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Posts posted by Demuwan
Bought it and after today am Loving It.
Real difference for me is when you score a goal because of the shooting it actually feels like you scored it so it is SO satisfying.
A lot of stuff to take on from the beggining but once you begin to grasp it, it really feels great! Still using Freemotion camera and it works great.
Multiplayer is a lot of fun.
I had a wet dream where smash brawl had co-op mode, then i woke up and realized it was true.
God! I'm so happy about this co-op mode. I love co-op games and i love smash.
Amen to that
Bought it today.
Enjoying it so far, but the controls are a lot to remember.
Hopefully I'll grasp it soon.
Think I will buy it tommorow then!
See you guys online
This is more like Pro Evo 3 and 4 but with the whole FIFA licence and an excellent online mode with sharp motion controls added on top. If that sounds like your kind of game, buy, buy, buy!
Whats the shooting and the passing like. If they are deep and fluid Im getting it tommorow!
I'll be honest its not a really bad name.
Its just not great! :p
You guys may have just convinced me to buy it tommorow.
Think is Im an avid pro fan. I like my football fluid and realistic and most importantly fun.
Should I still get it tommorow!?
A mix of the sublime and the ridiculous.
Am I the only one who thinks that the Melee menu design is better than Brawl's?
I did at first, but now I don't.
They piss me off.
I've only seen one Halo 3 advert. In NGamer.
Galaxy will get better sales. I'm sure at it - just look at New Super Mario Bros. and that's still going strong.
Thats a pretty bold claim.
I'd say Natasha Henstridge but she's too old now.
Just stumbled over Naomi Watts on IMDB (daily birthday thingy on the side)
could make a pretty good Samus as well.
Nah mate.
Looks too prisy.
As for link: Elijah Wood
I like that.
Could see it working well. As long as he didn't have peroxide blonde hair and didn't speak obviously.
Mario Strikers is a blast!
MP3 got a 7 in edge this month apparantly
An absolute travesty.
But in all honesty who cares we're all gonna buy it anyway:heh:
that was the WORST tv show ever.
I agree totally.
You know...
This makes RE5: Wii Edition more likely.
I thought the same thing.
Capcom just can't say no to making more money!
That controller looks so awesome.
I kinda need a 360 now:heh:
looks perfectly fine by my standards, who gives a shit about all these fancy graphics. seriously if your all so hyped up on graphics you, sould go and buy a PUSS 3 (phonejacker ftw)
just being able to mimic sword slashes on the Wii is enough to tickle my fancy, and its a good cheer up after hearing project hammer was cancelled
Its not just the graphics that are sub-par. Unforunately, it looks like everything else is crap too.
......ok :P
Well Konami have never actually made a pro evo game on a Nintendo console before
Yeh they have.
Hands-on Impression:
To day I got to test NMH. It was great. The game look crisp and clear and I love the artstyle. The short demo starts with travis siting on the toliet, and you then procede to a closed area where you have to fight difrent enemies and at the end you get to fight a boss fight. It`s the blue falcon looking guy that shoots lazers form his croch. (I think he is the second boss in the full game)The game handles well altough not at all like I tought it did. But thats only a good thing.
You move with the analog stick. Lock onto enemies with the left trigger, Select fighting/blocking stance by holding the Wiimote upwards or downwards. Press A to attack with normal attacks. Hold B while pressing a for hard attacks and flick the nuncuhck for a jumping beam slash. When locked onto an enemy the D-pad becomes dodgeing directions. If you`re not locked to an enemy it will turn the camera.
If your enemy has low life you`ll get the chanse to do a finnishing move and If you stunn an enemy you can grapple him by pressing B. Both those special moves will start an sequence where you move the wii mote and nunhcuck like shown on screen. Unfortunatly this isn`t allways as responsive as it should and you end up having to repeate the movement or lose the grapple.
That mistake aside the game is awesome. Great visual style, good music and a lot of humor makes this game a must own game for me. It also looks and feels a whole lot more accsesible than Killer7 was.
Mate you are so lucky.
I play lying down on my couch, you'll be fine. Those publicity videos you see are just that, publicity.
Its true no-one plays wii like that.
'New Pack' Wii SKU Coming?
in Nintendo Gaming
Sorry too old and predictable to be funny.