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Posts posted by Shyguy

  1. i dont really buy online, so yes i did miss it :<


    also i was wondering around today, and Woolworths got just 1 Wii in... pathetic, and ofc it went be4 it opened :<


    i rang comet and they said to check their website on the 4th as they might have stock in then, going looking around tamorrow, my mums bf boght a 360 today and let me choose a game, so GoW is keeping me calm for now :P

  2. i hate how people say Wii has shit gfx compared to the PS3 and just think the Wii could of done better


    your forgetting the Price


    £180 - Colsole that can produce very nice gfx (mario Galaxy and thats within the first year)


    £420 - Console that hasnt proved its own ground in Gfx as at the moment it is having most of its games ported to an "Apparently" weaker console (360)


    the PS3 is 2.33 times dearer than the Wii

    and with all these "Amazing games" coming out for the PS3 at £50 a pop... its not going to become cheaper any time soon


    P.S the only game that looks interesting at launch is resistance but i havent really looked into that at all

  3. also PC parts are designed to withstand so much heat, whereas the Wii's most likly arnt


    however... whos gonna send you a message when your are asleep? theres no need to keep it on overnight and surly ull get the messages avaliable when you next logon

  4. Recently the type of game i play has changed my style of gamer that i am. i used to play CS so i was full of testosterone and swear words on Vent :P


    but now im in a casual raiding guild and i love raiding with my friends... still i compete to them through the damage meters ^_^ and pvp brings out that old CS'er in me

  5. with the dubbing, the characters lose their "seriousness" since the japanese voice actors really work their voice into the characters personality.. then an english bloke knocks his accent over it and ruins it >.<


    so yea.. geif reigon free :P or give the game to [DB] and then they can sub it :D


    also i LOVE the intro song to Naruto Shipp


    3-2-1 Make some Noise!

  6. well thats what your missing, Zelda is possibly the launch game with the largest story.. and Mario Galaxy is looking like its coming along nicely... but yea the launch could of done with not as many ports... but i think every launch has been poor. epsept the gamecubes... i think thtas possibly had the best launch lineup any console has received... i rememeber when my cousin got a PS2 for luanch, with Disney Dinoursaurs and Fantasia... classics

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