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Posts posted by Demuwan

  1. Well, one other problem. Lot's of the kids from her village enjoy making my life a nightmare when a disfortune happens to me in that area... :(


    Not quite following you here. What exactly do they do? Why does this effect your relationship with her.

  2. Basically, she's also a good friend of mine, and I feel that I'll end up ruining the friendship if I tell her. :(


    I see what you mean. Well at the end of the day life is a risk. Sometimes you just got to gamble. Try to find out how she feels about you, then if the feeling isn't mutual you're probably doing the right thing.


    Keep me posted: peace:

  3. they have some sweet lmted edition ones of those out.

    I think i saw some optimus prime ones somewhere.


    Yeh I know they're awesome. Been looking for them everywhere but can't seen to find them. They just have the generic ones in the UK:( .


    Might have to order a pair off the net.

  4. That sounds quite good actually - I may try it out tomorrow night to make sure I can do it.


    I haven't even decided if I'm getting Mario Galaxy or not, although I have the money, I can't really afford it and I really want Assasain's Creed....


    Get Galaxy over Assasins Creed.


    You won't regret it.


    Oh and Spag Bol is always good:heh:

  5. Sounds like something better than OCR Salters. Even doing university chemistry (part of my course) I haven't got to use acid anything like that strong.


    However, in my evolution practical today I did get to freeze leaves in liquid nitrogen before crushing them. And they let us use chloroform... apparently in the group before us, it got spilt is someone's lap. :heh:


    Ahh nice. Are you doing Natural sciences then.


    Im doing Nuffield (Edexcel) not the most exciting one in the world:indeed:

  6. Well for multiplayer this game is MILES ahead of any other game i can think of. I see galaxy more of a 'incredible' game whereas Brawl to be more of the same (well things have changed but the principles are the same).


    I agree, if you've got 4 controllers 3 friends on the sofa, can't have much more fun than smash brothers. *gaming wise anyway:indeed: *

  7. Likewise. I don't think I have spent more than £15 on a pair, and never will.


    The brown's one in the middle do look nice Stalin. Mine are similar but have velcro straps :heh:


    Most I've ever spent on a pair is £85:heh:

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