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Posts posted by stuwii

  1. Get a life.


    Just because she isn't a member of the Saturdays dressed in nothing but a paper towel doesn't make her bad. They've got to no.1 with a front woman who looks a bit like a lesbian, who isn't typically hot. Deal with it.


    Go watch transformers and jerk off to Megan Fox.


    I was actually gonna say people must be liking her in an odd way as she is useless but there we go

  2. Got one of those "things are complicated" text messages from the girlfriend, I'll consider the relationship officially over. Will recess further than I currently have and live life as a hermit. Will additionally continue to under perform in X11 due to lack of will to do anything apart from Monday - Friday 9-5 but even that is starting to seem pointless. Fun fun fun!!!


    These things need to be talked about not text, find out the problem and finish it properly


    I think I'm coming down with some dodgy cold... I couldn't sleep under the covers because I'd sweat like a bitch. And couldn't sleep on the blanket because I got too cold. Woke up drenched in sweat.



    Fever more like, not good

  3. I can't get Bulletproof by La Roux out of my head.


    From the two songs of hers I heard, I already prefer her/them to Little Boots. (who seemed more hyped)


    This time baby

    I'll beeeeeee




    EDIT: Just got the album, gonna give it a proper spin tomorrow. Genuinely excited.


    Shes a man btw

  4. What can they do? China and Russia, two veto-holding permanent members of the security council, have supported the result of the elections, seemingly to just stifle the EU/USA. Besides, the UN was set up primarily to resolve international disputes, not internal matters.


    If they came down hard with sanctions, what effect would it have? There are already many in place regarding Iran's nuclear program, and they've caused the government to waiver not one bit.


    A statement of condemnation of the violence would be useful, at least for those protesters

  5. Don't mind at all' date=' it's a combination of things really. Firstly, they're not actually that expensive, way back I had planned on a Civic Type R but looking into it I only needed a little more for the Lotus so I saved up a bit longer. Really it came down to two decently sized bonuses that I didn't spend a penny of, a strict saving regime and a few investments going the right way. Throw in a decent credit rating and the car is the result.[/quote']


    As long as your job is secure in this climate eh

  6. Lets face it this is really two sides going at each other that are both pretending democracy as a motive, and that clip of that girl is the sickest thing I have ever seen. But should we do anything, or do we let the aggresive ismlamic state kill itself from within.

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