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Status Updates posted by Slaggis

  1. Yay! It works. Massive thanks Ash, what did you do to fix it? ...Also, Pink wins and you know it.

  2. It actually wasn't...I then read the bad stuff thread and wanted to die inside.

  3. I love how many places you've said this in. It's almost terrifying. Scratch that, it's TERRIFYING. *Sigh*, I'll fetch the neon laces and meet you at the fridge.

  4. Jeeeez! No joke, my eyes began watering after a few seconds of looking at your profile.

  5. Haha! I try to hide my whoreness from others on this forum, bar you. Now look what you've gone and done...

  6. Lol, I'm betting you secretly adore all these bands, but you fear accepting that would make you just too awesome. ...Yeah, lets go with that. Oh and the Pink/Black combo is utterly sexual.

  7. Lol! Thankyou Coolness, I now love you more. Anyone even vaguely awesome has some form of pink in their profile. Paj needs a bitchslap. :

  8. Nooooo! You've changed it from the sexual pink/grey to green. I'm horrified.

  9. Lies! Take Me On The Floor is orgasmic fun.

  10. One time! And I sent that PM to you! :p

  11. *Sighs*. Fine, just once.

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