - IGN
  22. The Trump Presidency...is Over

    Change? "Harman, the world won't change. All it does is turn". - Kun Lan (Killer 7)
  23. Christmas 2020

    I will put up my Christmas tree in about a months time. It's too early now for me.
  24. Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros.

    I looked at Nintendo's site in Japan and all I got there was it has a 2.36 inch colour display. No details at the moment about the resolution.
  25. Giant Poppy Watch

    The primary goal of a business (apart from not for profit) is to make money and of course make profit. That is the goal pure and simple. Anything that can be capitalised upon can and will in today's world. Just look at 'some' of the mess in video games with loot boxes and road maps to video games. This isn't every game but still it's worrying. Do you want to buy hot cross buns all year around? Do you want to buy Christmas stuff in August? Do you want to buy Easter eggs on 2nd January? Do you want to buy a poppy pizza? Apparently if they sell, customers want them. Back in 1997 was the first sign for me that things were changing with the old poppy. As time moves on you have to try and get younger generations involved so I knew what people were trying to do back then. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/18054.stm) As for all the mess on TV with people wearing or not wearing a poppy how does that translate on the street with people wearing them. If anything I've seen people wear them less over the years. And there seems to be a small but growing group of people who are vocal about people wearing them as if they support nationalism, racism or colonialism. If you want to buy Easter eggs at the start of January. if you want to buy FIFA 21 on the Switch, if you want to buy a poppy pizza then it's your choice or not. Maybe the least we could do is reflect on the 11th November, what people did in the past to protect the freedoms we enjoy today. That costs nothing.