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Everything posted by Grazza

  1. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/352902/zelda-wii-u-still-in-rd-phase-miyamoto/ I'm discouraged by the early parts, but pleased they're having doubts about motion control.
  2. Do you remember after last year's E3 we could download videos of six big 3DS games - Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 2, Kid Icarus: Uprising and Paper Mario? There's nothing like that this year. No eShop titles either.
  3. Oh, don't get me wrong, it was not a good E3 at all! I just think there is enough until next year, that's all, assuming we get those four big Nintendo games and localisations of those Japanese games by then.
  4. I can be around tonight from about 7.30-9.30pm. Who wants to host? If people get back to me I'll guarantee a specific time I'll be hosting a game. Seems to have a story. The bosses are introduced very much in the same manner as Ocarina of Time. It's really my cup of tea! The best 3DS demo I've tried. An action RPG where you can do a lot of quests, upgrade your weapons and armour etc. Just my thing! All the weapons and armour are visible in-game too, like Dragon Quest IX. I think I'll buy it, but it's probably a "£20-25" game for me. Thanks for trying it, 'snowman. I'm not sure it'll be better online though. From what I've played it's better single player, but maybe I'm just a loner! Hope to play it online more with you guys anyway!
  5. I agree, Ike. Nintendo really would be bonkers not to make one of these for each machine.
  6. My Wii is a 2008 one. I'm amazed some people didn't get slowdown on the timeshift stones, as mine slowed to a crawl! How odd. I also got less pronounced slowdown when fighting enemies, particularly the Lizalfos.
  7. I'm not too bothered about the 3DS as I think they set it up really well in the first place and it has had/will have loads of fantastic games over the first two years (March 2011-March 2013). If nothing else, there's quite a few Japanese games that we need to get localised for Europe! Dragon Quest Monsters, Code of Princess, Rocket Slime 3, Etrian Odyssey IV and Bravely Default: Flying Fairy. Then of course there are the Nintendo games: Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion 2, Paper Mario and New Super Mario Bros 2. I can understand it's a little bit of a shame not seeing even one new game, but this E3 was always going to be about the Wii U. The 2nd "two year" stretch (ie. March 2013-March 2014) will be crucial though and I hope they get things going at next year's GDC. A revamped 3DS wouldn't be at all insulting at that point, and of course we're all hoping for Zelda. It'll be like how Phantom Hourglass was released not too long after the DS Lite. I also think they should do a 2D Metroid, but it's by no means certain they will.
  8. Well, had an online game! My first ever! I didn't recognise any names, so I joined "ikan's" game, hoping it might be @Ike! We were joined by another chap, egor. Didn't see a "Stevo", I'm afraid! Even in their game, you have to activate the quests if you want to do them. Otherwise you just follow the other person about. Hope I didn't break any etiquette, but as I say I'm new to this. It would be good if one of us could host a game at some point, then three others could join in.
  9. Just leave it in Sleep Mode. Personally, I'm treating it as six day's use. That said, the more I play it, the more I like it! Pretty sure I'll buy it!
  10. Well, I played the whole demo - it's pretty good! @darksnowman - it's like a real-time Etrian Odyssey! Sort of. Hope to see some of you later.
  11. It doesn't have an EXP system? That's a bit of a surprise. It won't change whether I buy it or not (definitely going to buy it), but I don't know if it'll work as well as the proper RPGs. Either way, I'm looking forward to it.
  12. What sort of time are you two thinking of playing it? I've got the demo but haven't played it yet.
  13. To me, this is what gaming's all about: something straightforward, traditional and really well done.
  14. I don't understand how showing the first two year's worth of 3DS games at E3 2010 was a bad thing. None of them looked like a rough cut. None of them were shown too early; some of them are taking a long time but that's not the same thing. It was a statement of intent, and a very good one at that. Ironically, the main game that did look like a rough cut was Super Mario 3D Land (shown at GDC 2011) and that was faster to release than any of the others. With the 3DS, they simply overestimated how much people would pay for a handheld, I'm sure it really is as simple as that.
  15. I knew Rezourceman's antics on Letterbox would have a consequence.
  16. At the end of the day, however mainstream E3 becomes, however much it changes, there is one thing that doesn't change: it's every 12 months. It's the biggest gaming show and it's every 12 months. Therefore all this talk of "it's for the next six months" doesn't make sense to me. If what they've shown is all they've got between the Wii U's launch and June 2013... my word. And let's not forget that what's shown at E3 2013 won't be out anytime soon either.
  17. Yeah, Aonuma heavily, heavily hinted at a new Wind Waker type Zelda, using phrases like "We've set sail on a new voyage". I can't remember the exact wording but that's definitely what he was getting at. Majora's Mask would be a bonus. To be honest though, I think it's less likely than both a brand new WW-style Zelda and a Link to the Past type Zelda.
  18. Specifically about whether it's next gen: this is one thing I'm not disappointed with. For six years, I've been prepared for the fact that Nintendo's next console would only be Xbox 360-level tech. Doesn't mean it's what I want, but I expected it. Let's say Sony and Microsoft release their consoles in 2013 for £300. There is no way Nintendo could match anything like that in 2012 for £200. All I ask is that it's the most powerful console when it's released. I will be disappointed though if the machine is not as powerful as last year; if it can't run that Zelda HD demo as well. Worryingly, nothing at the conference looked as good as that. This is very, very important. Getting (3D) Mario, Metroid and Zelda out should be Nintendo's biggest priority, so that they're out quite early in the system's lifespan. That way future games can be based on them. Even if they're not released until 2014, we can cope with that (and let's be honest, they've had a few years to prepare something). The fact they didn't show a hint of any of them genuinely has me concerned whether there is still the drive within the company to release that sort of game. Exactly. Only fans understand how utterly brilliant Nintendo was - all those Christmases exploring the worlds in Zelda. Will they ever be able to create those experiences again? Are they even trying to? We just don't know.
  19. Yeah, I have to agree that Majora's Mask doesn't need a remake this elaborate. One from Grezzo the same standard as OOT 3D would be perfect.
  20. Nah, I'm too earnest to do sarcasm. If I did I'd probably put a after it. Zen Pinball is a good game, I have very fond memories of taking it on long journeys... BUT combine it with Marvel Comics? Woohoo! I can't wait to hear all the cool sound effects of Fantastic Four and Iron Man. Are Hulk and Spider-Man in this iteration or is that DLC?
  21. This is really, really good news. I'm very interested in this game but just need that extra confirmation that I'll be able to get into it.
  22. Oh, that's alright then. My mistake.
  23. Nope. I wouldn't expect a proper 3DS Zelda to be shown until GDC (if they don't, I think they'll be too late). That said, the Link to the Past remake/sequel they keep mentioning would be very welcome. Considering the supposed development costs of polygonal, HD games, I really think they should set up "Nintendo Sprite Divison" and knock out loads of Metroid, Mario and Zelda games for the eShop. New Super Mario Bros isn't 2D, it's 2.5D. Proper 2D would be much better.
  24. Not a Day 1 for me. I genuinely don't understand what would make anyone buy it on Day 1, unless you're a huge Pikmin fan (in which case fair enough). Then again, I don't know why people bought the Wii when it was released as it didn't have Mario Galaxy or Metroid Prime 3. Sadly, I realise a lot of people wanted Twilight Princess, which Nintendo sneakily held back a week on GameCube. I bought the 3DS on Day 1 because it's fantastic tech and I'd seen 5-10 games I really wanted. But consider this: if they can't even show the equivalent of Mario Galaxy, Metroid Prime 3 or OOT 3D, how long is it going to take before something like that is actually on the shelves? Only then will I buy a Wii U.
  25. This whole thing (and Miiverse) seems a bit sneaky to me. Get casual gamers interested in Samus, Link etc, then I'm sure they'll be grateful when they buy the "proper" games and can't get past the first boss in Metroid or do the first dungeon in Zelda.
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