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Coolness Bears

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Posts posted by Coolness Bears

  1. Thinking about it, yeah, it did have some good deaths! I think you might like it for the deaths but if, like me, you loved the story, I don't know. I felt really let-down by it because I followed it for years and I was like "...that's it? LAAAME!" but that's just me, you might like it! :)


    My rankings would be: 1 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7. My favourite ending being 6 with Jill kicking ass ;) What's your favourite one for the ending?


    Sorry about the last reply my friend #n-euraped me. It's trending. :p


    Spoilers for all saw films (apart from the last one) ahead.


    I liked the six ending because with the policeman's face trapped in the metal face clamp jaw, I'd forgotten what it did so It was quite tense when I thought it was gonna explode his head off and so even when he took it off I was waiting for his head to roll/burst.


    I am more in it for the messed up deaths than the story but then maybe that's just me. It's fun to watch is all unravel and interesting to see how they keep it going each movie but I find it wears a bit thin after a while.


    My favourite ending is definitely 3 when Jigsaw is dead and yet still has a tape left for another "game". I couldn't contain my lulz and a shout at the TV of:




  2. Thinking about it, yeah, it did have some good deaths! I think you might like it for the deaths but if, like me, you loved the story, I don't know. I felt really let-down by it because I followed it for years and I was like "...that's it? LAAAME!" but that's just me, you might like it! :)


    My rankings would be: 1 > 2 > 3 > 6 > 5 > 4 > 7. My favourite ending being 6 with Jill kicking ass ;) What's your favourite one for the ending?


    Just found out that Aliens is on tonight, finally I shall watch it and in glorious HD too! :D


    time to puts your dick in

  3. As Nicole Scherzinger sang, don't hold your breath. Unfortunately, the last SAW is the worst one for me. If you thought SAW VI was a bit dull, you'll think SAW: The Final Chapter is completely plain, haha. Well, you might like it but I found it boring and crap and very disappointing :(


    I hope you enjoy it though. :)


    Does it at least have better deaths? :)


    For me Saw 3, Saw 1, Saw 5, Saw 2, Saw 4, Saw 6. My rankings I think. You? :D

  4. akira1__span.jpg




    Saw this on the big screen at the BFI, which is something I've been wanting to do for a while. The sound was loud, but in a good way.


    Yes! :) watching this on the big screen is THE experience. :D Pleased for you. :)

  5. Surrogates


    The only redeeming feature was the fact I watched it in HD. The rest is atrocious. :)




    This gets more and more fun as it goes on. :DBLOOD.




    Hooked me in a bit to begin with but then it just gets absolutely ridiculous, some goodlulz though.


    Saw VI


    Probably my least favourite Saw just a bit dull as a whole. I seem to prefer the odd numbered films. :p So hopes for the last one?




    French heist film. CHEEKY.


    Get Him To The Greek


    Dire, apart from obviously Jonah Hill killing it at all times. :heh:




    This films pacing is not good and neither is the story but it's got some fairly funny moments and it contains the greatest scene of 2K12 so far with Paul Rudd talking into a mirror!


    Jeff, who lives at home.


    Great. Enjoyed a lot Jason Seagal is good and although it was a fairly short movie (83 minutes) it has a lot to say but it's also keeps to its films point. It didn't quite set a spark in me but it's solid non the less. :grin:

  6. Snow White and the horny gnomes.




    It's as average as they come but I enjoyed it. Kristen Stewart pulled out some BIG Keira Knightly acting moves.


    Charlize Theron Bathed in what I hoped was milk.


    Sir Christopher hemmingtonsworth played a good drunk Thor.


    ...and the gnomes (I'm aware they are dwarves) were randy as a dog on heat.

  7. I have been out of sorts recently. Everything feels like a waste of time apart from writing so that's what I have put all my focus into and I have ended up writing about 5000 words in the past two days. I really just want to get back into doing things I like but I can't shake that feeling off and just relax. :)

  8. First off, I'm not interested in ordinary people. But, if any of you are aliens, time-travelers, or espers, please come see me. That is all.


    Plus I'm haunted by a ghost and a demon.


    I only believe in the cool aliens, like asari and turians.


    I don't believe in volus. :blank:


    Volus are real! :D Sorry to break the news to you and they are the most awesome.



    I don't want to say intelligent here really but I think the 'intelligent' opinion is that, given the scale of the universe, it's near impossible for there not to be other forms of life out there.


    Oh crap you said it. :X What have you done......the portal it's opening....I AM BEING SUCKED INTO THE ALIEN...










    My eyes, they are bleeeeeding. I can see the truth, I can see ReZ's true identity I can see...



    *gets the bottom half of his body mutilated by the rip in time, the other makes it safely across to the other side*
