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Posts posted by drahkon

  1. I've just finished the game.


    Shelby died. Everyone else is happy and alive (except for the drug dealer from trial 4...he tried to shoot me down with a fucking shotgun. He had it coming.)


    Yeah, Lauren's dead, too, but who cares. She doesn't kiss, so why should she live?



    I'm gonna play this again in the course of next week. Should help me wasting my time until Bad Company 2 arrives.


    I'll be an ass and let everyone die.


  2. How ebarrassing :D


    Had an appointment in a local fitness centre to do a check-up before I start exercising.


    So the guy examined me in order to localise some problems (I have a hollow-back) and then I had to do an endurance test...I knew that I don't have much stamina since I have been doing almost no sports for 4 or 5 years.

    My pulse went up to 145 (which was the limit the guy gave) during the 5 minutes that I spent on this thing (I don't know if it's called bicycle in English but it's pretty much the same). The resistance while cycling went up but still, 5 minutes? I feel ashamed.


    I could have gone on, no problems at all. I didn't start to sweat and I didn't feel tired at all, but my pulse so high after only 5 minutes...


    Anyway, I'll probably start the training programm next week.

  3. Waist high walls... I don't understand this complaint. Zero Punctuation said the same thing. What do you expect? It's still a game, game mechanics are needed for it to function properly, and Insanity difficulty is impossible without constant cover. What is the alternative?


    The walls itself aren't the problem. Only that they give away the enemy appearances. It always goes like this:

    You walk through rooms, hacking things here, taking things there...then you see some waist high walls and you know: enemies.

    There is no way foes can ambush or surprise you. So it is as Daft has said: very predictable.


    The cover mechanics are a different aspect. They work very well.


    An alternative would be different environments. You often walk through warehouses, docks and other space ships. They all have containers and little boxes which you can use as cover.


    Let's take a different environment. A forest:


    You walk through the forest. Every tree and every ledge can be used for cover. Since there are lots and lots of trees and other natural advances for you to use you don't know when enemies attack you (if you take into consideration that cover is an indication for enemy attacks). They could jump from trees, climb down little hills that might be in the forest. Some wild beasts could even dig themselves up and launch a surprise attack.


    I expected the "help Jacob mission" to be like this when I landed on th planet. But no, there are more boxes and containers. It just feels artificial.



    The AI worked fine for me oO Didn't have much trouble at all.

  4. So, I've just finished the game.


    The ending was partly "yeah", partly "meh". To be more precise: the last boss and music were "yeah", the story was "meh".


    I don't know...something's missing.


    Of course I have to agree with the fact that the game builds up to the final part of the trilogy but still... I don't feel like I've accomplished anything (except helping a random guy by killing little ape-like creatures in order to save his storage of food or rescuing half-dead Krogans).


    The main story felt like it was way too short. I've been recruiting members non stop and it was kind of cool to do their loyalty missions because you could learn stories of their past (or present) and get to know their personality (which I loved) but as I said: the big mission wasn't as big as it has been described (or maybe I didn't get immersed that well).


    Gameplaywise the game did some things better and some things not so much (what a statement).

    The fighting was good, no doubt. Maybe some little things here and there (like the non-existent enemy ambushes, since enemy appearances were quite obviously displayed by the placement of boxes and containers that provide cover, or better flying curves of biotic skills) that could have been improved but overall the mechanics worked.


    Here's a question:

    Why was there no experience gain when I kill a foe? Really, I missed that.

    And I also missed loot. With a better inventory loot would have been great.


    Exploration on planets was fairly limited. Although I don't miss lifeless, mountanious and boring planets that can be traversed by a vehicle that manoeuvres like a rock it would have been nice to see an improved version of this (we'll see what the DLC with the new vehicle brings).


    Scanning planets for materials sucked.


    The amount of sidequests is huge. I guess...since I didn't do many. But I don't think that I missed out a lot of new gameplay elements.

    For a guy like me (at least in my current position which is: I don't have that much time to play games) it is overwhelming. This is not a negative criticism. I like games that have a great amount of content.

    The problem is that I wouldn't have done many more sidemissions even if I had more time. I just couldn't be arsed.



    While all this sounds so very negative I'm not saying that I think ME2 is an incredibly bad game.

    The experience as a whole was mediocre (at least for me). Maybe I was too hyped, or maybe I'm just someone who can never be satisfied with what he's got.


    And yeah, I'm looking forward to Mass Effect 3.

  5. Just before I wanted to start the Suicide Mission I lost Tali's loyalty -.-


    Maybe I'll try to get her loyalty back and do some sidequests (I need credits. Some upgrades are soooo expensive...I might need about 400.000...maybe more). And then the scanning...


    To be honest: I don't want to do the stuff and get right into the Suicide Mission because I just want to finish the goddamn game. This is not as good a game as I thought it would be. From the end of the prologue on I've been extremely disappointed. The only good thing about the game (aside from the prologue) has been:


    playing as Joker while Collectors are attacking the Normandy. It's kind of weird that I think this was good because you didn't really do anything except walk a brittle bone diseased guy (who I think is the greatest character in ME 1 and 2) and see how you're crew members are kidnapped.



    I wanted to do 1000/1000 on both MEs but ME2 has actually blasted my love for the games through a mass relay into a distant star cluster with no hope of getting it back in the near future.

  6. That is, if the game even gets a classification in Germany. The developers are known to have less limits of that sort than Bethesda game studios.


    Well, many recent games that didn't get a release here or were cut can be imported from Amazon (just like Demon Souls...So tempted...but in 2 weeks so many other games will be out) and since I can pay them without a credit card that wouldn't be a problem I guess.

  7. Hm, not too much trouble there. Will be busy with Heavy Rain, FFXIII and Bad Company 2 anyway. :blank: So much to do.


    Played the Demo again. This looks incredible plus it plays just like the two other titles. WANT NOW.

  8. Soooo, does anybody know if I need to know the story of Fallout 3 in order to understand Fallout: New Vegas? I didn't get to play Fallout 3 (mainly because I don't want to play the uncut version and importing is too expensive or impossible for me because I don't have a credit card).

  9. I just probed Uranus


    First probe: "Really Commander?"

    Second probe: "Probing Uranus"




    A shame that this isn't funny in German. :D


    Suprisingly I still haven't finished it even though I had so much time to do so...well, maybe I'll play this a bit today.

  10. 31Z3j2H0EbL._SS400_.jpg


    FFXIII Soundtrack Limited Edition - 60€ (Japan-import)


    I've only listened to the first two tracks. Awesome.


    And I pre-ordered:




    GoW III - 52€ (Couldn't be arsed with the special edition. Not to mention the ultimate edition, currently prized at 250€ in some places.)




    Heavy Rain Special Edition - 75€




    Final Fantasy XIII Special Edition - 75€




    Bad Company 2 Limited Edition - 55€




    Gonna be broke at the end of March :(

  11. You incinerate armour, not barriers. A good way to do the 2-biotic-skills one is to get a teammate to use pull, then quickly use throw.


    For the Warp/Incinerate ones, the skill has to be the thing that actually destroys the armor/barrier/whatever, so if you use it on one and it doesn't do enough damage to destroy it it won't add one to the tally for the achievement.


    Ok...Well then, I guess I just suck. Thanks for letting me know, though :p

  12. God, I love the Demo. So incredibly fun.


    But there's one thing that annoys me: you can only crouch. I want to lie down, stay low, get into cover and snipe the shit out of enemies (I sure hope that there is no button to lie down, otherwise this is going to be embarrassing).


    To the people who play the demo (and possibly the full game later, as well) on the PS3: add me :D

  13. It seems some of the achievements (the one where you have to hit an enemy with a biotic skill while he is still affected by a different biotic skill, or the one where you need to set shields or barriers on fire) seem to be glitched...I should have gotten every achievement of this kind by now, but they don't seem to work properly. Maybe I'm doing something wrong but acutally I don't think so.

  14. I am now loving it. I've had moments like you've just described drahkon and it greatly adds to the atmosphere. You actually feel like you're in a warzone.


    Yeah that's the thing and the reason why I don't like MW that much. The atmosphere is amazing in BC2. Mainly because you can drive/fly around in vehicles.


    Your "killingspree-moment" is great. I just love it when you own an entire squad :D Especially with the sniper. People coming around the corner one by one. People dying one by one.


    I'm getting this on the PS3 since a mate (and I hope another one, as well) will do so, too.

    Hope many here will do the same :wink:


    Edit: Will we be able to use the things we unlocked in the Demo with the full game?

  15. I might have bought the first Bad Company...but then I've seen this thread.


    So I downloaded the Demo. Played it a bit. I couldn't decide whether I should by BC2 or not. Until one moment:


    There I was, the lone soldier wandering through the base. Bullets flying into the distance, tanks exploding at far away places and an enemy driving past me in a buggy (or whatever it is called...the first time I've seen one in this game). I looked after him, wishing I was on that thing and cruising around. But then: Boom! I heard another explosion and soon I found out that it was a helictoper being shot down. This machine, destroyed and in flames, crashed onto the buggy and smashed it - and the passenger - immediately into oblivion.


    I hadn't had such a moment in gaming in a long time. It was pure fun. I was laughing like hell. :laughing:


  16. You think that's bad, I accidentally bought the same loyalty skill twice.


    That kind of sucks worse, yeah :D Before I'll get a new loyalty skill I'll finish all the loyalty missions. I want to see what the skills are like.


    I have arrived at Illium in order to recruit two more members. But there is so much other stuff to do...I can only repeat what others have said: this game is huge (and I probably have seen just a tiny fraction).


  17. So here I am, probably wasted 5000 of my precious Element Zero just to get a new skill. Fucking annyoed because I only got the Loyalty Skill from Zaheed and it sucks arse. Now I need a different loyal member and another 5000 Element Zero. :blank:


    Enough ranting.


    9 hours into the game. It's fun. :)


    After my first playthrough of ME2 I'll start working on getting 1000g in the first game. Then: same procedure with the second one.

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