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Status Updates posted by drahkon

  1. Oh, now I am hyped. : peace:


    Tool on Spotify? Yes please! It's about time.

  2. I am :)


    I haven't followed news about Tool in months, but came across rumours about a new album sometime last year. So it's confirmed now?


    And A Perfect Circle are planning to release another album, too? You just made my day :D

  3. Oh, it is on brah. I'll destroy you!

  4. I found the headset over at Amazon.de, but apparently they are sold out.

    Amaon.co.uk has them in stock, as it seems :)

  5. Thanks, you reminded me that I actually have a copy of The Grand Design lying around somewhere. :D

    Will definitely read it.

  6. Tell me now: Did Danger release his EPs on CD or just Vinyl?

  7. I need you to add me :p I'm talking about the 3DS friend code.

  8. Hey, I've added your 3DS friend code.


    Here's mine:


  9. I've added your 3DS friend code.

    Here's mine:


  10. Added you on the 3DS.


    Here's my new code:


  11. I've added you on the 3DS.


    Here's my new code:


  12. I've added you on the 3DS.


    I have a new code, so if you've added me before, you have to do it again, sorry.

    Here it is:


  13. Sorry for the inconvenience but I had to format my system and I have a new friend code now:




    I've added you again ;)

  14. I'm sorry, but you gonna have to add me again...my friend code changed after I've formatted the system.

    Here's the new one:



    I'm gonna add you now.

  15. I added your 3DS friend code. Just to let you know.

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