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Posts posted by Rapture1984

  1. What did you lot put as the zip code?


    I just stuck a random address in that I pulled off google, e.g


    Gallogly Auditing & Consulting, LLC

    323 East Concord Street, Orlando, FL 32801-1311


    Think I just put all the numbers in for the zip code, or maybe just the first 5 ::shrug:

  2. I got myself an american account the other day to get the Borat pics and themes. They're so much better than anything we have on our marketplace and they are free.


    That Xbox Rewards things looks awesome, I don't see why we shouldn't have that aswell, I might send off an email although I doubt it'd do any good. Maybe we should set up and online petition and send it off to Edge and IGN UK :p

  3. Yep looks like for 2007 HAze will only be on PS3.


    :( That's such a shame, after reading the preview in Edge I was well looking forward to Haze on 360.


    Edit: Damn you Gamespot. Woo for 360 version :p

  4. I managed to get a copy of Photoshop but when I get to step 5 and try to blur the copy render it just scatters black into the background and the render itself doesn't change, do you have to lock the render into the background or something? Hope that made sense, it's difficult to explain.

  5. It is ok to drive with a broken left mirror(passenger side) BUT it is illegal to drive with a broken drivers side.


    You sure this is true? My first car was an old skool Micra and it didn't even have a wing mirror on the drivers side as standard!


    I think you're ok as long as you have 2 working mirrors, don't quote me on that to the police though :p

  6. Mate that don't sound like much fun! Everyone always says that things can never go back once you've had a break but it's not true, I had almost exactly the same thing happen with my current girl after 4 years of being together. She thought I was cheating on her and read through my phone, saw some messages and got completely the wrong end of the stick. We went on a break but after you been with someone that long you can't just leave it. I'm sure she loves you dude and you will work things out, just going to be a bit shitty for a while. Personally I felt betrayed when my gf looked through my phone as I wouldn't dream of cheating on her but you'll have to earn back that trust..


    Wish I could give you some advice, 4 years is a long time to be together especially when your young but if you've made it this far then I'm sure you guys can work stuff out. Goodluck mate :) keep your chin up!


    but its you that gets the brunt for checking her messages, which you had every right to do (though you shouldnt have told her you did, maybe you couldve wriggled it out of her somehow, bided your time to see what happened).


    Lol! Isn't being in a relationship with someone about being honest?

  7. From another thread..


    I only GET free music because when i hear a song i like i don't particually want to buy the whole CD for that song. Also i don't want to tackle the panic which is HMV, tbh i'd rather shoot LIME juice in my eyes then than go in there. That is why i get it through the WIRE.


    :indeed: ?

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