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Posts posted by Gio001

  1. Hate to be that guy, but... no they don't. They actually agree so much that they chose a 17 year old song, when they could've just as easily chosen any other of their more recent songs, further illustrating they agree on how decadent his/their career has become compared to what it once was.




    So good. :)


    Still, you can't say it was useless, I personally think it was pretty usefull as a statement of intent on behalf of our generation. It's actually refreshing to see people getting this involved in such a cause, regardless of wether or not it benefits charity.


    Granted though, the choice of song could've been much better, but hey, you have to make as many people feel cultured enough to bash this mediatization of shallowness as you can, so you should use a song they all know, even if it's a particularly mediocre song which is itself a staple of how shallow the anti-shallowness protesters are. Personally, I'd have gone with RATM as well... but the song would either be Take The Power Back or Wake Up, you know, songs that actually have a deep message instead of "fuck you I won't do what you tell me" along with some random "motherfucker" and "Ugh!" shouts.


    killing in The Name does have a message but i agree Take The power Back or Wake up would have suited this cause better, especially Wake Up as non RATM fans would recognise the music from The Matrix.

  2. RE2 was my favourite Resi game but Resi 4 is my favourite game ever, be it a resi game or not in some peoples eyes. I played it to death on GC & again on Wii.

    Whatever people think the resi name provided the budget for this classic & ensured more people played it than would without the Resi name. one things for sure, the control scheme of Resi 4 makes it almost impossible to go back to the archaic controls of the previous Resi's and this game is still prefered in many peoples eyes to the newer HD, all whistles & bells Resi 5.

    In my opinion the control scheme for resi games needed to evolve whilst keeping the tension, puzzles & panic of previous resi's. Maybe for the next resi if they use Dead Space as a template with traditional Resi settings & zombies i'd pre-order it now lol.

  3. That is an excellent deal! Thank you, I knew there was something else I wanted to put on my christmas list and Play TV was it =D


    Can't take credit for it, can't remember who but another forum member posted it in the ps3 thread i think ? can't find it now (whoever it was, thanks!)


    I've just picked it up from my nearest Comet, cracking deal, i was insistent i wouldn't go over £250 for a ps3 bundle but couldn't resist that deal.


    Can't wait fos Xmas now, hope you manage to get one yourself.

  4. I'm buying a ps3 for an 11 year old for Xmas, my absolute limit is £250. I know for £30 more i can pick up a 250gb package but i really can't go over £250. I've seen a 120gb with LBP & ratchet & Clank for £249, has any fellow members seen a better deal??


    Also my original Wii sensor bar got hoovered up (don't ask lol), i have a wireless replacement but basically it's cr@p & unreliable. does anybody know where i can get an official replacement ( like rockin horse poo ) or a reliable replacement replacement.


    Any help appreciated. cheers

  5. Picked up Madworld for £4.99 & HOTD overkill £9.99 at Comet yesterday. Already have them but great as Xmas prezzies for friends / relatives. As usual with comet / currys etc the same games ie HOTD 1 copy was marked £29.99 1 copy £24.99 1 copy £14.99 and the copy i picked up £9.99. They reduce the price at the till but don't always re-sticker the game boxes.

  6. Picked this up today, suckered myself into getting the tin just because they only had 1 left, kicked myself all the way home. Oh well, suppose i can use the tin to save up for my next game, minus of course the extra fiver the tin cost me lol.

    Only played world 1 so far, single & multiplayer. So far so good for the first world of a mario game, can't wait to get on again later

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