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Status Updates posted by ReZourceman

  1. Don't have to tell me twice. *Buys*




    I'll probably watch it in a few months when I'm jobless. :D


    Will look forward to it as I know I'll love it.

  2. Hey yo martinist brah. Dannyboy is still short several players in his Colour Mafia mayn. Should be pretty fun bluh. You up for it?



  3. I'm not watching it. :(

  4. Oh lol. I just...yeah/. Cool. :p

  5. I'm serious, lets do a comic about Rainbows and Penis'/Penises and Stuff. Maybe Lettuce.

  6. Oh god its just so good. Just wait till (everything) about 2,....including the delectable CHLOE. <3 <3

  7. This member can be associated with (but not blamed for) economic collapse and theism.



  8. Thansk for the tip dude, I'll check it out! :D

  9. First of all, I hope you don't mind but I put a new logo over the top of the beginning of your video (same name, just now its the same font as Comedy Rainbow), second of all do you want....Trag Raincl (in full obv, just putting that in case anyone reads this) to be the name of your segment always? Or do you want a similar thing to "Phil the persons Special Segment" to be the intro.


    Third, I can't put the second part of the video in, due to its offensiveness. It will go in the dvd extras. I just don't feel comfortable putting the actual footage of people dieing and the actual moment in there.


    Hope thats all okay. :)

  10. Lol @ That. Uncharted? Be on in 5?

  11. Hey yo Gaggle brah. I know I asked you previously, but its time you got back into the mafia games. You know you want to. Dannyboy-the-Dane is running his first mafia here, and he's short three players at the moment. It'll be fun. Lets do this.



  12. Oh fair enough. Will it be Pokemanz? PS Pokemanz mafia.

  13. Yeah I saw that, thats quite a lot. Thats more than my normal videos actually get. I can only assume its the tags I used "Uncharted 2 review" maybe.


    That upload failed last night on Megaupload. I'm trying again as we speak.

  14. Cheers for the help with Florida dewd. :D Whats yyer FBz? I wanna see ur picz

  15. Hey yo Mundi brah, Dannyboy-the-Dane is running his first mafia and I can't see yo down for it mayn. Should be fun bluh.



  16. Post more mother fucker.


    Hey check out my latest Florida video, yours truly (you, not me) gets a name drop from me. :p


  17. You're an evil human being.

  18. Oh no no no, its absolutely fine. I am happy to do it;. What I meant below was that I just emailed you asking if you meant to include the videos.....a redundant question, had I have checked here first we wouldn't be in this mess. :p

  19. It may be worth checking out P'Donk's review of Transformers also. If you havn't seen it already/are that way inclined. :p



    P.S. cumtewmeat.

  20. Oh lol I thought it was me. ;)

  21. This took me ages. You don't have to read it, but you do.





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