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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. I think that's what I liked about it - the story was pretty darn wacky and I thought that was the point - it's meant to have that weird Japanese humour that nobody gets. It's exactly the same with Goemon. But indeed, the quirkiness is what worked - everything was so bizarre that you felt compelled to continue, because you had virtually no idea what might happen next. Plus, the Runaway Five performances were epic. Excellent homage to the Blues Brothers!
  2. The two areas look very close to one another! Unless this is part of their less space, more life approach to the game.
  3. I don't have quotes but perhaps the best thing to do is for all of us who watched it to wish/pray that we could get thouse 6 minutes and 10 seconds back of our lives.
  4. Great idea for a thread! Really interesting when you see stuff in its really early stages - I remember the N64 stuff always seemed to undergo such radical changes!
  5. Good spot Dante, didn't actually notice the change in attire!
  6. I had an epic Indian meal last night! Of course, my mate wasn't too happy when he went into his bathroom after I'd been in there...
  7. Moogle, does your uni have a placement officer? I would strongly advise going to them if so and asking for some help - they tend to have a large number of contacts. I did two placements abroad and from what I can remember, I had to get my CV (or CVs rather as I had to have it in 3 different languages) up to scratch as the "accepted" style between countries can differ drastically (my placement officer made me very clear of this). Otherwise, most of it was down to web-searching and my officer sending me emails regarding positions. There must be some sort of Australia intern site or just a job site hosting placement jobs as well. Again, speaking from experience, ideally find someone at your uni who'll know where to start - it really does speed up the process and gets things moving.
  8. I dunno why I'm so excited about Mario Tennis being available - I have a 64 which is still hooked up to play it on - perhaps it's the slightly higher res? And my 64 controllers are a tad fucked.
  9. REALLY!?!?! Wow, you just made my day!!!
  10. I don't get why people are knocking the music!?!? I think the music is far superior - the likes of Sky Station and Fluffy Bluff are epic orchestrated scores and I was thoroughly surprised by the Puzzleplank Galaxy theme.
  11. I always used Diddy - he was much faster (speed was actually quite vital in many parts of DKC2) and I found his attack was much better. Also, you were better off using Diddy first just in case he got hit because then you could fall back on Dixie whose jumping abilities were, as you not so well phrase, better.
  12. Fucking cannot wait for this. Best announcement of the show. It's gonna be epic.
  13. It would've been perfect, had the NES had a version of Mario Kart.
  14. The graphical style has grown on me - I don't usually tend to fuss about graphics but I guess my love for Majora's Mask means that I was kinda hoping for an epicly dark Zelda. But bright and cheerful will have to do, lol! Obviously the gameplay demo wasn't a good first impression but all the other reports say it's awesome and naturally I'm inclined to believe them. I struggle to think of a first-party game from Nintendo that suffers from bad controls. Personally, I'd rather have been informed about story and what it is they plan to do with regards to changing the overall format. The trailer certainly doesn't give the impression that they intend to change anything aside from the controls. Still, it's early days, I just hope we're in for a new experience, and not another attempt at brown-nosing OoT.
  15. That GIF made me spit my drink out. Oh my poor keyboard, bahahahahahaha! Soooo funny!
  16. Bloody hell, wasn't expecting that - looks like it could potentially even be quite good! Looks like a remake of the actual film - some parts look similar to the Rare game but I think it's more a case of the Rare game looking similar to the film to begin with. Won't get my hopes up but impressive.
  17. I really wouldn't watch it - it's just this woman telling you how to play the game in the most condescending of tones - the first 2 minutes are of her telling you how to connect the Nunchuk to the Wiimote...there's some interesting "challenge ideas" in the later part of the DVD but they're best left til you've done most or all of the game.
  18. With regards to the difficulty - I'm now on world 4 and I've died a fuckload of times so far - the comet challenges are so frickin' hard sometimes! I've had a few Miyamoto-rage moments too, lol, but it's awesome that it's a much tougher quest! Really feels like you've earned that star at the end. Plus, as some of the reviews were saying, failure is down to the player and I've yet to experience a death where the game was being unfair or broken. Truly wonderful game - I think it's already my new favourite single player game. Also, is it just me or are the 2D sections/levels in SMG2 mindblowing in comparison to NSMB?
  19. So I finally got this (strange to say that but everyone else seemed to get it so darn early!) and I, like the rest, adore this game. At first, there was no wow factor, but the more I got stuck in, the more mesmerized I became - it's a joy to play. In terms of difficulty, I was a little bit disappointed at first, it seemed just as easy as SMG1. However, I've realised that the prankster comets are absolute bastards in some instances and one particular star put me to shame as the Cosmic guide turned up, thus confirming my sucky-ness (I got it in the end you'll all be glad to know!). 39 stars in and about halfway through World 3 and it's glorious background music. I intend to get most of the prankster comet stars as early as possible, while the game is still fresh and so far, so good! Excellent game, a must-buy and certainly worthy of the numerous perfect scores it's been receiving.
  20. All the good impressions that I'm hearing from everyone has made my excitement level go through the roof! Can't wait to get this at 9 tomorrow!!!
  21. Same here, and it's made those two weeks even more exciting I like your good self, will be enjoying this bad boy tomorrow! (That sounds dodgy I know).
  22. Not saying they'd use the rights to make money, rather deny others from profitting from a remake. And no one's gonna want to pay that much for the rights as it wouldn't be financially viable, even if it were just a VC release.
  23. Just looked on gamerankings to try and find some new reviews to read and have noticed something a little suspect. A number of reviews appear to have been removed/deducted from OoT and SMG1, making it's average higher than it actually was before. OoT on the other hand has a lower rating. Any legitimate reason why that'd happen? I swear SMG1 had 81 reviews and OoT had 28.
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