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Posts posted by Demuwan

  1. Just Ordered from Virgin for £27.


    Friday will be a good day!


    I'm waiting on shopto also.


    Managed to catch the ad a couple of times last night , during MNF of all things , which was a surprise and my anticipation level has gone up even more notches.


    What's the advert like?

  2. *cough*Snake*cough*


    Leon is still unlikely, though. Faced with the choice between Leon and Megaman, who would you choose?

    If the game was being made by, say, Capcom, and they wanted to add a Nintendo outsider, they would surely choose Mario (mascot) over Link.


    Thats why snake is given explosives instead of guns.:heh:

  3. It's not very hard to go to the main site and be in other sites at the same time. I do that all the time.

    It would be nice to see hard work being apretiated, but whatever.


    I appreciate you Hellfire, I was just joking: peace:

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