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Posts posted by drahkon

  1. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots


    I consider this as the perfect game.


    Great conclusion to what is and probably will ever be the best series of games. Story wise and gameplay wise it is groundbreaking. Stealth in a war driven setting combined with the amazing storyline and the breathtaking atmosphere makes Metal Gear Solid 4 the best game I have ever played.


    Put in numbers:



  2. 31lAbNemj9L._SS500_.jpg


    "Sein und Zeit" ("Being and Time") by Martin Heidegger.

    First time in years that I bought a book in German language, but I think it is easier for me to read that kind of literature (it is a philosophical book) in my native language.

  3. Been a long time since I've written in here - not that anybody noticed or cared :p.


    Being in a relationship is great. It feels like it has been the missing part in my life...man, that sounds poetic and quite ridiculous :D but I think its true.


    Work is fine as well. Never thought I could deal with children that well. Playing with them, teaching them small things and settling disputes each and every day is very fun, yet exhausting.

  4. The Postal Service - This Place Is A Prison


    Broadcast Yourself


    This song is great to sit back and simply relax. I guess I'll have to buy an album by The Postal Service.


    In November I'm going to see Billy Talent, Muse, Rise Against, a german band called Ohrbooten and possibly The Prodigy (Special Guest: Enter Shikari). Whoooo, great month.:bouncy:

  5. Hm, Cold War? Me likey.

    Espionage? Me likey.


    Sounds good.


    Although I hated the socialising aspect of GTAIV, I'd love it if you had to find informants and get them to talk through blackmail (no just threatening to kill them but maybe offering to smuggle their family from East to West Berlin, or something). Then when you meet with them you'd have to do it without being discovered.


    That is a great idea. I thought of it, too. Especially with Cold War being implemented in the story that kind of gameplay aspect would be great.


    Maybe they add some kind of "power play" into gameplay. I don't know exactly how it could work...you could be able to build up a reputation with gunselling, assassinations etc.

  6. Pff...the PS3 slim still isn't here -.-


    But I pre-ordered something that makes me happy:





    Muse - The Resistance Limited Edition including Vinyl, USB with MP3, DVD. And more I think...but I don't know how much more. :D


    Edit: A 12" Art Print is included^^

  7. You dont need to go back into that room again... Once you have escaped the room, go to the final boss and KILL...


    ...I know you don't need to go back into that room, but you run away through more than just that one room and I couldn't go back after the explosions.


  8. a fools errand if you haven't already got 100%. Insane mode switches off the item markers on your map.


    Hm, no problem. Might make this game more interesting :) Althoug I need to get better at fighting first...it is truly insane...


    Before the final boss a room explodes and you need to escape. The debris left doesn't let you return through the same way you escaped...is there a different way to this area?


  9. I've just finished it on hardcore. Didn't go for 100%, just wanted to beat it first.

    Now I'll be playing it on insane and go for total completion.


    Good game. Had a lot of fun :) Getting all the items and exploring the whole map will be great. :yay:

  10. Evening went fine until my girlfriend decided that she needed to put on a sad face. Don't know if I said something inappropriate or whether I did something wrong at all...I asked her but she just wouldn't tell me. Consequently the good-bye was odd...we did kiss each other - as usual - but there was also some kind of...well..like i said..odd atmosphere.


    Confused -.-


    Now I'm not even tired anymore although I need to be up in 4 hours again...

  11. No, seriously, until you just posted it I had no idea it existed. I had heard that Sony were gonna lower the price of the PS3 but had no idea that there was a revamp. But then unless there was a thread about it on the Other Consoles board (which I don't think there has been, which surprises me, I thought Choze would've jumped on the chance...) then I wouldn't have heard about it anywhere else...


    Ah, I see. Well, I thought we will see a seperate thread to discuss the PS3 Slim, as well.


    Anyway, just realised that German Amazon only says "PlayStation 3 - Konsole slim inkl. 120 GB Festplatte" - which means "PS3 slim with 120GB HDD" - I hope it comes with a controller, too. :blank: It certainly should...

  12. Work was cool and not at all exhausting (for the first time in my first three weeks). After that I went to my girlfriend's and I'll be going there again in the next few minutes.


    Realized that I have waaay too many games to play, and with the PS3 and at least 3 more games for that coming soon, it may never end. :(

  13. God damn it I'll never get to play this.


    why not?


    mm...it's awesome.


    I agree with Dan Dare. It really is awesome.


    I still don't have any new weapon enhancement except for the grenades. Looking forward to some new powerups. Just got the mask that let's you breathe underwater.


  14. I don't want to watch any more videos or read any spoilers, but is it good? If so that gives me something to do tonight :D


    Judging from my 25 minutes play time it is indeed good.

    I played some of the training levels (which let you train with every powerup...at least I think they are all the powerups you can get) and 25 minutes in the campaign.

    Metroid feeling assured.

    There are also some cool achievements (and other challenges...like beating the game on the hardest difficulty with only the fewest number of powerups).


    With this and Castlevania I'll be busy for the next weeks. :)

  15. Jim Carey <3


    Especially in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. What a film =)


    This! Jim Carrey is great and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is one of my favourite Jim Carrey movies (besides Liar Liar :D).


    Since yesterday (when I watched Iron Man and I saw the trailer fo Sherlock Holmes for the first time) Robert Downey Jr. is also on the list.


    Hugh Laurie = favourite actor right now. Simply because I love House MD.


    Don't forget Dustin Hoffman. Rainman made me cry.


    Another actor? Yes, Adam Sandler. Funny but also an amazing actor when it comes to sad scenes. Click almost made me cry and Reign over me did it 3 times :blush:

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