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Everything posted by Marshmellow

  1. that last pic hurts my head, just because its so twisted...
  2. alright ill try em, the only thing that i can really think of that ive installed recenetly was ms office 07 beta and that was just a few hours ago... ive deleted random things that i dont need, not a whole bunch, and thanx
  3. i hate when new consoles come out... i mean its good and stuff for the entertainment but i mean its just a differnet way to play games, so it just takes a lot of my money, because i hate living in the past
  4. any of the Tales of Symphonia Cut scenes i thuoght they were pretty intense haha
  5. well its been happening about once a week for the last month or so? not too long ago. i dont save a lot so there is still lots of room on my hard drive...
  6. wow you have some crazy work are you taking requests? and layout is fricken awesome! good stuff
  7. the world is a scary place nowadays
  8. dur thanx i feel retarded now haha and which one of those 3 programs that Odwin provided shuold i use?
  9. i have lost some data too i posted it earlier, i would like to try those programs but i have only one drive, and you said not to install on the drive im recovering from how do i do that then? thanx
  10. now yuo let it sit there and collect dust
  11. wha da? plastic bag and freeze trick?
  12. alright thanx ill try that out that then
  13. Marshmellow


    lol you almost convinced me not to buy it::shrug:
  14. You guys want to help me real quick, so im on the last level of the outfit and for some reason i cant seem to get the train! so how do you get it? thanx
  15. im pretty sure chemicals are bad specially when they explode so im guessing it is pretty major but yah pretty sure pretty sure
  16. i member sometimes i would have dreams long ago that wre a combination of anime things. like pokemon, digimon all those kinda things i thought they were pretty cool back then!
  17. i count when you see the credits and its says The End i count that as comleting a game
  18. nuff said but for some reason i dont dream often so when i do dream i love it, but i always forget it when i wake up
  19. maybe you should start thinking before ya post, but thanx for everybody for the suggestions
  20. practically once a week i come home and a whole file of stuff is gone from my harddrive. This is very inconveniant since i have pretty improtant stuff. I have now lost about 1000 pics which fortunaty are on a different hard drive but still. All word documents which is a lot! And just about all my videos including the Halo 3 trailer what should i do! this is killing me!
  21. no or at least the ones i have seen and the one i have does not
  22. hmm wells thats how i played i spy and yah thats it good job so moria's turn
  23. I was wondering if you guys could help me estimate how much money to put aside for the launch date since you guys know prolly a little bit more about pricing then i do. All i want to get is the actually console, 4 games, all extra addons such as the DVD player, and 4 controllers im guessing its gonna be about $700 but what do you think? THANX
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