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Posts posted by Shmotz

  1. Get raped on the 27th of each month for rent, which is £303. Right now I have £180 after I just pissed away about £45 on drink in the past week.


    Oh well, will have to work like a motherbitch in Easter and wait for my next £1075 \o/

  2. So far I think the best has been when Will left his door open and we moved everything out of his room - clothes, laptop, cd, desk, drawers, wardrobe and mattress. Everything that wasn't screwed or fastened to the wall - which is only the bed frame. He went mental.


    Plus we have a thing with the girls in E whereby we turn up drunk at any time of the night/morning and rob stuff from them. There has of course been the taking labels of cans, sellotaping up of foods etc.

  3. He was on a £100,000 a week, must have cost united a fair whack to terminate it.


    I doubt he was on so much. He got blamed for a hike in season ticket prices because he went onto a £52,000 contract and his fine in 2002 of 2 weeks wages wwas £150,000. I don't recall a £100k a week contract.


    Utd aren't going down, Nistelrooy won't leave, Ronaldo has signed an extension till 2010, and of course Ferguson is going to leave soon. Sure we might not win the Premiership season in season out but we will be contenders for a few seasons yet.

  4. Having no goddamn food in the house aswell as feeling rough as arseholes.


    There has to be more but I can't think of much...Overly played up shit films that are on late at night so you have to stay up and watch it and its the biggest pile of crap ever. Well not that bad, but still pretty shoddy. I mean 'The Hitcher' which was on 4 a few nights ago, played up by Bill Bailey.


    Still, he was good on QI.

  5. No. Sony did not invent Blu Ray.



    The Blu-ray standard was jointly developed by a group of leading consumer electronics and PC companies called the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), led by Sony and Philips


    Sony and Philips, disillusioned by the small royalty part of the DVD pie, did not want to miss the boat again, and had already started working on DVD's successor, The Blu-ray disc. The Blu-ray format, originally called DVR, was developed by Sony and Philips engineers beginning in 1995


    They were pioneers then at least.

  6. Seconded. Athriller, it doesn't exactly change the gaming experience much from this gen, does it. Okay, better graphics, improved Xbox Live etc. and i'm not denying the console will be great because i'm looking forward to it as its bound to have some excellent games, but you said it will offer a much different experience. when clearly it doesn't. The Rev will, because, well the controller speaks for itself, and the PS3 will offer a much different experience to this gen too, because of the insane graphic power, but still not as different to REV. PS3 and REV are ultimately changing the way we play games, whereas 360 isn't doing that, but still offering what looks to be a fantastic console with plenty of third party support.


    PS3 = Better Graphic power = Revolution


    X360 = Better Graphic power = No revolution


    That's what I got from that post.


    Plus, how can a hugely successful online playing console not be changing the way we play games? Microsoft led the charge on that front.

  7. Haha...neither do I...It'll do well.

    What I was supposed to be highlighting with that link was the expence that Blu-ray could cost Sony.

    I should have made that clearer


    Sony invented BluRay technology, so that's one expense they won't need to deal with.


    Well I'm not a Sony fanboy at any rate. Recently they cut 10,000 jobs and I think it was within the last year their credit rating was cut (from A+ to A). Something's not going right that's for sure :hmm:

    • Like 1
  8. IMO the Cube has been the best console for games this generation; so if anyone says that the Cube has been a letdown, then....


    Then nothing.


    The great thing is that you said 'IMO'. As in, I could say 'IMO the Xbox has been the best for games' and that wouldn't make me wrong.

  9. I felt a little guilty for slapping the retarded fanboy label on you so soon, but then you gave me a negative reputation point for:




    I now have a mandate to be an asshole! An asshole mandate, if you will.


    You got negative rep for saying some of the Cube's games were bad? Haha.


    That article thing


    I'm sure Sony regrets starting the little monster called the Sony PSP


    I sure as hell don't. *Watches Lost on PSP*

  10. I think it has.


    It has some good games, but their key titles such as Mario Sunshine have lakced quality somewhat. And to me, I didn't buy Wind Waker because of the style. I don't care what you are going to say eg 'It has a great story/gameplay' etc because I made my mind up and I don't regret it. An evolution of OOT would have been unbelievable and infinitely more preferable to me than a cel shaded one.


    Metroid Prime was the highlight for me, holy crap it was awesome. Well worth the 13+ hours I put in. I liked the original RE remake aswell though I never completed it (and have now got no memory card *sigh*). I would have got SoA for it as I loved the original on the Dreamcast but I never got round to it. I would have probably loved it heh.


    Not the worst console ever by far. And am I the only one who thinks that people see the 64 through rose tinted glasses? I mean, it had great games but they took their time didn't they? They were also incredibly expensive. The amount of time between the AAA titles was pretty long. It still set standards though i.e. 'It's a good shooter, but it's not Goldeneye good'.

  11. i have a gordon the gopher puppet complete with squeek's! he lives on in my house!!


    back on topic kate has apologised and said she takes full responsibilty for her actions.



    Me too, he rocks. His squeak is all intact too.


    She apologised? So...? I don't think that changes anything tbh. She should still get dropped imo.

  12. There is that University somewhere in America that has quite strong evidence that they did happen.


    Apparently the US planted laser reflectors on the moon in different places. This Uni has strong enough lasers to point at the moon, and it can receive a reflected signal. So, lasers don't just reflect of anything, so there has to be something up there to reflect the signal.


    If anyone can find the name of the place and a bit more of the information it will make me stop sounding like a madman :)

  13. Definitely. I am saying it has stolen the thunder out of XBox 360's launch yes, as I think I originally said :) XBox 360 is very much an upgrade of XBox and nothing more. More powerful games? Check. Better online? Check. Anything else? No. Nintendo's console does all of this and then some.



    I could argue with this but I get the feeling it would be like trying to teach a trout the offside rule.

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