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Posts posted by Demuwan

  1. Waggling to use the sword in Zelda was the dumbest thing ever imo.


    I thought and still think it's horrible. They should have at least made the direction of the slashes translate. Crippled TP for me.:shakehead

  2. Really nice Update.


    Don't care about VC at all. I for one hate people talking crap in games so its a plus for me. I would personally put the region lock on to minimise lag.


    Also really nice that people don't know your stats ect. Less chance of disconnecting and because theres no point accumulation more time actually spent playing the damn game and not worrying about loss of points or ranking.


    Heres hoping for an online Co-op mode to be announced:yay:

  3. A negative term for a homosexual man who chooses not to reveal his sexual orientation however Jim seemed to use it for Brian who clearly doesn't hide his orientation.


    Also Jims been kicked out for saying what he did and damn right too.


    Its disgusting to be honest. No one deserves that kind of abuse.

  4. News!!! :heh: OK, but yeah it doesn't sound realistic, and the possibility of this actually being real... well I'm remaining reserved.

    I'm not too bothered about it, but I hear where a majority of the people here are coming from when they're objecting against it.

    I agree with Dannyboy-the-Dane, the whole training aspect of it (especially within the title) makes it sound like it's directed at the audience that doesn't really scream for Zelda titles.


    I like you

  5. aside from actually adding to any discussion - i'll do that later - I just want to say; What gives with all these "OFFICIAL" threads? Why are they official? Couldn't this just be a thread about the american candidates or whatever, rather than an attempt to engulf all matters political? At least that way there might be lots of little threads rather than one ginormous unfollowable thread...


    Well thats fair enough but this was started as a political thread and is not centered around the american candidates. I just think its handy to have a thread where you can discuss political issues.

  6. Is there a UK version of that calculator thing cos I have an 86.67% match with Ohio Representative Dennis Kucinich...I don't know if thats good or not...:heh:


    Nice thread!


    I also got an 80% match with Hilary Clinton....


    And interestingly enough a 76.67% match with Barack Obama!!


    I think theres only an American one sorry.

  7. The place you come to discuss political issues or state your political views and ideologies. Before we start I would like to say that Tolerance and acceptance of peoples views is required in this thread even if you don't agree with them. Respect is something I think we can all afford to give.


    Also there is a difference between healthy polemic debate and blatant flaming and disrespect. (No name calling or derogatory terms used here please)


    Anything from Gordon Brown, to the Tories to International relations, views on Immigration, Education, the judicial system, Politics in America etc.


    To start off you can take this light hearted test to see which politician you would most likely align with



    Mine was 70% Barack Obama :)


    2008 Presidental Issues


    Abortion Rights - I think the ease of abortion should be tightened.

    Death Penalty - No one should have the right to take away someones life

    No Child Left Behind - I believe every child is entitled to a proper education

    Stem Cell Research - If it will lead to medical advancement then yes

    ANWR Drilling - Not Sure

    Kyoto Protocal - Definitely environmental preservation is important

    Assault Weapons Ban - If that means banning weapons im all for it

    Gun Background Checks - Unsure

    Patriot Act - Unsure

    Guantanamo - I think it is against someones human rights to be held without fair and proper trial

    Water Boarding of Captives -Unsure

    Citizen Path for Illegals - Unsure

    Border Fence - Illegal Immigration should be stamped out

    Internet Neutrality - Is this even possible?

    Iran Sanctions - Not sure about this one but if anything sanctions are better than war

    Iran Military Action - Definitely not

    Support Iraq War - No

    Increase Minimum Wage - Yeh defo :p

    Same Sex Marriage - No, I think it could cause real complications if children are involved

    Universal Health Care - Yes

    Free Trade - Yes

    School Vouchers - Yes

    Privatizing Social Security - Unsure

  8. Nice to hear :) I'm just so scared that if I tell her it might create a rift or some awkwardness.


    My friend was in the same situation actually a month ago with someone else. He wrote her a poem and within it he said how in love with her he was and they're best friends now. Think I might have to try the same thing.


    Demuwan had an interesting theory on what to do in my situation...really hope he posts it here lol.


    Don't worry mate I'll post it now.


    I suggest that you show this girl how much of a catch you are. Confidence is the key, here. By becoming more friendly and flirtatious with other girls it may open up her eyes to you and cause her to see you in a different light. (Plus there are plenty more fish in the sea mate, if she can't see your a great catch thats her problem). Also it will allow other girls ( go for her friends ) close to her to talk of what a sweet a nice guy you are, this is the response that you want, beacause if they start talking about you in a positive light it may strike a chord with her.



    Also some kind of physical change is always a good way for her to see you in a new light ( a new haircut, new style of clothes etc) This will help her to see you less like a confident and more of someone she would like to be with.


    Try to distance your self a bit also, because it is only when you don't have something anymore that you truly appreciate its importance in your life. The she'll start to realise just how much you mean about her.


    Try to go out on dates one on one and not with friends. Ask her to see a film with you and be more confident and try to crack a few jokes. Humour is always a good way to open up a converation and just try to be a generally fun person to be around.


    Overall, NEVER act desperate for her. Act confident but not cocky, try to look more physically attractive. (If you've got a good bod *that sounds really gay doesn't it :heh: * try and go swimming with her.


    Personally I've never had problems with girls :heh: but I know from mates that it can be really frustrating


    Keep me posted on how its going mate : peace:

  9. I feel awful. Really awful.


    There are two things bothering me at the moment. I’m gonna mention both and basically, both make me feel like shit. The first is school related, the 2nd is girl related.


    Firstly, as I caught chickenpox during my exams so my results are nowhere near as good as they should’ve been. Unfortunately, I’m one of those idiots that have a passion for wanting to do medicine which happens to be really hard to get into. Now, even though I’m predicted all A’s for this year, I’d have to sit 7 exams in January to actually get A’s and in the words of my chemistry teacher, ‘that’s suicide’. Because of this, I have to retake year 12 in both English AND Biology (not chem, I should get an A in that). This isn’t bad because, as my teachers have told me, I’m an A student (I got A’s in all my mocks) so I should be able to get A’s retaking year 12 no problem. The thing is, I feel awful. I get the feeling that all my friends are going to be laughing behind my back. I mean, they already laughed when I didn’t get A’s because of how ill I was (which was VERY ill), but people just see the results and not the situation. Then there’s how embarrassed I’m going to be going back to those lessons and basically knowing no-one. I’m going to be all alone and I’m scared that my friends are going to just take the piss outta me.


    And then my next problem is a girl problem. I realised last night that I’ve been in love with one my best friends for a LONG time. I was feeling really shit about the above issue and I spent lunch with her and she cheered me up like she always manages to do. She’s honestly the most perfect girl I could ever imagine, and we’ve been great friends for a long time (she’s probs my closest girl friend tbh). Thing is, I’m crazy about her. Even when I was with my 2 previous girlfriends, I thought about her a lot, and it only occurred to me last night how in love with her I am, and now I’m completely unsure of what I do. I’m aware she only see’s me as a friend but it’s really tearing me up inside. I really want to tell her because I just know it’s gonna hurt me in the long run so much. I mean, there are times when she’ll just run up to me and give me these massive hugs, and there’s always going to be a part of me that is just wanting more.


    Thing is, the last thing I want is to tell her and make it awkward between us. My friend Tim told her that he felt the same way I do about her a few months ago and they have barely talked since, and I would hate for the same thing to happen between us, especially as I’m going to need someone there to cheer me up if attending year 12 lessons gets me down again. I honestly couldn’t live without this girl; she means so much to me it’s ridiculous…but then again, she just see’s me as a friend and I know when she says ‘I love you’ it’s in a friend-to-friend way, not the way I feel.


    So what do I? I’m so confused…Do I tell her and hope she reacts in a good way and we’re still friends, or shouldn’t I in case it might go baaad?


    Mate I know what you mean. But its not the end of the world, I messed up my As's too and of course you know I want to get into Medicine. Dunno about the girl trouble though I'm the wrong person to ask:heh:


    Talk to you more about the As's on MSN

  10. If you've got a table or some other platform in between your television and sofa, could you place the sensor bar on that? I remember IGN saying they tried it and it still worked fine.


    The sensor bar only provides a solid reference point and doesn't need to be directly below (or above) the screen. In fact, the sensor bar on my second Wii console is near the left side of the screen (it kept getting moved around when people picked up and put down the television and DVD remotes, so I moved it to one side out of the way!) and still works fine. :)


    Nah I don't.


    Its the only thing that stops me playing more often in my living room.


    Dunno where to get stronger IR LEDS or whatever.

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