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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. for £10 a peice... it would really appeal for Mums and under 10's i could see my sister playing this sorta stuff :D shes 5 ^-^ my brother is addicted to football thus buys all Fifa games... which are basicly the same game so EA are just as bad :P

  2. at the end of the day, all you people saying that Wii looks shit compared to 360 on a HDTV are really ... well..... dumb... Wii isnt a HD console so it will NOT look good on a HDTV .. so why are you even mentioning that GoW looks better on a HDTV when its a HDTV Supported game compared to Zelda which was designed to run on the Gamecube, a console made when HDTV's wernt even out

  3. You guys gotta remember That Ubisoft were working with the early Dev kits, which were basicly Gamecubes with the Wii-Mote. and diidnt have much time to work on them either.. so they left the graphics and conscentraded on games for launch, since Red-Steel and Rayman were their biggest games, they probably put more people into designing those games

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