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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. @Retro_Link makes a great point. I mean, have you seen Ni No Kuni on the PS3? Wind Waker may look brilliant, but given more power that style could just keep getting better and better. Here's what I think should happen: Handheld Zeldas = Celda Console Zeldas from Nintendo = Celda Console Zeldas from Retro Studios = realistic (maybe call this series "Link") After all, why not have two teams always working on a new Zelda? It's not like they wouldn't sell. I was going to make a long, rambling post... ah, what the heck, I'll make it anyway (mild Skyward Sword spoilers ahead): I've been thinking a lot about Wind Waker - how it was rather unappreciated at the time, and how appreciation for it has thankfully grown over the years. I'm convinced that, when Nintendo were making it, they were utterly confident. As well they should have been, because not only were they making the best Zelda ever, they were laying what should have been the foundations of the series' future. I mean, it was utterly brilliant. The visual style captured all the magic of previous games, but cranked it up ever further. Exploration was put at the forefront. The Great Sea stretched into the distance, littered with island after island to discover. This could have been the start of a "continent" system, where large land masses sit happily alongside the small ones. But then it was released. Though quite successful, there was enough backlash to totally knock Nintendo's confidence. They became self-conscious, and who could blame them? They had poured their heart and soul into something, and yet many people just didn't "get" it. Nonetheless, I can't help but think back to Wind Waker every game. The most fun I had in Skyward Sword was skydiving onto the tiny islands, so I could size them up and work out how to fully explore them. Or perhaps it was the one moment that mimicked WW's method of using the Darknuts' swords. I truly believe Wind Waker is now being recognised as a masterpiece, and this isn't because of nostalgia. Though people are becoming more fond of Twilight Princess (which is a very decent game), I do not believe it will ever widely be considered a masterpiece. So, it is back to Wind Waker I think Nintendo should look, and these latest hints give me great hope that they are doing so. End of ramble.
  2. I loved your reply in the Metroid thread, @Fused King. You're a good artist. No objections to that, no. No objections at all.
  3. Cor, had a boost of strength today at the gym! Dips are now only two weights away from unassisted. I should explain, I stopped going to the gym about four years ago, at which point I could do unassisted dips and pull-ups. As I say, I'm almost back to normal with dips, but not with pull-ups. In fact, I'm still needing a lot of assistance on wide pull-ups, and that's been the same since November. Any idea why? I doubt I'm a great deal heavier. Besides, my progress with the dips disproves any theory along those lines. My current theory is that I need to boost my biceps before I get any progress with wide pull-ups. If that doesn't turn out to be the case, I won't know what to think. Maybe my body is just prioritising the "pushing" muscles to build first, like chest, triceps and shoulders?
  4. Yeah, and I think he mentioned trains before Spirit Tracks. I respect Aonuma so much, he's so humble, honest and reliable. I very much hope he's the director with this, not just the producer.
  5. "Sailing", "set sail", "voyage"? :) As I said in the News thread, Wind Waker is my favourite Zelda and the 3DS is my favourite handheld ever. A direct sequel to WW would feel so right. I like original ideas, but I just have a feeling now is the right time for the proper Wind Waker 2.
  6. Hmm, I generally enjoyed it, but some things didn't feel quite right to me: * It seemed a bit far-fetched that Holmes and Watson could gain access to the base so easily... but then it made sense when I thought about it. * Sherlock being so unsettled when he saw the Hound was out of character... but was eventually explained well enough. * Hallucination seemed a bit obvious and lazy... but was actually a fair way of mimicking the way the dog seemed so scary in the original. * Holmes trying to drug Watson seemed too harsh... but is actually continuing a theme that was in the Conan Doyle original (albeit in a more unpleasant way). So maybe there was nothing wrong with it, it's just that the writer was ahead of me all the way. Absolutely loved the bit with the dogging.
  7. I think Pilotwings Resort, Ocarina of Time and Mighty Switch Force have been my three favourites so far.
  8. Letterbox is brilliant. Seeing someone's handwriting and doodles is so much more personal than typing. The only thing is that it's quite hard to draw on the 3DS's screen - let's hope there's a Wii U version, so we can draw on that lovely 6" screen!
  9. Yeah, it's true, but the core gameplay is so, so good, I don't mind. I'm also playing Metroid Fusion at the moment and it is awesome - easily the best of the 20 free games, in my opinion. When you think that's a GBA game and then see how much better the graphics of Mighty Switch Force are (as you'd imagine, two generations on), I'd love a new 2D Metroid.
  10. That's a good point. I think it's just because a lot of the Korok gameplay involved the Deku Leaf, and therefore wind. Then again, as I type this I remember much of the game involved wind, including sailing (of course), but also launching the Ruto girl up to the ledge and the Rutos' flying game. Short answer: I don't know.
  11. LMAO @darksnowman...! For what it's worth (not much), I think Skyward Sword has a slightly better story than Twilight Princess. The villain is more intimidating and the scenes he is in feel natural. Zelda herself is superb and I really cared about what would happen with one of the other characters. In Twilight Princess, I did like how affectionate Midna became towards you. Ah well, I guess it just goes to show that story doesn't really count for much!
  12. Could it be that you have to send letters to and/or receive letters from Miis with t-shirts of every colour? Just a guess.
  13. Great drawing of a Metroid, @darksnowman! And yes, that other pic did start as Shantae, but I couldn't draw her. You know me well!
  14. No, I don't think so. That dungeon is notorious (in my mind, anyway) for the hidden rooms up high. It's one of my favourites - not necessarily the most fun, but one of the best designs because of the vertical scale. It really feels like you can keep climbing and climbing to find hidden rooms.
  15. @Dcubed - Thanks for the advice. @Calv - Flippin' heck, you don't waste any time! By the way, your sketches in Letterbox are great. @RedShell - Yeah, the 3D Classics music is cool! Also, like others have said, I like the way they control so tightly and run so smoothly.
  16. It's essential. Whether you should buy special protein... that's debatable. Personally, I've had the best results just by drinking a pint of milk every day. It didn't do my skin much good, but it sure as heck built up muscle. At the moment I'm eating a protein + creatine bar (for convenience) immediately after my workout, but I'm not convinced this "20 minute rule" is all that important, and I think I'm going to need to go back on the milk anyway. Either way, I do believe you need more protein than is in anyone's normal diet.
  17. I don't really understand the gameplay in Kid Icarus. Is it just to get higher and higher? There are occasional rooms to enter, but they often have nothing in them.
  18. I can just imagine them spending a couple of weeks saying "Is this cock suitable to send on?"
  19. Thanks for explaining all that, @Captain Falcon. I now see what you mean about Wind Waker. Personally, I think the in-game graphics are better than the artwork, although the characters in the sky are nice. I totally agree with you about Phantom Hourglass, but it's long been one of my pet nags that everything on DS would have looked better with sprites.
  20. Surely the Forsaken Fortress in Wind Waker is just a continuation of the stealth gameplay seen in OOT (sneaking into the castle) and MM (sneaking into the Deku city)? Twilight Princess introduced the "collecting" gameplay, and also established these parts as separate game modes. Phantom Hourglass introduced the Phantoms, and yes, the Trials in Skyward Sword are hybrids of TP and PH, but I wouldn't say WW. Is that the case for Wind Waker? I'm not disputing it, I've just never noticed. He does have an oval head in PH and ST, but so many other things about that style are not quite right, which I attribute to the low power of the DS. Anyway, good post, @darksnowman, I agree with that. It's odd, I don't even feel very negative about Skyward Sword, in a "They let us down!" way. I just know I don't want to play it again, which is weird. I'd sell it straight away if it didn't have the orchestral CD. As for the graphics of Zelda Wii U, whichever style they go with, I hope they're excellent. To me, Skyward Sword's visual style was just "good". It wasn't as exceptional as the full "realistic" style I've seen or the Wind Waker style. Part of me thinks they should just stick with the style seen in the Zelda Wii U demo. After all, why throw away something that's not only excellent but already made? On the other hand, I think they could make a better style - really cartoony, layers and layers of cel-shading - but only if they're really confident about it. Faint heart never won fair maiden.
  21. Which Ganondorf bit are we talking about? If I recall correctly, there's a bit where he's described, a bit where he gallops off (after the first three dungeons) and a boss fight where he gallops towards you.
  22. Despite there presumably being a lot of new 3DS owners since Christmas, I can't imagine there's a huge demand for Star Fox 64 or it will sell at £29.99. They'll probably have to reduce it to £14.99 again soon! In the meantime, that is indeed irritating.
  23. Personally, I'd like: * Bigger screen, even if it's the same resolution * Dual analogue * More RAM (for internet)
  24. This is a great little piece of software. It's funny how making free software for the 3DS like Letterbox and StreetPass Quest has brought out Nintendo's most creative side. I sent a "humorous" sketch to @darksnowman about Dragon Quest VI, but remembered I got the character's name wrong!
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