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Posts posted by martinist

  1. Just watched Wrestlemania 17 while i was working my way through 2001. I forgot how good 17 was and how they built everything up. There was a few minor matches like Jerico and Regal for the Intercontinental and a really short match for the Women's tital with Chyna and Ivory. Angle and Bennoit singles match and a European Title match with Eddie Gurrero and Test

    The big matches were probably TLC 2 for the tag titles, the Shane and Vince Street fight, Undetaker and HHH and the Rock and Stone Cold for the World title.

    WCW was bought the week before and they had this storyline where it was Shane that bought the company out from under Vince so now they are setting up for the invasion stuff. Spike Dudley and Ryno were introduced two or three weeks before the PPV.

    Biggest pop was probably when Linda was sitting in the corner of the ring, storyline wise shes doped up on pills and paralytic while vince is hitting Shane with a trash can in the ring she stands up and boots him in the balls. Shane then sets him up in the corner with a trash can against him and jumps from one end of the ring to the other to finish the match.

    The Stone Cold and Rock match was longer than i remember from when i was a kid. Match went on for almost a full half hour and they were kicking out of everything. All the time J.R and Paul Heyman are screaming over each other. It was pretty fun to watch then Vince comes out and gives Austin a chair and he does his heel turn before it ends with J.R screaming about Austin making a deal with  the devil for the World Championchip belt and how everything in the company is gonig to change.

    Haven't watched the Raw or Smackdown after but i vagely remember this is when WCW and ECW guys start regularly showing up through Shane's feaud with Vince.

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  2. I haven't bought pokemon cards in a while. I see the sets when i'm in Waterstones looking at manga i'm not going to buy. Think the last set i saw was Twilight Masquerade and Steller Crown. I have no interest in collecting cards right now. Have a few binders full of them. I see Dark Explorers and Dragons Exaulted going for quite a bit but my collections of those sets are incomplete. Really happy i pulled that secret rare red Gyarados though.

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  3. I have also just finnished up the Tentacle system. Think i'll give it a rest for today before i start the next one.

    Unlocked the speeder skin shop and the outfit shop so now i'm wondering around in a parappa outfit.

    Threw a few hundred coins into the gatcha and explored that new area in the hub world but i'll leave it there for today.

  4. Thinking about resubscribing to the network and watching 2001 onwards. Canceled after i watched 1998 through 2000. WCW was bought out in March of that year and theats when they started the whole invasion plot which i remember being pretty entertaining when i watched it as a kid. the NWO doesn't appear untill No Way Out in 2002 though.

  5. Had to stop playing since the game drained my controller battery.

    The Gorilla nebula is 100% done and the level after the boss was great. I've been hoping for a new Ape Escape game for years but i know it's not going to happen. So this was a nice compromise.

    The harder shorter levels are fun too, they're a challenge without being too frustraiting, you get some nice bots at the end of them though.

    I got some mouse looking bot in the the shrinking level and i have no idea who that is...

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  6. Played the first few planets.

    A surprising ammount of secrets in thoese levels and the music and audio change alot depending on where you are or what you're doing. Really great so far. Don't want to move onto the next planet untill i've done everything in the last one.

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