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Posts posted by EchoDesiato

  1. Didn't you like the story? I thought the story was amazing.


    Anyway, yeah...it was just a Sanity Effect. I very much doubt we'll ever see a sequel. I hope i'm wrong, because ED was one of my favourite games ever.

    The story was good, deep and very dark. I also liked the cutscenes.

    I don't regret buying it, at that price (10€) it was a steal (even at the full price I wouldn't regret it). I just heard a lot of positive comments on this game and I guess I overrated it a bit.

  2. I'm currently near the stone temple entrance, but I only have 7 hearts, so I think I'd better go back and get some more hearts, as I've heard the stone temple is very very hard...

    I thought it was the easiest one, I beat it in one sitting. But then again I might've had more than seven hearts.

  3. I might of said this before earlier in this thread so i apologise but am i the only person who had trouble playing this? because of the clock and saving? it totally confused the hell out of me!


    I got to the beach section if i remember correctly...then gave-up, i wish i completed though.


    I only tried to play it again (from the beginning) a couple of months ago and still got confused.

    Yeah, I found the saving system to be awkward too. You can't just pick up this game to play it for a few minutes, it requires long play sessions. It's the reason it took me a long while to beat it, but man was it worth it.

  4. I used to have an enormous amount of Action Man figures. I loved building camps with them. Oh man, those battles between Action Man and dr. X were epic.

    I also remember playing with something that had miniature figures in a miniature cave of some sort. It was this boy with a cap and a slingshot and some evil monster. I had a rat and a spider version. Damnit, I can't think of the name! I guess you could call it the boy version of those little Polly Pocket things.
