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Posts posted by drahkon

  1. Been working for the past two weeks at a kindergarten. And I love eet. The kids are awesome. It is fun as hell :D


    Yesterday evening/night was great as well. Met with a girlfriend and we had good times.


    I'll be enjoying the rest of the day now (:

  2. Weather was awesome, my third day working at the kindergarten was incredibly fun (although some kids can get very annoying) and after work I was at my best friend's and she told me that her job is going well, too. :yay:

  3. Now, I'm about to go and play tennis for a few hours, which should be funsies considering I've not played in what must be a couple of years now.


    How long have you been playing tennis before you stopped? I'd like to try it. But I don't know whether I should play in a tennis club right away because I have never played tennis at all (except when I was 7).


    Yesterday started good. Went to a friend where we just relaxed, drank a bit and had fun. Later she, another girl I know and I went to a Schützenfest and had a great time until the ex boyfriend of the girl I like talked to me about how he doesn't like that I hang around with her and how he thinks I don't like that he talks to her. I told him that I dislike the way he talks to her (he still isn't over her as it seems and he is very disrespectful) and I also told him that he should deal with the fact that I hang out with her. Then he had a conversation with that girl and it seems that she got mad and after that she was in a bad mood almost the whole evening.


    At the Schützenfest almost everyone I know gossipped (does this word exist?) about me and the girl...I hate this shit.


    On our way home some mates and me had to prevent a brawl which would probably have been an ugly one...the reason was that a guy wanted revenge for something (I have no idea what exactly but it had to do something with him being insulted...).


    Can't we just all live in peace? Lol. :rolleyes:


    Today was a lazy day again...the last free day before I have to work at the kindergarten (I love using this word while talking in English :D).

  4. Crash Bash...yeah...me and a mate played this until we had it 201% completed.

    We laughed, screamed, insulted and almost killed each other but we finally did it and we felt great :D


    This game is just plain and pure fun.

  5. It's not that bad if you've got
    Rita with a Wonder Symbol equipped, others with as many Dice/Blue Dice as you have, on Hard (or Unknown) difficulty; Spell End, OL Boost, Light magic, Minimum Damage skills. Overlimit level 3, Tidal wave, repeat


    You might already be doing this, but you can get ~100 grade per minute. I'd still do it in a few short session, rather than one long slog, though. :)


    Yep, that's what I'm doing. I can't do more than one battle in one session, though. Hearing Rita say "Blah blah blah...TIDAL WAVE!!!" about 8 billiontrillion times makes me nervous, sick and completely crazy.

  6. Hell yeah! Hell! Yeah! SOAD are fucking awesome! :awesome:


    I like Serj Tankian's solo album and Scars on Broadway, but I love SOAD and for the love of fuck they HAVE to get back together goddammit!


    Yeah, Elect The Dead is an album that goes on my top ten list.

    Scars On Broadway was quite good as well. Daron is craaaaazyyyy :D Seen him and his band live in a club. I guess he was on drugs, but Scars gave quite the show.


    But nothing can beat SOAD. NOTHING.


    Anyone up for some good ol' FFIX remixes?


    The Black Mages - Vamo' Alla Flamenco

    Broadcast Yourself


    The Black Mages - Grand Cross (wait until 1:20)

    Broadcast Yourself
  7. Also, has anyone got any decent combinations to change appearance? All the titles my characters have got do nothing.


    I have found some at the hot spring after a couple of scenes and a 900,000 Gald investment. And at the island where you can play poker and stuff. By cleaning the warehouses you get one as well. Maybe I have some others, too. There are more but I don't know where and how to get them.



    I'm trying to get 5 Light Star Gems now in order to synthesise the Hyper Armor. But the drop rate is extremely low as it seems...even with the Hunter's Monocle it took a lot of battles to get 5 of these gems for the Last Fencer.


    I still need to finish grade farming. =( But it is so boring.


  8. ok, i was at work, happy to be sat with a girl i fancy. me and her were palying pictonary, i drew an arrow pointing to her, she gave up and said "what film is it?" i said "pretty woman"


    i ask you, is that ace, or is it awful?


    I agree with the others: Great :D

    And her reaction was a very good sign indeed.


    Last day was good, I'd say. Woke up feeling incredibly weak, tired, ill and bored. The day went on quite the same way I woke up.

    At night I went to a friend. She has a new hairdo which makes her look even more beautiful. Yes, I gotta crush on her. :D The evening went well, we had a great time again. It was good.


    Today I woke up feeling better than yesterday and the sun is shining, so..yeah :yay:

  9. Heard the 30 seconds of Uprising, sounds awesome!!! :D Here's the clip:



    I cannot fucking wait till Monday!! :grin: Lol at the rapping joke. xD


    The intro alone and by itself sounds quite generic. I hope a great riff follows ...and I mean a n effing GREAT riff. If not, I don't think I'm gonna like this song that much.


    One of my favourite bands:


    System Of A Down - I-E-A-I-A-I-O

    Broadcast Yourself


    System Of A Down - Science

    Broadcast Yourself


    System Of A Down - Revenga

    Broadcast Yourself


    They have to get back together and record a new album. They just have to...I need to see them live :(



    This song is amazing:


    System Of A Down - Old School Hollywood

    Broadcast Yourself
  10. Quick question about the end [?] or nearing that:

    I've just faced Duke first form and pimpsmacked him easily. I turned it off as I was about to face his second form, which resembles Yddrassil from Symphonia [Not that I was surprised mind] but what I'm asking about is the lifts in the tower. They're all locked, I think I've looked everywhere and tried each "console" I've come across, the only reaction was a battle on the enemy pods.


    Are they activated after the Duke battle, or have I missed something...


    I'm still toying with the idea of fighting my way back down


    You can activate them by pressing A at the left lift just before the battle against Duke (in the area after the huge stony staircase).


  11. It has no relevance on the story, but have any of you run into the enemies that look like Doshin the Giant?


    I suppose you mean those Gentleman monsters (Gentleman, Gentlereplica, Gentlesinger etc.). I don't know whether there is something special about them or not. Some of them drop items that I haven't found before so I will probably fight them a lot soon.


    I read that the Giganto monsters respawn. How long does this take?

  12. I found this very misleading. Telling me that the ring is able to destroy rocks but I couldn't destroy the rocks at the aer krenes...


    What is the best way to level up by the way?

    I found those Gentlegolems on an island and they give a fair amount of EXP. Is there any better way (except beating the game and starting an Ex New Game with x10 EXP)?

  13. I know that, but for destroying stones you get it during the story.


    That's what I first thought, but you still couldn't destroy the stones at the aer krenes which are scattered throughout the world. This confused and annoyed me.

  14. You need to upgrade it. It's story related.


    The last two ugrades aren't.


    @murray: Which level is your ring?


    I'm gonna have a good long play session on this later, I've been shamefully neglecting eet. :'(


    Same here. But I am grade farming right now which is a bit boring. I wanna finish it today, although it will take a while.

  15. So I'm after a new game for the rest of the summer. This any good for someone who's never played a Tales game?


    I have only played Tales Of Symphonia before and ToV is quite similar. I got into ToS very easily so I'd say ToV is good for you ;)

  16. Here I thought I'd ask for a signature and an avatar that I want to use for the next few years :D


    I'll start with details for the signature:


    Sig Text: Send in the Clowns

    Theme: The Pilo Family Circus Information 1; Information 2

    Size: 370x125px

    Shape: Regular rectangle

    Fonts: Your choice

    Image to use:This (only the head + hat)

    Style: dark, futuristic


    Details for the avatar:


    Text: drahkon

    Theme: The Pilo Family Circus Information 1; Information 2

    Size: normal avatar size (don't know how large this is)

    Fonts: Your choice

    Image to use:This (only the head + hat)

    Style: dark, futuristic



    So, anybody willing to do me a favour? :p

  17. Details.








    Well, Amazon.de says this:


    Detective Miles Jensen is called to the lawless town of Santa Mondega to investigate a spate of murders. This would all be quite ordinary in those rough streets, except that Jensen is the Chief Detective of Supernatural Investigations. The breakneck plot centres around a mysterious blue stone - 'The Eye of the Moon' - and the men (and women) who all want to get their hands on it: a mass murderer with a drink problem, a hit man who thinks he's Elvis, and a pair of monks among them. Add in the local crime baron, an amnesiac woman who's just emerged from a five-year coma, a gypsy fortune teller and a hapless hotel porter, and the plot thickens fast. Most importantly, how do all these people come to be linked to the strange book with no name? This is the anonymous, ancient book that no one seems to have survived reading. "The Book With No Name" is a fast-paced, cinematic page-turner shot through with black humour, which will hold you rapt from its intriguing opening to the dramatic climax. There's only one way to find out what happens when you read the book with no name...A book with no name - by an anonymous author. Everyone who has ever read it has been murdered. What can this mean?


    I found the book by looking up "The Pilo Family Circus" (which I bought a year ago but haven't been reading it until yesterday) and searching for books that other poeple, who bought The Pilo Family Circus, purchased.


    The bold part made me ordering the book.

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