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Everything posted by bob

  1. I watched Pluto, having seen Julius give it a recommendation (he said it was superb, which i think counts) It WAS good. Although the ending was a bit *hand-wavey* and silly. All the same, it was an engaging story with some interesting themes. edit: something keeps deleted my spoiler tags
  2. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    Don't delete it! Rub it in his face!
  3. Backlash against who? If it is independent journalists and critics voting on the winner, why would they care about backlash. Why can't 2D games win? Why would a 'movie license' game be an insult to the industry (it's not even tied to a movie)? You're acting like it's a huge conspiracy.
  4. Are you suggesting it was a fix?
  5. Football Season 2023/24

    Hammers beating Tottenham with only 25% possession was particularly hilarious. Tottenham winning 3 manager of the month awards in a row and then only winning 1 point out of the next 15 was also quite humorous.
  6. General Movie Thread

    I know the concept of giant animals fighting each other is a bit silly, but this one looks ridiculous. Why is Godzilla neon pink now? Why does Kong have a metal hand? Who made it?
  7. The Star Wars Thread

    I've made this point before. You've got shows and films all over the timeline, but it's hard to say when they take place because the overarching plotlines are so similar.
  8. General TV Thread

    If it helps, there are only 3 episodes out so far.
  9. Playstation 5 Console Discussion

    I really want to play Spider-Man 2 but can't reconcile buying a console to play one game! What should I do?
  10. That is an awesome trailer! When that music kicked in at the end, my excitement went through the roof!
  11. Yakuza 6 (PS4)

    How exactly were those women typing in the chat while their hands are visible at all times hmmm? I hope someone got fired for that blunder.
  12. Grand Theft Auto VI (2025)

    I'll believe it when I see it.
  13. It's weird. I can't remember a single thing about Steins; Gate, and it wasn't that long ago that I watched it. Something about a microwave right?
  14. All Bond Games

    Seems crazy that they made two completely different games based on the same film in the same year.
  15. We will expect you in the drunken thread forthwith.
  16. All Bond Games

    My father in law's nephew has the same name as him.
  17. Netflix

    Oh i guess that makes sense. I thought they just meant it was really dangerous because all the worst pirates went there.
  18. Netflix

    So i did watch it, and though it was pretty good. Had no idea going in that it was piratey, and i really enjoy piratey things, so that was good. It was like a cartoony version of Pirates of the Caribbean. I take issue with your statement that it is 10 episodes long though. I was really confused when episode 8 ended and wondered what they would even have in the final 2 episodes... One thing i don't really get is that everyone is after this map to take them to The Grand Line, but then they explain that the Grand Line is a band that cuts the entire ocean into the north and south seas. So why can't they just sail south if they want to get there?
  19. The Star Wars Thread

    Hmmm, drastically differing opinions. Maybe I'll have to just watch the first one and see if it grips me. Thinking about it, I can't remember if I finished Mando S3? I think I stopped when my D+ subscription ran out, and I can't remember if I ever went back and watched the rest...
  20. The Star Wars Thread

    Would you say that Asoka is a good series to watch as a fairly neutral viewer? I.e. is it a standalone good series, or does it rely on being a fan of Star Wars and require knowledge of watching Rebels and the other shows? Debating whether to watch it, but I've been burned by previous series. Andor was good, but Obi Wan and Boba Fett were a bit crap etc.
  21. Your Gaming Diary 2023

    Not got a whole lot to add to this thread unfortunately - the result of having children. I basically gave up on playing Pokémon Arceus - it was just too boring. The plot and dialogue was painful, and even finding and collecting all the Pokémon became too much of a chore. I think it needed more variation, or maybe i just wasn't in the mood for it. Similarly I stopped playing Jedi: Fallen Order as I just got bored. I can't even pinpoint what it was I didn't like about that one, I just had to keep forcing myself to play it, and when I get barely any time to play games, it just felt stupid to be playing a game I wasn't enjoying. Instead, I wanted to start a game I got for Christmas that i've always wanted to play - Mass Effect. I've heard great things about this game, and I was really excited to get stuck in! I've managed to put in a few hours of playing now, and i've finished the initial Citadel levels. It's pretty good - i'm enjoying the writing and plot (possibly just because of how much better it is compared to Pokemon) - it feels like watching/reading a good sci-fi, with all the different alien races and their interactions. The amount of additional lore they've added to the game is seriously impressive, and a bit overwhelming tbh. When you only have 30 minutes to play in an evening, you don't want to get side-tracked reading about a treaty between two alien races that happened 2000 years before the game is set! The actual gameplay is a bit basic, but not terrible. I've set the difficulty to easy, because i'm not that interested in the gun-fights that much - I just want to find out how the story plays out! The thing i'm worried about it forgetting what happened at the beginning before i've reached the end - I might have to find myself a good precis of the plot that I can keep swotting up on as I go.
  22. All Bond Games

    I'm only at this gig for that one s̶o̶n̶g̶ game. If you don't play it soon, I'm going to start throwing bottles of piss.
  23. All Bond Games

    Do Goldeneye!
  24. Now the first trailer has dropped, I'm going to start a thread for this. "Set in a high fantasy world where magic exists, but only some can access it, a woman named Moiraine crosses paths with five young men and women. This sparks a dangerous, world-spanning journey." The IMDB synopsis is so very vague, but it's very difficult to sum up the books in a short paragraph. I've never been so hyped for a television show. This is my favourite book series, and in my opinion, is the best fantasy book(s) of all time. It's very early obviously, but the trailer looks to be doing it justice so far. If you have read the books, please keep any book spoilers in a spoiler tag which states they are book spoilers, rather than show spoilers. It's going to be tricky keeping future plot points secret to anyone who hasn't read the books otherwise!
  25. Job woes/wins

    That sounds like a crap situation, but you really aren't going to get much sympathy with such an amazing paternity situation in the first place! I only got 2 weeks paid leave! Could you not just take the time off now and spend time with your daughter, and your wife can have some time alone? Honestly getting 12 weeks with your wife and daughter fully paid sounds like a dream anyway...