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Everything posted by yogi_bear

  1. Im doing mechanics module, retaking the A/S module, didn't really do that good, lol. Got mine in just over a month, got 22 exams from may 16th to june 23rd! Anyone doing Core Maths 3/4? How are you finding it? I think it's quite alright considering i got 95% and 72% in the Jan 2006 papers (mock) of Core 3 and 4
  2. just remember to cross multiply, expand the brackets, bring the x's to one side and solve. Variables: Pressure - Pascals Velocity: m/s, acceleration m/s^2 Magnetic field - T (tesslar) Capacitor - F (Farad) Current - A (amps) REsistance - ohmes Voltage - V (volts) hope this helps
  3. thanks alot megalon, im not so sure about opening my psp though. im playing pro evo at the moment and it doesn't seem to be a problem, only seems to get dodgey during virtua tennis and gta. i may just have to operate:P
  4. no matter what, im going to call it the revolution, im so use to it
  5. Nothing important yet, kinda borring
  6. I bought it on ebay, and it's white, don't really want to buy a new one either, i hope it sorts itself out too.
  7. Exactly the same. I may just have to deal with it. I don't get why sony can't make these things reliable! Stingy bastards
  8. yup, i've tried that too. Nothing seems to work. Anyone know of any shops that repair psp's or other consoles?
  9. it doesn't get stuck in the position, but if im playin a game and move it to the left, the person im controlling starts running to the left and doesn't stop. It's like the actual psp thinks im still pushing the analogue to the left, even though im not. any help?
  10. My psp's analogue is abit dodgey, it gets stuck in the left position. I called sony centre to ask about a repair and they said it would cost me £130!. Does anyone know where i can get it repaired for a cheaper price? BTW it's a white one and from japan. Thanks
  11. yeh i need to add some touches to it, and change the colour, i think it's ok for a first time though
  12. here's an update of how im doing, http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v244/yogesh/notfinished.jpg im just trying various colours for the skin, what do you think?
  13. I've followed it but it's taking really long, lol. i don't have air brush so i use the pencil to when clicking on "stroke path" is the normal brush the same?
  14. On that website, it uses the pen tool to go around the drawing to make it a crispier image
  15. Did you use the pen tool to go around the drawing? or is there an easier method
  16. oh ok then, thanks for the tip. BTW how do u know where to place the shadow ont he drawing, does photoshop do it automatically?
  17. wow, that looks so quality..how long did it take?
  18. i've got god of war and truss me, no way near as good as resi 4, it's like a hack 'n' slash game, pressing random buttons lol
  19. Wow, thanks alot. Im gonna try look at these tutorials now, hope i understand them lol, i would post my picture, but i don't think it looks all that, it's a copy of a naruto pic, not traced, lol ok here it is, i just want to try and colour it and stuff, then i can do my own one.
  20. i have some pictures that i have drawn and i was wondering if anybody knows were i can get a step to step guide on how to colour them using photoshop, they are manga style drawings. Thanks, i currently have photoshop CS. thanks again
  21. thanks for your help, i think you've convinced me not to get it, it is a total rip off
  22. anyone going to do it? How are you supposed to get this radio controlled kit then? It's abit stupid if they don't include it. It just looks sooo good to collect.
  23. Has anyone bought it yet? i've been looking everywhere for it and can't find it anywhere. Are the wheels plastic? Worth getting?
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