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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. The final boss isn't one of my favourites, but I don't think it takes any of the sheen off the game. I remember using the Zora mask before I got Fierce Deity. Majora's Mask is one of the most intimidating games I've played, in that it first appears impossible to achieve your goal within the 3-day limit. However, you plug away at it until, by the end, you are powerful enough and have made preparations enough to take on the Skull Kid. Immensely satisfying. One of my favourite moments of any game is, after the Giants have caught the Moon, after you've seen what all the NPCs got up to, you see Link leave Termina through the same woods in which he arrived, silent and noble. The few musical notes that accompany that moment lift the hairs on the back of my neck.
  2. Yes indeed, it was quite a mystery (thanks @Hero\-of\-Time!) I found a thread about them here: http://nintendo3dscommunity.com/index.php?/topic/5583-swapnotenintendo-letter-box-stationery-exchange/ I've got all four (thanks to people on here), so if you haven't got any of those, I'll send them to you.
  3. That's funny, I had a personal greeting today and replied to it with "Yo!" (not very original, but I didn't know what else to say.) The Achievement system said it was my first personal greeting, but it wasn't - it was just the first since the update. One of the GAME shops doesn't seem to check their demo units very often, as the Wi-Fi was on, but I just couldn't get a StreetPass from them today. Luckily, one of the employees is cool and actually collects the Puzzle Pieces on his personal 3DS. If it wasn't for him, I don't know how I'd be able to start the new Puzzles.
  4. Just a note to say there's some quite good roller coaster footage on Nintendo Video at the moment (Blue Fire at Europa Park). Thought @ReZourceman and @Retro_Link might like that in particular. Anyway, the 3DS is getting better and better. What are your most wanted titles at the moment? Mine are: 1) Code of Princess 2) Etrian Odyssey IV 3) Luigi's Mansion 2 4) Dragon Quest Monsters 5) Animal Crossing 6) Heroes of Ruin (probably) EDIT - Completely forgot about Bravely Default and Paper Mario, but they are very much wanted!
  5. Speaking as someone who has happily paid ?12 for a downloadable game and loved every minute of it, I don't consider myself particularly tight, but I agree with those who think the price for this is just a little bit steep. The key is impulse buying. This game looks quite experimental and so no one really knows how much they'll like it. ?5 is just right for an impulse buy, but ?9 is just that bit much more off-putting. Some downloadable games are most definitely worth ?9 or more (perhaps including this one), but personally, I need to experience the "must have" feeling to spend that much on this type of download.
  6. It looks so, so good. Easily top of my Most Wanted list. Plus, she's wearing a thong.
  7. Yes, thank you for all the stationery. I've got Mario, Zelda, a Capcom one and a man/king in a cape. Anyone know what that last one is? Also, the Monster Hunter one... I've got what I think is considered to be Monster Hunter, but I just can't see how it relates to it. It says "Capcom" on it, but there are no monsters and it has cartoony visuals. Is that really Monster Hunter or have I misunderstood something?
  8. Fair enough. Sorry if it sounded arrogant, I suppose I just got carried away. No offence intended.
  9. Totally agree with these comments. I found Xenoblade very overwhelming, as it throws too much at you. This is hard for me to say, because I'm always saying I like exploring... which I do, just with game worlds that are a bit more carefully crafted. Horses for courses, of course. I just don't like way RPGs are going, when I'm really only after another game like Dragon Quest VIII.
  10. Food: * 2 Shredded Wheat (with sugar) * Afternoon meal (protein, carbohydrates and vegetables) * 3 bits of fruit * Peanuts * 1 or 2 packets of crisps * Chocolate bar * 2 small Bakewell tarts ...But also bits here and there. You just have to listen to your body, whether you're really hungry or not. Drink: * 500ml Lucozade * Coca-Cola (probably about 1 Litre) * Orange juice * Squash (not overly relevant, but I wanted to make the point that I drink a lot of watery drinks as well) Just realised I don't have two proper meals. That's due to my lifestyle/job though, not dieting. If I got up earlier in the day, I'd probably have breakfast, lunch and dinner, but that's not the case, so I don't.
  11. Almost bought one today. Genuinely picked it up and put it back a few times. I think one of the things that bothers me is the choice of memory cards - I just don't know whether to go with a 4GB deal, an 8GB deal or just buy a 16GB card (I expect to download quite a lot of PSP games if/when they become available). Also, I'm not 100% sure there'll be any RPGs I want for it, but hey, no one knows the future. Anyway, one thing I really want to know is how good the photo saving is (from the web). If there's one thing that drives me crackers (and I do mean crackers) about the 3DS it's the inconsistent ability to save photos. If I'm unlucky, it can say "This image cannot be saved" 90% of the time, which is incredibly irritating. So, is the Vita good at photo saving? Does it have any problems? I would be very grateful indeed for some insight on this.
  12. Another good article by Jeremy Parish on 1Up: http://www.1up.com/previews/etrian-odyssey-iv-bring-hardcore-rpg-masses Knew he was cool.
  13. @Jimbob - can you add me, please? I want to be in on the quiz!
  14. Oh well, that was alright, I suppose! Some thoughts: * The Sega/Capcom/Namco venture is intriguing. If it weren't for the Bandai-Namco involvement, I'd think it was something to do with Flagship, the 2D Zelda developer (Four Swords Adventure). However, the Bandai-Namco party has really thrown me. * Etrian Odyssey IV and maybe the Rune Factory game for Europe, please! * Yes, Aonuma, we are looking forward to more Zelda in 2012! This has got me hyped for GDC. However, I didn't get the letter personally. I wonder if you had to have played the free Four Swords download for more than an hour to get it? * Last but not least, is that the Dragon Quest VIII battle music in Dragon Quest Monsters? If so, I may have to buy it!
  15. OK, I've got a question I wonder if people could help me with please. I've got just one game I want to transfer from my DSi XL to my 3DS. The question is: will it delete anything at all on my 3DS? I know it'll delete my save data on the DSi Ware game, I just don't want it to have any effect on my 3DS.
  16. Yes indeed. Although not more so than when I joined the gym in November, and I've lost most of my fat since then. Hardly do any cardiovascular either, just 5 minutes warm-up and then all weights. I think walking everywhere helps more than anything - not just to the gym, but also to town.
  17. I don't believe in diets, to be honest. You've just got to move your body. You should see the amount of chocolate I scoff and the amount of full-sugar Coke I drink (don't know why people call it "full-fat", because there's no fat in it) and any body fat I had is quickly disappearing. I can't even pinch an inch now. As I say, you've just got to keep your body moving.
  18. StreetPassed a real, genuine, keen gamer today - always a good feeling. He had been playing Tales of the Abyss!
  19. Polygons strike again! I really don't think the enemy graphics are as good as the old 2D ones. On the other hand, the backgrounds are much better and all in all I am very keen for this to be released in Europe. By the way, did anyone on this forum ever beat the Primevil in the original Etrian Odyssey? Hardest RPG boss I've ever encountered.
  20. As I said in the 3DS thread, I hadn't made the connection between this and the Vita launch day. Therefore, it is sure to be something that Nintendo hopes will make people want a 3DS instead of a Vita (I say that dispassionately). So, my predictions for how Nintendo will pace all this until/including E3: Wednesday 22 Feb - "3DS Duo" (twin stick 3DS, maybe a 4" screen) and possibly that 2D Mario they've mentioned. GDC (March) - Significant new 3DS games revealed. Hopefully Zelda and Metroid, but definitely Mario (if they don't show it tomorrow). E3 (June) - The big Wii U reveal. New Super Mario Bros, Pikmin 3 etc.
  21. I hadn't made the connection, but considering the date, it probably is something to make people want a 3DS instead of a Vita. As Japan is getting the announcement too, we can rule out it being about localisation. So yeah, could well be the "3DS Duo".
  22. Majora's Mask is all-round genius. I think my favourite thing about it is not necessarily the time travel itself, but the principal of keeping track of everything - the Moon, the NPCs etc. In other words, the use of time. I remember reading an article where Nintendo said, after Ocarina of Time, they couldn't make a physically bigger game, so they made a game that extended into another dimension - time. Of course, this was made possible because of the RAM expansion that MM used but OOT didn't. Anywhere you were in the game world, absolutely anywhere (as you long as you were outdoors), you could look in the sky and keep track of how close the Moon was. A lot of the recent "Zelda is Getting Worse" articles lament the fact that the overworlds in newer games don't feel as though they have a life of their own - that nothing is going on unless Link is present. Not so in Majora's Mask. Over the 3-day schedule, NPCs go about their business whether Link notices or not. This isn't just limited to wandering around a town. Kafei, for instance, leaves Clock Town to go about his mysterious business elsewhere (naturally, you can follow him). As far as I'm concerned, this underlying foundation of time - pure in theme, tight in focus - trumps any kind of alternate dimension. A game world that exists in time, keeping track of NPCs, weather and even astronomical events, should have been the bedrock of all furure Zeldas, even if they didn't use time travel. Thankfully this was indeed the case with Wind Waker. As it stands though, we can only celebrate the N64 masterpiece that is Majora's Mask, and hope for that 3DS remake.
  23. No, never turned on by a face, personally.
  24. Having played a few handheld racing games recently, I agree with you.
  25. Assuming it's not going to be my dream trio of Wind Waker: Gaiden, Metroid Dread and Dragon Quest XI (which quite honestly would get me over-excited), I'd like to see some videos. Not streaming videos, but ones you can save onto your 3DS and watch as many times as you like, for these games: Heroes of Ruin Code of Princess (and a European release, of course) Kid Icarus* Paper Mario* Animal Crossing* Luigi's Mansion 2* * (new ones) So, basically just more info about the games we know are on their way. It'd also be nice to see that 2D Mario game, leaving something a bit more exciting for GDC next month.
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