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Posts posted by drahkon
Ohhhh, loook at meeee...I don't need subtitles:
Not everyone's cup of tea, but I think it's hilarious:
Liking it! Though, I do hope the whole album isn'y just piano and orchestra. The albums so far have all got the balance between slow and fast, piano and guitar, pretty much spot on. Heres hoping for some Stockholm Syndrome, Plug In Baby, TSP type riffs aswell.
Edit: I'm being told that this song isn't soft all through and kicks into a guitar riff aswell, Citizen Erased style.
The album is supposed to sound more orchestral but also to contain heavy riffs.
I reckon you've got plenty of time to make your mind up though anyway.
Don't mind. Need to save money anyway.
Muse - United States Of Eurasia Clip
AudioThis was uploaded on the United States Of Eurasia microsite due to the first two puzzles being solved. When every puzzle is solved, the full song will be uploaded.
The song sounds amazing so far. The piano bit is awesome. Can't wait to hear how the song continues.
Had quite a relaxing day.
One thing was crawling inside my mind though:
I'm missing a friend of mine like I have never done before. She is on vacation until next monday and I want to see her again really bad. We'll meet next tuesday and I can't effing wait. Maybe I got a crush on her, who knows.
Anyway...I still don't have plans for the next few days which is very annoying. I hate this -.-''
Oh, to Eenuh: You probably don't know me, and I don't know you that well but: Here's good luck sent your way, too.
With this + Golden Sun coming out I actually think about buying a DS. I loved DQVIII so I probably will enjoy this one too, to say the least.
Alexei was a pain. His mystic artes is devastating as hell. Got beaten up quite a lot. During the fight which I won he used it only once...guess I lucked out.
Anybody know if the Sephira and Blue Sephira add up?
They can really expand the story further?
I'm over 45 hours in, Continuing the pursuit of Alexei after rescuing Estelle, at a temple in the middle of the ocean and I've killed Yaeger, it really feels as though after this it's game completed though Yaegers 2 female subordinates are still alive.
I just arrived at the Temple. Good to know that I will be fighting Yeager. I hoped that this would happen soon. I don't really know how the story might expand. It actually seems I'm almost at the end.
Can I just say one thing that annoyed me
He is just a bitch when he gets a chance to use his mystic arte, he owned me the first time and he used it 3 times that fight, when I retried it I didn't give him a chance to use it and won relatively comfortably
Been there about 2 1/2 hours ago. I had the same problem, but I did it the same way as you did when I tried again.
I arrived at the ice area (whatever it is called) just now. I can feel the plot pieces coming together soon. I'm really excited.
You need to use a fire elemental attack on the torches to relight them
I knew that, and I tried. I could only do so on two of them at a time though, because I fought a bit...well, badly. My team got beat up by Belius and its double so I died quite fast. I was able to defeat it and get the achievement in a second battle.
The day it was released.
Has it been released earlier in the UK? oO Here in Germany we got it on the 2nd of July.
Just finished the speedrun. I thought I screwed up a lot along the way but I'm surprisingly the European(?) number 1 at the moment ^^
Again: Congrats to this. (:
Since when do you have the game?
Man, Belius kicked my ass just now. After she'd split up I haven't even been able to light up the lights again (which I assume will make the double disappear). Well, guess I gotta level up a bit again or be a bit more careful when fighting.
Question: What's the chance of a successful steal with Steal Plus and Thief's Tattoo equipped?
Well, I defeated the Hermit Drill. Was totally not worth it item-wise. Those two treasure chests were rubish.
Just crossed the desert. I hate deserts. In any kind of game. The bossfight was a pain, too. The monster changing fire and water absorption was annoying as hell. Especially when Rita was about to cast a spell which would attack Outbreaker's weakness. Of course by then it had to change its resistance and bam...it gets healed.
Do any you have problems seeing what skills are activated and what's not? The green and white colour confused me
This doesn't bother me. I don't get confused by the colours. What annoys me is that when you learn a skill and you change the weapon this learnt skill is still activated. Had the problem now with Minimum Damage -.-'' One fight doing nothing but minimum damage. Very annoying.
Best way to learn skills is to fight chain battles with the monsters outside Danghrest
Thanks for the tip, but I can't go there right now. Can't use my ship
It's not a compulsory enemy to fight
You go back through the cave later so you can fight it then
That's what I figured, but I need the satisfaction to beat the crap out of it now. :p And a positive side effect of training for the battle is that my characters can learn some skills that I want them to know.
122 hours and almost done with my second playthrough and with 945 achievement points. I guess I have to spend 25-30 hours to get the rest. Ranked number 3 in the world when it comes to achievements :P http://www.mygamercard.net/leaderboard.php?g=824
Congrats. That's amazing =) Did you do a lot of the sidequests in your first playthrough?
I'm still on my first playthrough. 17 and a half hour.
I'm at Nordopolica. Need to go through a cave (forgot the name). In this cave I began to fight against a huge monster (called something with "drill"). Needed to escape. Now I'm trying to level up a bit in order to beat this son of a gun. Should take a while though. Maybe it isn't worth it, but I like the challenge.
Where in the story are you?
I repaired the blastia in Dahngrest and headed to the forest (don't know the name).
10 hours in. I don't think I have done any sidequest at all. Except looking for the magic chef I really don't think that there has been at least on more sidequest I could have done.
Anyway, I love this game. The characters are credible, the gameplay is amazing, the story is really good (I guess the story gets more intense soon) and I can see myself playing this over and over again.
About 2 and a half hours in this game. Awesome
One quick questions: After a battle you have these weird light thingies coming from you. What do those mean?
Happy Birthday. Enjoy this day and after that you have to play ToV again
Was at my prom (I guess you can call it prom) yesterday. Was amazing. I was really drunk at the end, though.
Now I'm topic of rumours. Haven't really been one ever. I don't like it. But still, the evening/night was incredible.
Happy Birthday. (:
It's bringing back great memories of ToS on GC - but better
Sounds awesome.
Just wanted to let you know:
I hate you all.
I want now =(
Pre-ordered mine. Should be there when I'll be back from vacation. Can't wait.
The Music Thread.
in General Chit Chat
Yes, yes, yes, YEEEES! Okay...anybody know She Wants Revenge? One of my favourite bands and I just saw that they had a new song. Sounds amazing.
She Wants Revenge - Animal Attraction
One of their older songs, if anyone's interested:
She Wants Revenge - Tear You Apart