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Everything posted by Diageo

  1. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    The sharks are anything but instakill. You can easily get like 5 shots from them before you die.
  2. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    The underwater sessions are not particularly hard. What problem are you having with them?
  3. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    Have they not always been trophies brought to life by master hand?
  4. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I don't think this is necessarily to scale as if you actually compare the sizes of most of the characters already they don't match well. I think they just wanted little Mac to be smaller than his opponents, as he's famous for.
  5. Went on a few dates with this guy and he's really nice and he's attractive but I just don't really feel anything towards him, and it's annoying and I don't know why.
  6. Franchise Fatigue

    I for one thoroughly enjoy Assassin's Creed's yearly releases. It's really the only games I play right now. Haven't bought a Mario game since Galaxy 2 and haven't felt compelled to get the new 3DS one.
  7. Winter Olympics Sochi 2014

    I'd probably watch the events with the attractive people there.
  8. Winter Olympics Sochi 2014

    Yes I can. I don't normally make statements, but this one is important.
  9. Went out with this guy, went to a party. It went well, too well. He's very very very keen now and it's scary since we've been out once. Wants to hang out all the time, text all the time. Ahh! Told me immensely personal things and laid everything out straight away. Why can't someone like me enough to go out again but not so much that it's overbearing?
  10. Winter Olympics Sochi 2014

    I don't normally watch TV or the Olympics, but I'm especially not watching it because I don't want to support Russia and their laws.
  11. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I mained Marth in Melee and Pikachu in Brawl, but I like playing with nearly all the characters.
  12. Nothing says I love you quite like money...

    I've gone on like 3 dates with this guy so I don't think I'll do anything romantic for that. Especially since he seems to be a bit dramatic I don't know if I'll stick with him.
  13. People think you're banging all your friends if you're bi.
  14. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    I liked playing as Lucario. He was fun.
  15. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    Beat all the legendary ships and have 99% synch. Just need two more buried treasure maps that you can only get through kenway's fleet >
  16. Super Smash Bros. 3DS / Wii U

    You think Ganondorf won't be in it? Are you crazy?
  17. I agree. I'd rather that than get ignored any day.
  18. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    Are you bad at QTEs? I got all that for €40 for the PS3 on Amazon.
  19. Assassins Creed IV: Black Flag

    Ive been playing loads of it, although I've never found the naval battles particularly challenging except for the harder forts I naively tried to take early on. Even beat up one of the legendary ships recently. Got all the buried treasures and collectibles except for the ones in random tiny islands, and got to prestige in the multiplayer. On a mission to 100% this bitch just like AC3. Also I've watched a podcast with the writer and the amount of the story that's actually true to what actually happened in history is actually surprising. I've downloaded the AC books and will try to get a little more into the lore.
  20. My friend is reading a book called "The Rules of Dating" and in it says that girls should never initiate conversation, it's always the guys job, because if he really likes the girl he'll keep wanting to talk to her. While I don't particularly think it's great advice it might be that they are just waiting to you to ask them out.
  21. Rainbow Zoo Mafia

    I'm gonna vote for Sheikah too as I believe that's the way to go.
  22. The Hunger Games

    A cliffhanger?
  23. Rainbow Zoo Mafia

    I'm leaning towards the Vote Jamba route.